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Python type error trying to initialize miniconda

I'm on the last step of installing miniconda (I downloaded the installer and cleaned it up), and I run into this error when running ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh It prompts me for my password and ...
Angel's user avatar
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Do I need to downgrade my conda version in order to install a module?

I install new modules via the following command in my miniconda conda install -c conda-forge axelrod It tries to resolve but says i have not the right conda version. Collecting package metadata (...
id345678's user avatar
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Miniconda installation issue

I have been trying to install Miniconda on a server I am working on. I tried to install the problem using various distributions, and for all of them, I got the following error: PREFIX=???(Hiding it ...
Applicable Math's user avatar
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Miniconda only installs partially how can I find the error?

This is how it looks like when I install Miniconda on Windows 10 - how can I debug this? Is there an installation log or something? I followed this instructions here:
mgross's user avatar
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Miniconda3 Linux Python 3.7 64-Bit, Installer missing?

I was about to install miniconda when I realised that there is no installer for Python 3.7 and 64-Bit architecture for Linux available on the conda-readthedoc (see below). screenshot of miniconda ...
DEner's user avatar
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Can't install miniconda, issues with 'GLIBC_2.10'?

I'm trying to set-up a new cluster so I thought I'd install miniconda to handle my installs and environments. I've downloaded Miniconda3 then bash yes to the ...
FungusAmungus's user avatar
12 votes
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Install R packages using conda via an environment.yml file

Normally I create conda environments like... conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate env_name Normally I work in Python, where a typical environment.yml simple file might looks like this.....
Chris_Rands's user avatar
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Miniconda install gone wrong: edit path or uninstall and reinstall

I work on a mac. When installing miniconda I installed it to /Applications/ rather that ~/Users/myusername/. The path for miniconda in my bash profile is # >>> conda initialize >>&...
wilberox's user avatar
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switch among conda installs

At least in bash + conda v4.6.14, conda init adds the following to ~/.bashrc: # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup=...
sharchaea's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

install psycopg2 for conda fails (windows)

I would like to use psycopg2 (2.5.2) with conda (miniconda 3.0.5) on a Windows 8 machine. I am able to install it with a windows installer and it works with python and idle but I can't get it to run ...
user3403354's user avatar