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How connecting all users (old & new) to maxscale proxy

I'm encountering an issue where I have set up maxscale as a database proxy. After installing and configuration, when I connect using the maxscale user, data masking rules are applied successfully ...
Ri Hem's user avatar
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How to test load-balancer of MaxScale

I built master/slave constructure in MariaDB and set MaxScale. I tried to test MaxScale if it distribute SELECT queries to multiple replicaDBs but I'm not sure how to test it. Here is the information ...
hekke's user avatar
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Maxscale not detecting AWS Aurora 3/MySQL 8 replication slave

I have installed Maxscale v23.02.04 and am able to connect to my AWS RDS instances, and am trying to configure the readwritesplit to split traffic between read/writes. However, whenever I run maxctrl ...
Brian Phelan's user avatar
3 votes
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maxscale cannot find gtid_binlog_pos

I have active master - slave (ssl) replication. I installed maxscale, set a configuration, but maxscale cannot get gtid_binlog_pos error : [mariadbmon] Can not select 'master' as a demotion target ...
Alexander Kolesnik's user avatar
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maxscale master slave Valid connection check in connection pool

Currently, master-slave replication is finished, and select and insert are branched using the readwritesplit function of maxscale. I was using common dbcp and checking the connection using the options ...
kimGT's user avatar
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can telnet into MaxScale but can't connect with MySQL console

I am attempting to connect to a server with MaxScale on it (which in turn is connected to a master/multiple slaves setup). I can telnet to the MaxScale IP and port but can't connect using the MySQL ...
eabates's user avatar
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Database Proxy Node Failures During Writes

In cases when a database proxy (e.g., maxscale) is present between the backend database and the client, what happens to writes if the proxy node itself fails. Specifically, I am interested in the ...
gmemon's user avatar
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How to actually make persistent connection between php application, maxscale and RDS

I need to create persistent connection between my application, MaxScale and RDS. When load is around 40K MaxScale stops finding master and send all connections to Slave for no reason. I am using ...
rohitarora's user avatar
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