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Perl DBI with Mariadb Maxscale

I have set up a Mariadb Maxscale (1 Primary and 2 Replicas) replication cluster for experimentation purposes. As I understand it the main purpose for using Maxscale is that it decides what server to ...
gatorreina's user avatar
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Issue in connecting the MariaDB using MaxScale

I am trying to connect to MariaDB using below approach using the service name for MaxScale here: kubectl run mariadb --rm -it --image=mariadb:10.6 -- bash -c "mariadb -h mariadb-galera-...
Saurav K's user avatar
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Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails with Galera and MaxScale

I'm working with two servers MariaDB with galera replication and MaxScale rw router. One server takes write queryies only, the other one just selects. I have this sequence of operations: start ...
Tobia's user avatar
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How connecting all users (old & new) to maxscale proxy

I'm encountering an issue where I have set up maxscale as a database proxy. After installing and configuration, when I connect using the maxscale user, data masking rules are applied successfully ...
Ri Hem's user avatar
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shard MySQL/Aurora DB by table name with maxscale

I am wanting to split up our DB schema so that one of our session tables resides on its own DB and the remainder of the tables remain on the original server. So, I want to configure the DB proxy to ...
Brian Phelan's user avatar
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Autorestarting mariadb cluster after node reconnection

I use official mariadb/columnstore docker image. I run docker compose with MaxScale and try to imitate the situation when one of the msc node is disconnected and connected again. I can see in mcs ...
pavel's user avatar
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How to add development server to running maxscale configuration with auto failover?

I have two MariaDB 10.4.28 servers A and B that run under the control of Maxscale in auto-failover, auto-rejoin mode. I need to add a third, development, server C, which should always be in slave mode,...
uzurik's user avatar
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Mask every column in all tables of a DataBase and specify which not

What I am looking for is to mask all the columns (and new columns that could be added in the future to the tables in my DB). So for that I want to know if there is a way to mask everything and specify ...
Sherwood's user avatar
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How to test load-balancer of MaxScale

I built master/slave constructure in MariaDB and set MaxScale. I tried to test MaxScale if it distribute SELECT queries to multiple replicaDBs but I'm not sure how to test it. Here is the information ...
hekke's user avatar
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Maxscale not detecting AWS Aurora 3/MySQL 8 replication slave

I have installed Maxscale v23.02.04 and am able to connect to my AWS RDS instances, and am trying to configure the readwritesplit to split traffic between read/writes. However, whenever I run maxctrl ...
Brian Phelan's user avatar
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Prevent the execution of "SET NAMES" on all nodes in MaxScale?

Our current setup has multiple slave nodes and one remote master server located in a different datacenter (with a ~100ms latency)? Is there any way to configure MaxScale to execute the 'SET NAMES' ...
user2531657's user avatar
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ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user on MaxScale

I set up MaxScale so I tried to test whether it work or not. I did tried to access from application server using this command below $ mysql --host= --user=client --password -P 3309 and ...
hekke's user avatar
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MaxScale doesn't connect to Galera Cluster

I am working on a distributed HA cloud system and I have a Galera Cluster with 3 separated servers in Docker Swarm. It works as expected. I have 3 separated services for the Galera members due to ...
milanbalazs's user avatar
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Original master fails to join maxscale as slave once he is back up

In my projecto i am using docker compose to run an api (using tomcat). That api connect to a maxscale server that "connects" to other 3 databases (1 master and 2 slaves). I've enabled ...
Paulo Barbosa's user avatar
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maxscale rewrite filter with awk

The following rewrite rule works as expected: %% regex_grammar: Awk case_sensitive: false ignore_whitespace: true % SELECT msg FROM mytable WHERE id = 123 % SELECT msg FROM mytable WHERE id = sha1(123)...
user3876906's user avatar
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MaxScale Connects to MySQL replica but cannot execute queries

I am setting up a Master-slave MySQL replication setup using 3 MySQL 8 nodes(Fresh installations). I have setup a master and configured another nodes to replicate from the master which is working fine....
Kalana Dananjaya's user avatar
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MySQL select faster in master but slower in slaves

We have a MariaDB database running to record instant events where the data accumulates quite fast. There are 1000 and up sensors transmitting data into our server which inserts events into the ...
Chi-Hsiu Liang's user avatar
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maxcrtl cannot connect to maxscale

I have a k8s cluster on which I want to deploy the MariaDB cluster. I have master and slave pods and want to monitor them with a maxscale. The pod runs with its default config without any problem, but ...
mona moghadampanah's user avatar
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ProxySQL vs MaxScale on Kubernetes

I'm looking to set up a writing proxy for our MariaDB database on Kubernetes. The problem we are currently having is that we only have one Write master on our 3 master galera cluster setup. So even ...
Eric Fritz's user avatar
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Can Galera Cluster have multiple writers?

I am currently running a Galera Cluster in Kubernetes. The problem I am having is whenever I use a replicaset for Galera it causes problems. The problems stems from the service I have calling the ...
Eric Fritz's user avatar
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MariaDB server isn't rejoining as slave after being down

I was testing a few failover cases & initially this was my setup maxctrl list servers ┌─────────┬────────────────┬──────┬─────────────┬─────────────────┬────────────┐ │ Server │ Address │ ...
Nandni's user avatar
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How to enable authentication in MaxScale in MONGO for production?

We have a MariaBD version using MaxScale to use the NoSQL version using MongoDB driver. However, the connection is made without authentication and so it is possible to create new databases and ...'s user avatar
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Maxscale "Capability mismatch"

I did a fresh install of Maxscale, and I was trying to set up a Read-Write-Split service on a master-slave mariadb cluster. When I was trying to connect with DataGrip or DBeaver, I got the following ...
DavidBu's user avatar
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How to configure a read-only server with MariaDB Maxscale

Is it possible to configure a read-only server that remains slave even though no more masters are available with MariaDB Maxscale 6. I tried it with a readconroute router, but that one turned the ...
Theo's user avatar
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MaxScale no Slave State set

We want to use MaxScale and two MariaDB databases with docker-compose. We have the problem that we do not achieve replication of the database via maxscale. Write permissions are available via MaxScale ...
rvalely's user avatar
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Maxscale, ranks and priority

I'm using a maxscale (6.2) readwritesplit router with 3 galera servers (mariadb 10.4). 2 of them are in DC1, and a 3rd one is on a distant DC2. Using ranks is the only option I see here, as priority ...
CrazyRabbit's user avatar
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Maxscale keep connections that are killed by the application

We are trying to use maxscale for DB load balancing (MySQL 5.7). We are using Hikari for application connection pool. We would like that the Hikari will manage the connection pooling and maxscale will ...
alubin's user avatar
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How to setup MySQL users with Maxscale

I'm setting up a 3 nodes (MariaDB 10.4) Galera cluster with 2 frontal servers. Inside each of these frontal servers there is also a Maxscale 6 daemon. [listener] type=listener service=readwritesplit ...
CrazyRabbit's user avatar
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MaxScale cluster (master-master) setup

When deploying multiple MaxScale in a Master-Slave typology (failover from master to slave with Keepalived or similar) in front of a Galera Cluster in read-write-split mode , everything goes fine. But ...
CrazyRabbit's user avatar
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How to Sync MySQL Databases when offline?

My application that is running on a client uses a MySQL database running on a server. So multiple clients are connected to the same server. That works well when the server is online. But now I would ...
Lars's user avatar
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maxscale proxy does not route read requests from flask-sqlachamy to the slaves

I have a maxscale mariadb cluster with one master and two slaves. I am using flask-sqlachemy ORM for querying and writing. I have written read queries in style db.session(User).join().... Now all my ...
Sarvesh Kumar's user avatar
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How can i get alarmed if the master's GTID differs from the slave?

The MaxScale distributes the requests to the MariaDB database -> master/slave server on which the database is located. What i need is a script running as a cron or something similar which verifies ...
alessio's user avatar
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maxscale/mariadb and automatic failover : Access denied

I am testing the maxscale solution with a simple mariadb architecture, a primary (server2) that receives all requests and a replica (server1). Replication is working properly but at the stop of the ...
lc63's user avatar
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MariaDB Spider with Galera Clusters failover solutions

I am having problems trying to build a database solution for the experiment to ensure HA and performance(sharding). Now, I have a spider node and two galera clusters (3 nodes in each cluster), as ...
ycs18153's user avatar
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Maxscale not allowed to connect mysql8 with java application

I have a mysql 8.0.3 database over top of that maxscale server is running when i tried to connect with that mysql jdbc driver this error is coming unknown system variable 'query_cache_size'. But when ...
Devendra Mishra's user avatar
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select database query getting called frequently in mariadb maxscale

We are migrating our java based application from oracle to mariadb. With mariadb 10.5.9, we are using hibernate-5. When our application is running, we are observing in the maxscale query filter, that ...
Anil HB's user avatar
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How to change the switching logic of the master? | ProxySQL Maxscale

ENVIRONMENT: MariaDB Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.9-MariaDB ProxySQL Maxscale Debian 10 I have master(A)>slave(B) replication. Replication is controlled by Maxsale with autofailover. If there is no ...
Alexander Kolesnik's user avatar
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maxscale cannot find gtid_binlog_pos

I have active master - slave (ssl) replication. I installed maxscale, set a configuration, but maxscale cannot get gtid_binlog_pos error : [mariadbmon] Can not select 'master' as a demotion target ...
Alexander Kolesnik's user avatar
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Maxscale: maxctrl error when admin_ssl parameters are set in maxscale.cnf

System: Maxscale 2.5.9 Ubuntu 20.04 In order to access the Web AdminGUI my maxsclale.cnf file looks like this: [maxscale] threads=auto admin_host= admin_secure_gui=1 admin_auth=1 ...
user4169982's user avatar
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How to change default MaxScale credentials for GUI

MaxScale from v2.5 has a nice web Gui based on REST API. However it has default credentials admin:mariadb. Does any one know how to change this? I've searched around in Mariadb Docs, but found the ...
gluktd's user avatar
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MaxScale MaxGUI tarball install MaxGUI error

If you configure maxgui when installing with maxscale 2.5 tarball, the web browser does not display normally. However, if I install it at RPM, my web browser will display normally, but why doesn't it ...
1000's user avatar
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SpringBoot HikariCP Maxscale select queries not sending to Slave

Standalone MaxScale is working fine. I used this link to test it. But when I run Spring Boot Data JPA with Maxscale, SELECT queries are sending to Master. I observed the long and found that Spring ...
Chaitanya Kumar Ch's user avatar
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Nginx load balancing Maxscale to failover

I have a simple stream block to stream MySQL TCP traffic to Maxscale instances. 2nd instance acts as a failover only, like: stream { upstream maxscale { zone upstream_maxscale 64k; ...
ac_s_fer's user avatar
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maxscale master slave Valid connection check in connection pool

Currently, master-slave replication is finished, and select and insert are branched using the readwritesplit function of maxscale. I was using common dbcp and checking the connection using the options ...
kimGT's user avatar
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Maxscale looses users sync after node restart

I have Maxscale as a ReadWriteSplit for 3 Galera nodes. Node 1 is MASTER and other 2 are SLAVES. I always create my users on master with: mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE ${DB_NAME} CHARACTER SET ...
ac_s_fer's user avatar
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Maxscale readwritesplit show the same number of connections

I've set up Maxscale to ReadWriteSplit with no reads to master (the default) to a Galera cluster (3 nodes). # # Global configuration # [maxscale] threads=auto local_address= query_retries=2 ...
ac_s_fer's user avatar
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Sequelize-cli returns "Unknown Database" when doing migrations

I have been using sequelize migration all this while with no issue, for example in our development server: "development": { "username": "root", "password&...
Mohamad Kamal Zakaria's user avatar
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Does maxscale (with Galera) handle Non-primary component/node condition automatically?

We are going to use maxscale as a sql proxy with our mariadb database, with Galera cluster. In Galera cluster, when quorum is not achieved and split-brain condition happens, some node becomes Non-...
Anup_Tripathi's user avatar
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Why does Maxscale not pass the slave in master with the failover?

I just set up a MariaDB Eslace and master server. I would like to use the failover function, but when I stop the mariadb master service, MaxScale recognizes its stop and tells me that it will switch ...
Jeremy support's user avatar
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How can I configure two datacentres in master-slave topology

I am trying to insert data between two datacenters using mariadb, galera and maxscale. each data centre has three nodes, one as master and other two as slave. Now I want my data to be inserted to ...
rajeev's user avatar
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