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Deployment issues - wildfly maven plugin bootable jar multi-module project

I have a multi module j2ee application and I am now trying to create a new module that will be an attempt to package a bootable jar together with a wildfly in order to create a smaller, more isolated ...
user2402851's user avatar
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Swagger UI and APIs of Other Modules Not Accessible in Multi-Module Spring Boot Project After Deployment

I am working on a multi-module Spring Boot project where I have configured Swagger to generate API documentation. The project structure includes several modules like client-management, institution-...
Faisal's user avatar
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How to use Spring Dev Tools Live Reload with Maven Multi-Project running in Docker Compose

I have a Spring Boot, Maven multi-module project which I am running using docker compose. The project runs with no problems, however, I cannot get live-reloading working using Spring Dev Tools. My ...
user3067870's user avatar
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Find out dependedncy modules needed by a specific module in a multi-module Maven project

I have a multi module maven project Relevant part of the parent pom.xml: <modules> <module>app-domain</module> <module>app-infra</module> <module>app-shared&...
pizza's user avatar
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Report Aggregation in Multi Module Maven Project

Currently, I have the following project structure in my multi-module maven project: App Root |-- app_CLI | |-- pom.xml |-- app_WEB | |-- pom.xml |-- module_a | |-- pom.xml |-- module_core | |-- ...
jhemm's user avatar
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Multi-module maven application Dockerfile problem [duplicate]

My goal would be that I create 3 services. 1 for the DB 1 for the main application (depends on DB) 1 for testing purposes (depends on main application) First I would like to do this with just 2 ...
DoWhileFor's user avatar
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Develop war project referencing dependencies with repository per jar in Intellij

There is a big maven project with dozens of jars and a single war. Each jar represents a big function where a dedicated team works on. Let's say, 'inventory' jar includes necessary functionality to ...
Kiryl's user avatar
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Non-resolvable parent POM and parent.relativePath points at wrong local POM

Doing some study project and while building and pushing the Docker image for module inquiry-service-app in the workflow I am getting the issue with parent POM. Error: ERROR] Non-resolvable parent ...
dilshod musakhanov's user avatar
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project in intellij not getting imports from other submodules after generating code via freemarker

this is my project structure for module check-services. check-services has submodules check-services-core,<-- check-services-core-domain,<-- check-services-common-domain. All the code is ...
Rahul verma's user avatar
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Google Cloud Function won't deploy with FAT jar

I have a Google cloud function (v2) that depends on and uses a private JAR called "base.jar". Base.jar contains a bunch of db classes for our app and is shared among several modules, ...
Mike Dee's user avatar
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Quarkus multimodule jar building

I have a Quarkus multimodule project with a parent controller and a submodule controller. The submodule endpoints are accessible when running the JAR, but I'm facing issues accessing the endpoints ...
Shubham Bansal's user avatar
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Why is an imported pom module not ordered at the beginning of the maven multi-module reactor build?

I am testing with 2 modules: <modules> <module>module-1</module> <module>module-2</module> </modules> Module 1 imports module 2 in the dependency management ...
Reto Höhener's user avatar
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How to muti-module a large spring application [closed]

I am developing a spring boot project consisting of multiple independent modules used by the main project. As I am new to this, I need guidance on how to segregate large project into maven modules. I ...
Prabhakaran's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError in Maven multi-module project

I have splitted an application to prevent code duplicates in various submodules. So all modules are using the submodule "core" which contain some DAOs and Util-Classes. When I now execute a ...
HarleyDavidson's user avatar