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How to automatically process multiple "goals"?

I use package to have Maven generate the target JAR-file, and the dependency:build-classpath to generate the cp.txt listing all of the dependency JARs, that I don't want bundled into the target JAR: ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Maven: commands of the lifecycle

Please tell me how to run the maven LifeCycle commands through Terminal? If you write mvn clean or mvn compile, then the commands belonging to the maven plugin are run. The result of their execution ...
Mary's user avatar
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1 answer

Maven assembly plugin zips the jar.original content and not the executable jar

How to pack the executable jar in zip using maven-assembly-plugin and not the Original file i.e. .jar.original Currently, on providing maven-assembly-plugin as dependency, it packs the jar.original in ...
Divya Kampasi's user avatar
74 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between 'mvn verify' vs 'mvn test'?

I'm bit confused with mvn verify phase. I've created a Spring Boot project (a simple project, without any explicit configurations added). I've created a few JUnit unit tests which are run with both ...
Vivek's user avatar
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What is the difference between mvn pre-clean / clean / post-clean?

what is the difference between these 3 commands: mvn pre-clean / clean / post-clean? Pre and post are unusual to be used. We go straight forward with mvn clean but why?
35Zoll's user avatar
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Maven Mojo does not utilize the reactor when called through a phase. It works fine when called as independent goal

I have implemented a custom maven mojo to perform some operation on all modules mentioned in the input POM. The mojo works as expected when called from command line like: mvn plugin_group_id:...
vivek's user avatar
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Is maven having any life cycle to run scripts?

I want to know whether maven has different lifecycle for run scripts . please help me to know the answer to this question "Is maven having any life cycle to run scripts?"
dee29's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Maven lifecycle within jenkins pipeline - how to best separate responsibilities?

When working with jenkins 2 (declarative) pipelines and maven I always have a problem with how to organize things within the pipeline to make it resusable and flexible. On the one side I would like ...
PowerStat's user avatar
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How to execute Maven plugins dynamically?

I am using maven-remote-resources-plugin, which retrieves the remote resources (such as css file) from another project to a specific directory in the current project. Since I am developing the css ...
somenickname's user avatar
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2 answers

Unknown lifecycle phase "run". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase

[ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "run". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format
gurchet singh's user avatar
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Maven Ant run something at the end of the build

I have a Maven parent project that has 6 modules, each module generates a specific artifact that is copied somewhere, when all the modules are built I want to be able to run an ant task that commits ...
bajistaman's user avatar
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Custom Lifecycle breaks Surefire:test in Maven

I have a plugin that creates a special zip file as part of the build process. To do this it defines a custom packaging type 'wcc' and a custom life cycle to go with it. When I run mvn package the ...
Raystorm's user avatar
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Is it possible to resolve dependencies in maven plugin from p2 repo

I am developing one maven plugin which will be used to override the default maven lifecycles and will use my code instead. I have multiple jar dependencies (eclipse and my another application plugins) ...
Disha's user avatar
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Phase name collisions in custom lifecycles in Maven?

AFAIK, you can create a custom build lifecycle in maven. Also, AFAIK, you cannot tell maven to execute a lifecycle. You can either: Tell maven to execute a phase: In this case, maven finds in which ...
Utku's user avatar
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Where is the JAR packaging Maven lifecycle defined?

I'm creating a custom Maven packaging based on the lifecycle of the JAR packaging. I'd like to known where this lifecycle is defined (i.e. components.xml source code location).
Fernando Costa's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Adding phases to the maven lifecycle?

I try to add some additional phases to the maven lifecycle. Mainly to add some additional test levels: <phases> <phase>initialize</phase> <phase>process-resources</...
wemu's user avatar
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Clean lifecycle in Travis CI Maven build

When I review .travis.yml configs I very often see mvn clean verify or mvn clean install. Is there any point in invoking clean lifecycle in the Travis CI builds when it is first invocation of mvn in ...
Michal Kordas's user avatar
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Maven lifecycle wrong order

I deploy my application during the package phase: <plugin> <groupId>org.glassfish.maven.plugin</groupId> <artifactId>maven-glassfish-plugin</artifactId> <...
matthias's user avatar
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Maven lifecycle understanding

I have a JavaEE, maven application. In this application I use classes generated from XSD, and mappers via Mapstruct. In my EJB module, the maven build should do the following: generate the java ...
victorio's user avatar
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How to create a custom lifecycle mapping to facilitate releases

I've been working with the release plugin, but am trying to automate its solution a little for our needs. At the moment, all our builds run the following command: mvn clean initialize release:...
Eric B.'s user avatar
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does maven profile configured for integration phase execute during build life cycle?

Here is the condensed snippet of pom.xml from my project <profiles> <profile> <id>run-tests</id> <build> ...
brain storm's user avatar
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How do you properly execute "mvn clean" inside a project?

I'm trying to clean, build, and package my project, but I keep getting this error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.6.1:clean (auto-clean) on project ...
Mark Roberts's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

How to skip maven phase pre-integration-test if skipITs is set?

I have some integration tests that depend on test data. This test data is created in phase pre-integration-test and removed in phase post-integration-test. My problem is that these phases are still ...
npeder's user avatar
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131 votes
7 answers

Maven: Lifecycle vs. Phase vs. Plugin vs. Goal [closed]

Relatively new developer here, even though I've been using it for a little while, I'm hoping to solidify my Maven fundamentals. Part of my problem is that I have no experience with Ant, which seems to ...
Jeff Levine's user avatar
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Skip recompile when test single Class with Maven [duplicate]

I was writing very long time test driven code with Ant. A while ago decided to give maven a try. Now I'm very comfortable with maven, in special with dependency management. But now I'm wondering if ...
AdemC's user avatar
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5 answers

How to skip the maven antrun copy/shade:shade goal dynamically?

I am using maven for configuration of an application consisting of multiple small services. Most of the services developed in java share the same maven configuration, as in the same build lifecycle, ...
minime's user avatar
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How to create a custom Maven packaging type with custom plugin configurations

I have created a custom packaging type foo and foo has a LifecycleMapping where it calls several plugins. Is it possible to provide default <configuration/> or pom.xml for these plugins and ...
Thomas Beauvais's user avatar
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Maven enforcer plugin and missing dependencies

Here is a minimal project: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://...
zolv's user avatar
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IntelliJ maven lifecycle - can I modify "Basic Tasks Only" list?

In the IntelliJ Maven Projects tree-view pane, you can see the Lifecycle tasks for all of the maven modules. By default, these show "Basic Tasks Only". I can untick this, but then I see everything.......
vikingsteve's user avatar
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