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Matplotlib Basemap animation taking longer to process with more frames

So I've attached some code that demonstrates what I'm doing. I'm trying to animate this variable in time over a latitude/longitude grid. If I set the number of frames to 5 or 6, it takes less than one ...
Johndo's user avatar
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Matplotlib basemap multiple shapes animation exception: 'list' object has no attribute 'set_animated'

I'm using basemap to plot some polygons on a map and make an animation. When I animate one polygon and change its shape it works. If I add second one I got exception: Traceback (most recent call last)...
Catherine's user avatar
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How to make an animation subplot with Matplotlib on Basemap?

I'm trying to make a two-panel animation with time. I've found a similar example that I want to do, but I cannot go through with. Here's my code. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...
sket1642ch's user avatar
7 votes
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How to animate matplotlib's drawgreatcircle function?

I have created a small program which takes an NHL city and then draws the path the team travels throughout their season. The resulting graphic is messy: So I got the idea that it would be ...
Bryan Stafford's user avatar
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How to speed up a Python Basemap choropleth animation

Taking ideas from various sources, and combining with my own, I sought to create an animated maps showing the shading of countries based on some value in my data. The basic process is this: Run DB ...
Bat Masterson's user avatar
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Animation Using Cartopy

I'm trying to write a python program that displays an animation of a map of the world where countries change color based on how much renewable energy use they have. I'm trying to have it display the ...
DVL's user avatar
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Removing points stored in a dictionary in a matplotlib basemap animation

I am trying to do the following: Plot points and store a reference in a dictionary. While animating remove points. A minimal example looks as follows: %matplotlib qt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...
MaBra's user avatar
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Matplotlib Subplot Animation with Basemap

I am trying to generate a four-panel animation of temperature change with time. Each of the four panels in the subplot should be an animated map; the difference between each panel being the data used. ...
Oliver Angelil's user avatar
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Animating Text in Matplotlib Basemap

I plotting a 2D array over matplotlib's basemap and animating it through time. I am having trouble however adding in a time counter. The animation starts at 0 UT and progresses through 23 UT before ...
Will.Evo's user avatar
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Python matplotlib animation of a constantly updated data feed

I'm trying to make a satellite visualization tool using an animation in matplotlib. I want to plot a 5-image animation and then constantly update this animation every time a new image appears. I ...
Carlos's user avatar
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