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JQuery not working on ASP.NET content page

I have Visual Studio 2022. I initially created a simple ASP.NET web application to test some jQuery. That worked. I've now got the same code in a working ASP.NET web application and the jQuery is not ...
Yuppski's user avatar
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ASP.NET : why is the dynamic delete button not working the first time?

I have a dynamically added delete button on my page, and it's working only after the second click, not on the first. After the page is loaded, when I'm trying to delete a user on the first click, it ...
lingar's user avatar
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VS 2022 Community does not recognize Master Page and other controls

I recently installed Visual Studio 2022 Community and loaded the web site I have been working on. The file text in all my files is covered with squigglies. VS does not recognize most of the objects ...
Sheldon M. Penner's user avatar
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ASP.NET MasterPage can't access it's own Label from code behind

I have a weird issue where I have a MasterPage, inside it a simple navbar with labels. For example I have the following label in the Site.Master: <asp:Label ID="TestLabel" runat="...
Dinosbacsi's user avatar
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Accessing VB Function from MasterPage Not Working

I have a website where I am trying to change the main logo on the master page programmatically based on the holiday. On my master page I have the code: <asp:Image ID="img_fp_logo" ...
Patrick Malone's user avatar
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iFrame breaks master page in C# ASP.NET

When I use <iframe> in a content area of a webform, the master page gets all messed up. I have reduced it down to a simple: <iframe src=""> </iframe> The master page in ...
Jon Glazer's user avatar
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Using iframe-Resizer Library in an ASP.Net Web forms solution using Master pages with the iframe displaying content from an Angular app. (v.16.2.12)

I'm new to the iframe-resizer library and was wondering if I could get some advice/suggestions/recommendations re: a question I have for using iframe-resizer in an ASP.NET Web forms app, using Master ...
Jeff O'Connell's user avatar
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Adding a new Web Form with Master Page causes errors BC30002 and BC30456 in my project

This is not a new project. It was originally started in VS 2019, now working in VS 2022. I have tried both environments with this and still get the same errors. This is a ASP.NET/VB.NET application. ...
Robert Barr's user avatar
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DotVVM 4.2: Sharing MasterPage Between Projects Leads to 'File Not Found' Exception

I'm attempting to share a MasterPage between multiple DotVVM projects (version 4.2). However, I encounter the following exception: DotVVM.Framework.Compilation.DotvvmCompilationException: File 'Demo....
Nick GV's user avatar
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How to call Method(Function) from one webpage to another webpage using Master page in ASP.NET C#

I have created a master page Login_Nav and created two pages AuthenticationMethods.aspx and password.aspx with masterpage Login_Nav.master. I have also created a method CheckAuth() in ...
ashok's user avatar
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webpart is not detecting language change

in our sharepoint website we have page include webpart . site is using 2 language english and arabic IF im login as Anonymous Users: when change from englsh to arabic client side code detect not ...
wael elkadi's user avatar
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Bootstrap Modal no longer showing - Jquery in Site Master

I'm working on a .Net Web Pages site using Visual Studio 2015. Yes yes, I know. We use dinosaur technology here. I had to go back and pull an older version of the code from TFS and now it appears I've ...
James Fox's user avatar
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Declare a global variable in a shared page in ASP.NET Core MVC

I am creating a dropdown ( that uses a database table ) for my Navbar which is located in my Shared View. I was initializing a List<> from my FilterViewModel in FilterController, then using the ...
ZNAXNOR's user avatar
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Convert c# 2003 master+pages to fixed menu panel page and loading aspx pages like a partial page with server render (without calling master)

In a web application c# 2003 project that consists of master page and other **pages **as follows: Currently the project is using a home page full of icons that user click one and then goes to ...
Ahmad Ebrahimi's user avatar
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.NET master page equivalent in Angular with external html pages

Our current application is ASP.NET Webforms, and we're planning on migrating it to Angular and ASP.NET Core. As POC, I'm trying to figure out how we can maintain existing structure. Our header and ...
Blah Foo's user avatar
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Issues with dropdown list HTML

I want my dropdown list to be over all the elements when its opened but the list seems to be stuck under something (to my understanding it is not the border as I tried to remove it). Can someone ...
ll ol's user avatar
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Can the _Layout.cshtml (Master Page) render without views?

I was working on designing a layout and wanted to test how it looks and functions without having a specific view linked to it. Specifically, I wanted to see the _Layout.cshtml (Master Page) itself ...
Shah's user avatar
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Button Click Event Not Firing On Masterpage at Root Of Application

I have a TextBox (txtTopSearchBox on the MasterPage at the top of my ASP.NET Web Forms pages. <asp:Panel ID="TopSearchHolder" runat="server" CssClass="TopSearchHolder" ...
Ed Sansbury's user avatar
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URL path repeating on click from one link to another -

I've been stuck with this annoying little problem for a few days now. I'm building a new face for my company's website, and I can't post the original code due to legal reasons, but I'll try to explain ...
Foxy's user avatar
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Master View with AppShell

How can I use a master view on top of my Shell? In .NET MAUI app I am using Shell on top of which I need to design a custom status bar. How can I have it as a master view on top of my app shell?
F.F's user avatar
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Hide element with JS from C# in Site.Master the elemet is appearing again after page refresh

I'm running this codebehind with c# in Site.Master.cs: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "text", "myFunction()", true); That code fires this script in ...
Emmanuel_InfTech's user avatar
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Change text of a Label in site.master from code-behind

I've got an webforms project with a Site.Master page that's ref'd by my content pages. The header is: <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="...
Jim's user avatar
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Referencing enum by shorthand from .Master file

We have a structure roughly as below: namespace a.b.c.d.e { Master file namespace f { Page file Enum Colours Enum Fruits } } The master file is made up of 3 files: ...
ClarkeyBoy's user avatar
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How to change the content page from within the masterpage in ASP.NET using C#?

I have seen the other way around, where coders need to change the master page for a particular content. But in this case, I am more worried about what is in the content, and I wish to change it. ...
Robert Koernke's user avatar
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How to pass a parameter from a an aspx page to a master page in order to load different menus?

I have a webforms page with a dropdownlist with projects and a "Go" button (first page).It has its own master page. When the user selects a Project from the list and clicks on "Go" ...
Katrin's user avatar
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How to change the type of the data in text box?

I want my text box to have a date in it, how do I do it? <asp:TextBox ID="BirthdayRegBt" runat="server" class="form-control" placeholder="Birthday Date" ...
Sgg's user avatar
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The effects in my master page messes everything

When I try to activate any effect on a picture in my master page it just messes the whole order of the page and just ruins it. How can I fix it? I just want a cool effect on my website. body { ...
Sgg's user avatar
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How do I fix the problem with master page view (html)? [closed]

I was given a html code for a master page for my website. The original page had a beautiful design, but when i copied it it showed a blank page with the text that was in the original site, but without ...
Sgg's user avatar
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Update Panel in ContentPage button Click not updating repeater in MasterPage

I have an update panel inside contentpage when I click the button in there, I'm checking on breakpoint running this code block but its not refresing the masterpages controls. still empty repeater and ...
eDev's user avatar
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Content page button click event not triggering from master page using JavaScript/jQuery

I have a master page and content page, In content page I have a button with server side click event. I want to call the content page button server side click event from master page button ...
suresh's user avatar
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Only last saved Content page is loaded into ContentPlaceholder elements

I have a master page that defines content placeholders for a header, content and footer. The master page is formatted from with head and body. It also has a that wraps around the entire main content ...
Alx's user avatar
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Problems with Master Page

I have been learning JavaScript for a week and because I already have some knowledge in CSS and HTML I was trying to make a simple page with an option to change the body's background picture by ...
JustARandomProgrammer's user avatar
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Hide the Text Link in another page which is in Master Page in VB

I am new to Master pages. As per my project I need to hide the Text Link in another page which is in Master Page. So how can I hide the text link in another page. I tried with multiple ways but I ...
Pavan G's user avatar
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Flyout page overlapping in Xamarin iOS

I am developing a small application with Xamarin forms in visual studio 2022 version, My project need flyout/master page but It is different android and iOS, Android is not overlapping when click on ...
P.Thiyagu's user avatar
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Navbar links in ASP.NET master page

So I am writing a master page for an ASP.NET web application, and I am having an issue with the links it contains to content within the site. The master page sits in a folder named "admin", ...
FrontRangeGuy's user avatar
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Why in master asp the places of the content change

Master page: <div class="container"> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </div&...
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asp.NET button has an onclick event but the connection between the button and the onclick event is not made

Here is the button code in the productdetails.aspx file: <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Add to Wish List" CssClass="btn btn-...
Hayfa Alsuhaimi's user avatar
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C# Masterpage picture being stretched when opening other webpages

I have a picture of our logo on my master page and previously when I opened other pages on the website the picture was the same size. When I updated the picture to a new one the master page looks ...
WGraulich's user avatar
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Request too long Error 400. Remove the process that goes to Account/Login.aspx

I was wondering on you block the website from going to the Account/login.aspx page? I can not seem to find it anywhere. We are getting a Bad Request - Request Too Long HTTP Error 400. The size of the ...
mrmcg's user avatar
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W3 Schools Nav Bar not working in C# Site.Master

I'm using the code below from the W3 Schools website for a Drop Down Nav Bar which is not working from the Site.Master file within my C# application. The Nav Bar displays but the drop down menu is not ...
badgerless's user avatar
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Virtual Directory setup not working on IIS

I have following Projects in my application: Web (main website) Shop (subset) Now instead of accessing the website through i want it to access it through hence i ...
Abbas's user avatar
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Is there a way to implement a single master page across multiple existing web applications?

Developing setup: VS 2013 on Windows 10 Pro Host server for production: IIS 10 on Windows Server 2016 My goal is to have a master page that I can reference for the majority of our web applications so ...
GonePhishing's user avatar
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Update Logo image of from child page

I am creating a child page by using Master page. I have logo, company name in header part of master page. I need to display in next page(child page of master) after login page. Next page will be ...
Su Myat Kyaw's user avatar
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Xamarin Page.Title access but not as a string

I want to access the page.title or this.title but not as a string and instead as an element or anything other than a string in which I can then convert to a visual element. The reason I want to do ...
Samuel James's user avatar
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Altering masterpage content permanently from a subpage

Say I have a masterpage and 2 subpages. For sake of simplicity I'll refer the first subpage as subpage A, and the other as subpage B. Now assume that I made a change in the masterpage label from ...
HydraCc's user avatar
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How can I execute an async function in Master Page code behind file?

I have an ASP.Net Framework (4.7) Forms Application. All pages are using Master Page template. In Master Page Code behind file, I am calling a function that takes some time (async) Site.Master.cs ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Inserting logo in Master asp page at the bottom right corner does not work when scrolling: overlaps

I have an webform app. It consists on a master page and a web form. I am trying to insert a logo at the bottom right corner of the master page, it works but when scrolling logo overlaps on the ...
Astro's user avatar
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Do I need to duplicate the script connection in child pages?

In the master page, my script is connected in this way: <script src="scripts/jquery-3.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> And on the pages at the root, the ...
LUGYA's user avatar
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accessing master page session in child pages

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load lblSTuName.Text = "Welcome! " + Session("StuID") If con.State = ConnectionState....
A...Coder's user avatar
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Get form value from Master Page from web form

There is a search box on the Master page that takes a value and calls code that provide a details page on that item. The Master page form takes a 'butterfly name' and the button calls the details ...
Susan Farrar's user avatar

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