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Go how to only marshal a slice if its not nil. Json showing null for for nil slice

I have a struct in Golang which a slice of my alias type: type Foo struct { NextSet []House `json:"next_set"` } I want to marshal this into a json. When I do not initialise ...
bcsta's user avatar
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Fixed size byte array with fixed offset inside manually marshalled struct throws runtime exception?

Target is to have the following struct working in C# (.net 8.0) [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 257, Pack = 1)] public struct MyFrame { [FieldOffset(0)] public byte valueA; ...
Axel M's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does C# consider this unmanaged struct to have an an overlap

I've defined a struct for an externally defined data-packet as follows: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=18, Pack=1, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] struct FlexTransmission { [FieldOffset(0), ...
erict's user avatar
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1 answer

go-toml Marshal fails

the following program tries to Marshal a struct and write to file. The struct is nested and it contains toml tags. I am not receiving any error message and it seems correct. The print of the structure ...
learning-man's user avatar
2 votes
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Overlapping or wrongly aligned struct

I have an issue with my struct layout. I want to have a struct with an array of other structs. The compiler does not complain with my implementation: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1, Size =...
J.Meulenbeld's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Python struct.unpack format from header .h file

I have a header (.h) file describing some datastructures (the data is collected from a sensor). Example: ... struct SensorIf { DWORD SensorType; char Name[...
Mikhail Trunov's user avatar
0 votes
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How to pass / marshal a struct with a string[] field from C# to C++ library with C bindings?

I would like to pass a configuration structure from C# to a library with a C interface (that has a C++ implementation behind the interface). Below are the .h/.cpp files and the C# code calling into it ...
KoenT's user avatar
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2 answers

Passing array of structs from C# to C++

I am trying to create C# code which calls a function in a DLL with a C interface. I am a C and C++ expert but my knowledge of C# is pretty limited. I have already managed to load the DLL into the C# ...
h.s.'s user avatar
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Marshalling struct in c# from C++ dll

In C++ I have a struct:- typedef struct { unsigned char ucSpeed; unsigned long ulLength; unsigned char ucBulkInPipe; unsigned char ucBulkOutPipe; unsigned char ucInterruptPipe; }...
Nick Pitman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Any alternative about CS0233 for sizeof(T) in StructLayoutAttribute?

Wrote the following struct to minimize the number of types for vectors with different components: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, Size = 3 * sizeof(T))] public struct Vector3<T> ...
aybe's user avatar
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Marshal c# struct to C struct is not working

I want to call the following C function from C#, but it doesn't work. The C code is part of the .so file. In my case the code should run in an Linux environment! The C# Code is part of a console app ...
Simon's user avatar
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How do I copy part of a custom struct to a different struct in Golang

I have been stuck with this for a couple of hours now and was hoping one of you could help me out with an elegant solution. Basically, I have the following struct: type GetERC20TransferResponse struct ...
SelfLearnedNoob's user avatar
2 votes
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Building a struct with a field name which has a comma

I'm trying to create a struct based on a response I get. I have no control over the response, and in it's structure there are field names which use comma as part of the filed name itself JSON Example: ...
Oron Werner's user avatar
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MemoryMarshal.Cast Only value types without pointers or references are supported

Hello I am working on a project where I have to cast a byte array from a UDP package into a data struct. This struct contains arrays with a fixed size. However, when casting the byte array with the ...
J.Meulenbeld's user avatar
-1 votes
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Incorrect struct members value when passing the struct reference from C# to C

I am working on to use a C library in C#. Library is the globalplatform by kaoh, here is the github link. What I have done is compiled the C library into a shared library (DLL) by following these ...
of32 inc's user avatar
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2 answers

Ignoring an object in struct is nil and not when it's an empty array

Is it possible to only use omitempty when an object is nil and not when it's an empty array? I would like for the JSON marshaller to not display the value when an object is nil, but show object: [] ...
KIVOX's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to have a union struct with fixed buffer and another struct with array or string fields in C#?

I'm trying to allocate memory for hundreds of thousands objects to initialize them later from an array of bytes. My goal is to skip memory allocation on each object. That is why I am using C# structs. ...
kokosda's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Encoding and decoding structs of

I'm trying to encode and decode structs, I've searched around quite a bit and a lot of the questions regarding this topic is usually people who want to encode primitives, or simple structs. What I ...
PhilipB's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Marshal.OffsetOf don't reflect the runtime reality?

I would like to get the offset of a field in an unmanaged structure. For this I use the Marshal.OffsetOf method and I realized that the result does not reflect the Packing used with StructLayout Take ...
thomas auguey's user avatar
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Marshaling complex C structs with c unions for C#

i am desperate to get a complex c datatype correctly marshaled for C#. I already read all the other posts regarding that topic and i am running out of ideas although it seems to me to be quite close ...
Tobias Hofer's user avatar
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How to Marshal/Unmarshal a common JSON & BSON key/field that can have two different formats in Go?

I currently have mongo data stored in two forms (specifically for content key) in a collection. Partial sample data shown below: Format 1. { "type": "text", "content&...
sameerd's user avatar
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0 answers

C# unaligned struct fields with an explicit layout

I am trying to serialise a struct that has a the following layout: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 2)] public readonly struct EntryInfo { [FieldOffset(0x00)] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType....
Jammer's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I skip a json tag while Marshalling a struct in Golang?

I have a scenario where I would like to skip a json tag while marshalling a struct in Golang. Is that possible? If so how can I achieve this? For example I am getting this json: {"Employee":{...
bisma's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How do you unmarshal a JSON object to a Golang struct when the JSON field key is a date?

I have the following JSON response. What would be the best way to unmarshal this into a Golang struct? The JSON to Golang autogenerated struct is saying the named properties of the struct should be ...
Antonus's user avatar
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C# marshaling C++ functions

I am trying to use the Hikvision SDK My current goal is to open the door (trigger an output) with the intercom outdoor station. I managed to do the ...
Atlasy's user avatar
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2 answers

How effectively to change JSON keys

At the input, the program receives a JSON. I need to return the same JSON, but with camelCase keys. Is there any effective way to convert all snake_case keys in JSON to camelCase keys in Go? Snippet ...
Nurzhan Nogerbek's user avatar
1 vote
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C# - Call C++ DLL function whit ref

I am trying to call a DLL function in C++ from my C# code. DLL function code and struct (C++): typedef struct{ Operacion RespuestaOperacion; char var1[256]; int var2; ...
AMG194's user avatar
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Marshalling a map with struct as key

I have a struct where one of the fields is a map with the key being another struct. I am using Go version 16.1 and the map created that way is supposedly supported in this version (albeit unsure when ...
Michael Clovis's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Marshal a struct containing pointer to array

How to correctly marshal this C struct with pointer to array and pointer to pointer members in C# for use with 3rd party dll? C: typedef struct SomeStruct { uint8_t *data[8]; int size[8]; ...
Jerryno's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to Marshall any data type to string and Unmarshal from string to specific data type on condition

type State struct { Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"` Value string `json:"value"` } I have a struct like this. I need to pass the ...
Thidasa Pankaja's user avatar
3 votes
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How to marshal struct as if it were an anonymous struct?

The documentation states: Anonymous struct fields are usually marshaled as if their inner exported fields were fields in the outer struct. For examble: type foo struct { Foo1 string `json:"...
Fotiadis M.'s user avatar
2 votes
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How to marshal nested struct to flat JSON

I am trying to marshall a nested struct with several of the same structs to a flat JSON structure E.G. type A struct { Value float64 Unit string } type B struct { p1 string `json:p1` ...
Novise's user avatar
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How to Copy a Struct with a string Set to ByValTStr

I have a struct that looks like the following: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 17, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public struct MyStruct { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 17)] ...
Lee Wood's user avatar
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byte array from specific index as struct in c# without making a copy

Currently I code client-server junk and deal a lot with C++ structs passed over network. I know about ways provided here Reading a C/C++ data structure in C# from a byte array, but they all about ...
Kosmo零's user avatar
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Marshalling a complex structure from C# to C

I'm reading all about structure marshalling between C and C# in 64bit environment without success. What I need to do is to pass the structure typedef struct DescStructTa { char* pszNa; ...
Bugs Hunter's user avatar
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How to mashall a return of an array of structs from C to C#

Please could I ask for help regarding the following? I have a function in a C dll which returns an array of structs. I can't change the source code. I have, as a test, written my own C dll to return ...
user3738290's user avatar
-2 votes
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What Go tag should be used while defining struct of a JSON data if "field/key" for some values is varying or not known?

While trying to parse a time-series data I found a key field in the JSON data is the timestamp(obviously in string format). But creating a struct for the same beforehand is not possible as I cannot ...
Navendu Duari's user avatar
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Can I marshal data from a C/C++ struct into a C# struct with properties?

I have a C# struct which is used for interfacing with some native code. Let's say it looks like this and there's an entry point in the dll that can be used to retrieve values for this struct: public ...
MattB's user avatar
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Marshalling C++ struct with union to C#

I'm trying to implement a C# wrapper around the Nikon DS-QI2 Camera SDK (only C++ dll available). I am struggling with marshalling struct data, since the sizes are not matching. The dll is working ...
LoriB's user avatar
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How to Marshall json from one struct to another with different json tags in Go?

I am creating a Go application that consumes data from multiple sources that all have similar data but different structures to their data/responses. These responses need to be marshalled into a common ...
NightMarcher's user avatar
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Correct Structure Marshalling

I have a structure: typedef struct _wfs_bcr_caps { WORD wClass; BOOL bCompound; BOOL bCanFilterSymbologies; LPUSHORT lpwSymbologies; DWORD ...
Vladimir  Chikrizov's user avatar
2 votes
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Unmarshalling Decimal Property in C++

I am marshalling struct in c# which contain some decimal properties, but I am not able to Unmarshall it in c++ as there is no decimal datatype in c++. As it is a financial application i don't have any ...
jay chanda's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting a complex struct from C++ to C#

Days ago I made this question: Passing a complex Struct (with inner array of struct) from C# to C++ Fortunately it as been answered and the code seems to work. Now I need to do the oposite case, I ...
DDT's user avatar
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Marshaling C# struct with array of structs and size param index

I've read several topics about but I still can't understand the real limitation of not being able to convert this structure to byte array easily: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] ...
Nicollas M.'s user avatar
3 votes
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C - Marshaling/Unmarshaling Struct with htonl and ntohl

So I have a struct in c, and I need to send it over a UDP socket. The RPCmessage should be flattened into a byte array which is Then is sent over the UDP socket. typedef ...
Nate's user avatar
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Marshal callback in a struct from C++ to C#

I need to return the necessary information about an object as a struct with callbacks and other data. This is what it looks like on the C# side: [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] ...
Oachkatzl's user avatar
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Unmarshall should return error when having wrong json input structure

I have struct A and B. When a JSON string A is unmarshalled to struct A then it is valid, however if the JSON string A is unmarshalled to struct B it is still successful (which should not). Is there ...
Bondhan Novandy's user avatar
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Type cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure

I'm trying to change the resolution in a core project. var devmode = default(Devmode); devmode.DmDeviceName = new string(new char[32]); devmode.DmFormName = new string(new char[32]); devmode.Dmsize =...
JumpingJacks's user avatar
2 votes
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how to transform byte[] to struct (contains a byte[] member and length member)

i have a struct define as: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential,CharSet = CharSet.Ansi,Pack = 1)] internal struct Message { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1, SizeConst = 1)] public byte age; [...
pedoc's user avatar
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Create heterogeneous json array in go

Suppose I have an struct like this in go: type Message struct { Args []interface{} Kwargs map[string]interface{} } message := Message{ ...
Mehdi Pourfar's user avatar

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