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Way to ensure maintenance plan attempts every stored procedure?

I have a stored procedure that is run based on plant name. I have a maintenance plan that calls the stored procedures for all plants in a timezone like execute dbo.runPlantSP('plant1') execute dbo....
Brian Karabinchak's user avatar
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SQL rebuild Index Maintenance Plan is missing the Index Stat Option to set fragmentation percentages?

My maintenance plan is missing the section in the config window that allows you to set the fragmentation > a percentage. Does anyone know how to get this option or is it maybe I'm on too old a ...
Robert Weatherman's user avatar
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Getting a 503 for the resources as well while setting up for a maintenance page in NGINX

I'm trying to set up a maintenance page for an application, hosted via NGINX web server. Currently I have this set up. location ^~/maintenance/ { root /path/to/the/maintenance/maintenance....
Emir's user avatar
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Maintenance tasks on Azure SQL Managed instance

I have 4 SQL managed instances and have some custom task defined on SQL Managment Studio. On azure I found that the managed instance have a Maintenance Window: My question is.. What kind of tasks are ...
Van Darth Vadden's user avatar
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How do I maintain zabbix for MongoDB backup? with ansible

I have to implement zabbix maintenance for Mongodb backup with ansible the tasks are as follows:
King Snow's user avatar
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Azure Used Vs Allocted Vs Maximum in elastic pool

I'm currently doing some cleanup on an Azure environment and just wanted to check calculations. I have about 55 Databases on an elastic server, which is currently sitting at 3.64TB of the maximum 4TB. ...
Robert Brand's user avatar
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SQL Server 2016 Maintenance Plan Editor - Add Annotation Not Working

I'm using: - Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP2-CU15-GDR) (KB4583461) - 13.0.5865.1 (X64) SQL Server Management Studio 15.0.18384.0 I have created a brand new Maintenance Plan for a ...
andyabel's user avatar
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calculating MTBF in Excel

I'm trying to Calculate MTFB with what I have, which isn't much, using Excel. Date Full Plate Number Vehicle Type Status 1/2/2021 1234 ABC TRAILER OUT OF SERVICE 1/3/2021 1234 ABC TRAILER OUT OF ...
Majid Alashari's user avatar
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Do re-indexing of database runs automatically with CRM app?

It's my first time using CRM as an app. I have been using SQL Server for quite a while now. Our company is experiencing issues with emails, thus having warnings in event viewer Query execution time ...
Dwightqwerty's user avatar
7 votes
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How to handle maintenance process with React

Here is my app’s current way to handle the maintenance process: I have an environment variable for the app status: REACT_APP_SITE_MODE=“LIVE” | “MAINTENANCE” I'm using react-router for routing the ...
vuongvu's user avatar
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SQL Maintenance Plan - Determining Duration of Steps

I'm trying to keep a maintenance plan under 30 minutes. The duration of each step indicates this should be the case, but the plan is running over 1 hour. The check database integrity ends at 20:04:16 ...
Cindy Mikeworth's user avatar
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SQL server backup issue - locked file

We have standart maintenance BACKUP plan Task of backup has verifyonly option enabled. During perfroming of backup we have failed job because VERIFYONLY task failed because of backup file was holded ...
Alexandr  's user avatar
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SQL maintenance job failing: "Invalid object name 'Confluence.sys.Partitions'. Changed database context to 'master'

My database is called "Confluence". The maintenance job has always failed since that job was setup 6 months ago. Attempting to run the job manually also fails with same error. Executed as user: NT ...
c c's user avatar
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SSISDB Size growing too much

I had set the RETENTION_WINDOW property to 5 and OPERATION_CLEANUP_ENABLED to true and SSIS maintenance job is running every day at night but SSIDB still growing too much now it is more than 110GB ...
HARSHIT RATHORE's user avatar
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Create a Maintenance plan to update user account status

I am looking to create a maintenance plan in the SQL Server Management Studio. For this maintenance plan, I need to update user accounts to a status = 0 (deactivated) after checking if the user has ...
Obaid Ameen's user avatar
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Some of database on my Maintenance Plan won't backup with an error "Operating System Error Code 3(The system cannot find the specified path)"

I have this job on maintenance plan of SQL Server 2014 SP3 which backup "All databases" to a shared file of another server, but one database failed due to an error shown on my screenshot below. Note ...
WhitePenny's user avatar
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Backup maintentce plan stopped working. Error -1073548784

Maintenance backup plan worked for a while. But a few weeks ago it stopped. I've noted it when I've run out of free space on a drive. So it creates a backup files, but stopped deleting outdated. At ...
AlexanderK's user avatar
4 votes
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How SQL Server maintenance plans work in relation with Jobs and DTExec?

How SQL Server maintenance plans work in relation with Jobs and DTExec? I am specially interested in the maintenance plan's local connection which seems to be passed somehow to dtexec. I have read ...
IgnacioJ's user avatar
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Add T-SQL in maintenance plan in SQL Server

How can I set a T-SQL statement as a part of a maintenance plan in SQL Server? Since I can see options of backup etc but not the possibility of adding T-SQL
Sebastian's user avatar
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What is best practice to use shrink SQL Server?

I have read a lot that shrinking database is not recommended practice as it causes a fragmentation that leads to slower performance. ref :
Alfin E. R.'s user avatar
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SQL Server 2016 - Maintenance Plan to delete differential backups linked to old full backup

We have two maintenance plans which takes care of differential and full backup. The differential backup runs everyday and deletes backups older than 1 week. The full backup runs every Sunday and ...
Chiranjib Sarma's user avatar
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Is it necesary to shrink database then rebuild indexes and shrink database again and al this everyday?

I have entered in a new company as a DBA. I have seen they have a maintenance SP that do these steps: 1-Shrink database (this is bad!!) 2- check the indexes and rebuild those that have high ...
DavidLinares's user avatar
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Upon creating a Maintenace Plan in SSMS 17.6, SSMS automatially restarts upon attempting to schedule the task to run

The architecture is Server 2016 with SQL 2016 Standard. SSMS has been set to run as administrator. SSMS 17.6 has been installed and re-installed. All Microsoft updates have been installed to the ...
Kurwin's user avatar
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How to display Maintenance page for my application deployed in Tomcat?

Considering I have multiple applications deployed in Tomcat. I had planned for maintenance for a particular application. So I want to block the request for that particular application and redirect to ...
Himangshu Pramanik's user avatar
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SQL Server Logs consistently get filled

I have issues with transaction logs on SQL Server 2012. I set up a job that does an automatic cleanup of logs, I used the following the plans below. Job name: Cleanup DB Logs Step 1: Do transaction ...
Smartiot's user avatar
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Schedule/Edit Maintenance Tasks for SQL Express (No Maintenance Plan Wizard)

I am using SQL Server 11.0.6251 Express (SQL Server 2012 Express). I have some software that logs data to the database continuously. However, there are some maintenance tasks that are performed on the ...
Fili G's user avatar
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Maintenance plan - Failed to acquire connection "Local Server Connection"

My maintenance plans broke all of a sudden, after a Windows update. My backup routines cannot get access to the server any longer. I have tried with different user accounts, changing the connections ...
André Snede's user avatar
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run .sql file automatically by maintenance plan

I have an ordinary SQL Query (insert ... / update...) I run from daily manually in SQL Management Studio. In some cases the query Need to be improved. However I want to execute the SQL Statement in ...
Volker's user avatar
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Do I need a maintenance plan to prevent a known SQL Server timeout from happening in the future?

We have a query in our C# / LINQ to EF code which consistently caused a timeout when run through our web application (ASP.NET MVC). Error message: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period ...
Winks's user avatar
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Does SSD drive make indexes rebuild and update stats useless with SQL Server?

Now that SSD is a standard de-facto. Can the maintenance job of rebuilding indexes and updating statistics, using Ola Hallengren jobs for instance, be done only on demand ...
Alex P's user avatar
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postgres major upgrade (9.5.x to 9.6.x) within same data space

I was trying to upgrade my postgres installation from 9.5.7 to 9.6.5 My postgres database production instance has several databases and consumed ~700 GB space till now. pg_upgrade needs 2 different ...
PiyusG's user avatar
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Maintenance Plan read Server Agent log

I am new in maintenance plan and server agent. I have created two server agent job named as ABC and with type T-SQL (SELECT * FROM ABCDEFG), and server agent job named as DEF and with type T-SQL (...
Arzozeus's user avatar
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SQL Server - no maintenance plan task name in Logs

I have weird bug in SSMS logs - after creating and running an maintenance plan it seems there is no subtask/plan names in Logs as shown below. Any advice what went wrong?
Damian_L's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 R2 maintenance plan fails but no error message

I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance that I've been managing for many years. I have a daily backup maintenance plan that has 4 steps: Backup the databases (3 databases) Backup the transaction logs (...
andyabel's user avatar
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Unable to save SQL Server maintenance plan

We have a maintenance plan for backing up databases and I need to change the destination filepath. When I open the plan in SSMS and make the changes then hit save, I get a message that says You ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Database Maintenance Plan Update Statistics Error

I get an error last night ,I get the following error message: Executing the query "UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[tables] W..." failed with the following error: "The multi-part identifier "tables.Id" ...
shaghayegh's user avatar
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Transaction log backup has grown huge growth during index reorganize

I have a maintenance plan that does a full backup and a 'check database integrity' every night. I backup transaction logs every 15 minutes. The transaction log backup size spikes during index ...
shaghayegh's user avatar
3 votes
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Changing maintenance plan in SQL Server Management Studio

I have a maintenance plan that is set up to back up all of my 5 DB's every day. I do not need to backup them all, only part of them. I don't want to create a new job as my website is old and I don't ...
erap129's user avatar
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What routine maintenance do you run on your Azure servers?

I'm part of a team that maintains 20+ Azure servers. Most of the servers are running 24-7 so we do not have weekly scheduled maintenance or anything. Most virtual machines are Windows Server 2012, ...
joelp2600's user avatar
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CRM Job Maintenance Logs in SQL Database

We are managing our CRM 2013 (on-premise) maintenance jobs via the "CRM 2011 Job Editor" (downloadable from Codeplex here: We have set a reindexing job to run ...
ichachan's user avatar
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SQL Server Maintenance Plan Cleanup Task

I am using a SQL-Server 2012 (SP2) on a WinServer 2012 R2. I created a maintenance plan that makes a backup of my databases and deletes report files and backup files that are older than 2 days. My ...
Murat Yazi's user avatar
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Which databases are used within a SQL maintenance plan?

I am adding an alert when a user logs into an application, if the Microsoft SQL database maintenance plan failed, did not run, was not implemented OR was never scheduled. I would prefer not to add a ...
Moon's user avatar
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SQL Server Maintenance plan history check for success or failure

When users log into a my application which connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database, I want to add an alert which checks if their nightly maintenance plan failed or did not run. Using SQL, how can ...
Moon's user avatar
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What are the first steps in hardening a legacy Rails application?

There is a production system that has been running for many years, first as a PHP application, then as a hybrid with Rails, and now completely in Rails. It's unclear how long it has been around. The ...
Reed G. Law's user avatar
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Maintenance Plan Execute option is greyed out

When I go to SQL Server Management Studio -> Management -> Maintenance Plans -> Right click on the maintenance plan that I want to execute but the option is greyed out. I have checked and SQL Server ...
Oxon's user avatar
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POST from SQL Server Maintenance Plan with cURL

I'm looking to monitor various events that may occur within a SQL Server Maintenance Plan. My desired method for doing this is to have the maintenance plan do an HTTP POST with the data. After some ...
Jason Cruickshank's user avatar
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T-sql to find backup folder for specific maintenance plan

I have to check multiple servers daily to find their backup folders (and maybe other data, like backup time, databases and backuptype). Is there anyway to write a script to list the backup folder if ...
Stiegler's user avatar
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After Triggers in sql server

I have created two triggers. One on sysssispackages and another on sysjobs. thse two triggers will simply send a mail whenever anyone modifies a maintenance plan or a job(sans job schedule). My ...
priyan's user avatar
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SQL Server slow index after time

One index of one my databases has the strange behaviour of getting slower after time goes by. Even though my maintenance plan includes a 'Rebuild index' step on all user databases. After a while it ...
Erik's user avatar
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MS SQL query slow because of bad plan or fragmented indexes

I have a stored procedure which usually runs pretty quickly (hardly a few seconds), but then there are odd days where the same proc with the same parameters takes minutes to execute. But if I defrag ...
Joseph.W's user avatar