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Magic Leap 2 distance for Vuforia Model Target

I'm testing different object models with Magic Leap 2 and Vuforia Engine Model Target and it's seems that I need to be very near (about 5 cm) of the object in order that the Vuforia Engine recognize ...
Franck ARDISSON's user avatar
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Vuforia Model Tracking with Magic Leap 2

I'm new on this forum and I'm working on model target with Vuforia. In Unity, I created a simple project for ML2 using the Magic Leap Project Setup Tool. Then I added the Vuforia engine. When I test ...
Franck ARDISSON's user avatar
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App Development: Calling another binary executable [duplicate]

Introduction I want to call another binary executable file when I start my app. This app is on Magic Leap (Am Android Device with x86_64 CPU). This bin file will generate a txt file with content "...
Xinyu Liu's user avatar
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Where should I store my model if I want it loaded while running my application on Magic Leap?

I need my GGML model loaded when I open my app. But I used params.model = "files\\gpt-2-117M"; std::ifstream file(params.model); if (!file.good()) { return "wrong"; } ...
Xinyu Liu's user avatar
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How to include ggml library in native C++ Android Studio Project for Magic Leap

I am trying to run GPT-2 on magic leap with the ggml library. By now, I have succeeded in running ggml examples on my Windows computer. However, I don't know how to link all the libraries and the ...
Xinyu Liu's user avatar
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How to Save and Load 3D Object Transformations Using QR Code like markers in Magic Leap 2?

I am developing an app for construction professionals using Magic Leap 2. I am trying to save the transformations of a 3D object set at a specific location on a QR code-like marker. The goal is that ...
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In Magic Leap 2 Marker Detection is not accurate. Unity

I have used a the code provided by magic leap for marker detection. the object is in world space, all the XR rig and main camera is at its origin or 0 position. It seems that selecting ArUco Dict does ...
Darshak Sitapara's user avatar
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Approach towards running parallel apps and services on VR device

Our intention is to develop numerous applications for Magic Leap 2 and Oculus Quest. These applications will share some fundamental features. To accommodate these applications, we want to create a ...
Raghav Mittal's user avatar
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How do I make Vuforia image targets work with MRTK 3?

I'm trying to get a Magic Leap 2 project to work with both MRTK 3 and Vuforia. If I use the MRTK XR Rig camera and add Vuforia Behaviour to it, image target objects will appear properly aligned for a ...
Stefan Nikolov's user avatar
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Magic Leap Project Setup Tool Null Reference

I've followed the directions from the Magic Leap 2 getting started guide. When I install and import their Magic Leap Project Setup Tool in Unity, I get a null reference error. The tool should pop up ...
cgholt's user avatar
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Mac blocks older versions of unity

Has anyone else run into this issue? I am trying to install and run a 2020 unity version because the newer versions of unity doesn't support Magic Leap for AR, but now Apple wants to block the ...
Business Stork's user avatar
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Why the vuforia sample won't work on Magic Leap 2?

I would like to use the sample I find on the asset store at the following link for Magic Leap 2. I set up ...
Alessio's user avatar
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Drawing Matches of SuperGlue with OpenCV

I'm trying to use OpenCV's cv.drawMatches() function to draw the keypoint matches of SuperGlue. drawMatches() has parameters keypoints1, keypoints2 and matches, that are in different form from ...
CingirakliDumbelek's user avatar
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Launch MetaHuman to Magic Leap (Augmented Reality) device

Inside Unreal Engine I have created a scene with a MetaHuman inside. Now I want to launch this scene to a MagicLeap device. This works quite well, but the MetaHuman is not completely rendered. Only ...
OttherCreek's user avatar
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Magic Leap / WebRTC

I need to transmit via WebRTC the field of view of the magic Leap and not the external video camera of the ML. Does anyone know if there is anything actively from ML and WebRTC to solve this problem?
user15896307's user avatar
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error CS0103: The name 'WebCamTexture' does not exist in the current context

When i build my project with WebRTCVidechat to a magicleap hardware it abort the operation and send a log error message saying "Assets\WebRtcVideoChat\scripts\UnityCallFactory.cs(1073,37): error ...
Logout's user avatar
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Converting YUV420P to JPEG on Unity without Shaders

I am using MagicLeap Headset and MLCamera API to capture a rawvideocapture which the output is YUV_420_888 which I am assuming is YUV420P. API returns yBuffer, uBuffer and vBuffer separately. I am ...
Berk's user avatar
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Is ARCore running on MagicLeap One?

I would like to use ARCore on Magic Leap One. Is this possible? Can someone tell me if it is supported?
CmasterG's user avatar
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Magic Leap Menu UI disappear

Im using Magic Leap One: Creator Edition almost everyday for Unity Development, but I stumbled across the following issue: Magic Leap does not show anything (Menu and icons) when I start magic Leap ...
Muxavir Rajpoot's user avatar
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Magic Leap Unity3d shared assets exceeds file size limit

I was trying to upload my build for submission to Magic World, but size of shred assets generated with unity exceeds the limits. Any tips on how to influence the way how unity divides assets to ...
Adam Roszyk's user avatar
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Is there a way to load up a web browser in the augmented reality magic leap and parse the data in this browser into another magic leap app?

Is there a way to launch a AR web browser with the magic leap AR dev kit? And then parse data from this web browser via an API into another application?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar