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can migration from loopback v3 to v4 be done incrementally?

I'm exploring how to migrate my application of loopback v3 to v4. I read through the docs but I'm having trouble to understand: should my ...
nanakondor's user avatar
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How to add security headers in loopback4 web application?

I want to add the following security headers in my loopback4 application. Strict-Transport-Security Content-Security-Policy X-Frame-Options X-Content-Type-Options Referrer-Policy Permissions-Policy ...
veenaMSL's user avatar
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Correctly translate text with Markdown using deepl-node

I am trying to translate XML documents using my NodeJS/Loopback 3 server, as well as the deepl-node library. My code so far looks like so: const { Translator, TextResult } = require('deepl-node'); ...
Daniel Corona's user avatar
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How to implement conditional Rate Limit in Loopback4?

How to implement conditional Rate Limit in Loopback4? I am trying to implement a Rate Limit functionality in Loopback4, which is controlled by a condition specified in the controller method metadata. ...
Dmitriy Grape's user avatar
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Loopback filter : COALESCE

I have a SQL query like this SELECT name, Id, code, date FROM Mytable WHERE code = 'A1' AND date BETWEEN '2023-07-01' AND '2024-06-25' AND (name = COALESCE('MyinputName', name)); I want to ...
Explorer's user avatar
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JWT Authentication in multiple schemas

I am using the loopback4 starter repo to test a scenario where I manage my models (like FAQs, Pages, etc) in a separate datasource. However, I can't seem to authenticate using JWT as it never triggers ...
xfscrypt's user avatar
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How to handle multiples environments (dev/prod) in one nodejs app?

I'm not sure if it is possible to do something like this. I have two Reactjs project p1 and p2. For the server, I'm using Loopback3 and MongoDB. Both projects will connect to one server. What I want ...
Jason's user avatar
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Loopback `include` generates multiple queries instead of one join query

I have two models Main & Trans (one to one association) import {Entity, hasOne, model, property} from '@loopback/repository'; import {Trans, TransWithRelations} from '.'; @model({ settings: {...
Niv's user avatar
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2 answers

LoopBackJS 3 - Problem with query - Exact ids of Array of objects

How to get conversations that have exact matching ids in the "conversation_members" array using Loopback? I have a collection in Loopback with the following structure: "conversation&...
Kerasiotis Ioannis's user avatar
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Keeping getting server and network error when trying to retrieve data from my LoopBack api

When I open my loopback API in Firefox try and use the GET commands for the controllers on my user and plant collection from my mongodb I get this response from the Curl curl -X 'GET' \ 'http://[::1]...
MrFrieza96's user avatar
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Loopback join relation without selecting relation

I'am trying to build a query with loopback 4 with relation between 2 entities customer.model.ts: @model() export class Customer extends Entity { // id, name properties @hasMany(() => Order) ...
AmenzO's user avatar
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Loopback 4 - JWT authentication - error with given UserRepository

First of all, I have to say I'm new to TypeScript and moreover that since I cannot find a single tutorial about LB and JWT authentication that seems to work correctly from the beginning to the end I ...
fudo's user avatar
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Loopback 4 - Creating database tables for built-in models?

For LB3 there is specific documentation on how create database tables for built-in models, but for LB4 it seems missing, the closest thing I could find is this page in the migration guide, but it just ...
fudo's user avatar
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how to change the response of api in loopback, how to change in js file corresponding to a json model

I have a model, using postman I am sending request to this model, and in response I am getting the complete record(suppose 25 columns I have), so in response I am getting 25 columns back. I want to ...
hakuna's user avatar
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Helmet is not working to set security headers for static files

I am using loopback , for setting header inside server.js I'm using helmet but its only working for api's but not for static files. What might be the probable cause of this?
aabb p's user avatar
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Loopback-next ReferenceMany Unable to find _id

I have user Model, which reference to ListedStocks, @referencesMany( () => ListedStocks, {}, { mongodb: {dataType: 'ObjectId'}, }, ) stockIds?: string[]; But when i try ...
Shashwat Mishra.'s user avatar
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how to use http2 in loopback 4 application?

We are planning to implement http2 in a loopback 4 application. We had used http, socket servers but never http2. What is the procedure to use http2 in my application?
user3170450's user avatar
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Trying to add dependency json schema using loopback mongodb

I wanted a dependency schema using mongodb loopback. My Post requests: REQUEST TYPE 1 { “url”: “” “type”: “redirect” } REQUEST TYPE 2 { “url”: “” “type”: “anchor” } ...
MochaTesty's user avatar
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Loopback 3 updating model properties ensure old data is converted correctly without data loss

So I am using Loopback 3 atm, and I am currently updating the properties of my model. Problem is that the structure will be different as before as certain properties are now split into 2 separate ...
Billy Cottrell's user avatar
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where condition in loopback 4 with column of other models

I have a query made through the filter on multiple models in cascade. I would like to use a column of the first level (ModelA) in the where conditions of the underlying levels, is it possible? example:...
legolas82's user avatar
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loopback 4 : patch request blocked by CORS policy

I get an error when I send a patch request to my api (with loopback 4) , all the other request are working fine , i get error only on patch request . error : Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'url api' from ...
Yns Dev's user avatar
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remove header X-powered-by Express using @types/express

I have to remove X-powered-by Express header, I found theses solution app.disable('x-powered-by'); or app.use(function (req, res, next) { res.removeHeader("X-Powered-By"); next(); }); ...
zedArt's user avatar
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Support multiple versions of an API simultaneously (via path)

Question: we've just started to explore loopback, one of our requirements is to host multiple versions of an API simultaneously (e.g., Is this ...
denishaskin's user avatar
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How to add no auto rehash option in nodejs mariadb connector?

When i connect to maridb using command line, it takes lot of time to load all the database schema and tables (roughly 10 minuntes). However, adding -A argument in command line saves the time and ...
Mayank Vijay's user avatar
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How to remove all frontend files from Loopback app

While developing on a loopback api it is very convenient that the default lp4 app command generates a simple landing page with a swagger api explorer. But I don't want this when I am finished. where ...
Jeppe's user avatar
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Remove nested relations from API explorer (swagger)

I have Application model with following relation: @belongsTo(() => Ido) idoId: string; export interface ApplicationRelations { ido?: IdoWithRelations; } export type ApplicationWithRelations ...
invisiblecat's user avatar
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Where & Count cant be implemented together in Loopback 4

I am implementing an API that can take out all the data where user_id: user_id but it is not working please help me to implement the same. here is my code of Follow_api controller: @get('/follow-...
Shesh Narayan Deshmukh's user avatar
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Loopback 4 - Is it possible to define id property's length?

Using LB4 + MySQL DB through loopback-connector-mysql to create tables on DB. A {id: string, name: string} id names 0007bc40-814b-11ec-8128-4df48bd1ae4d John 0007bc40-814b-11ec-8128-4df48bd1ae3d ...
Alex Corregidor's user avatar
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Find/aggregate from another collection based on its _id in mongodb

PetTable { _id: ObjectId, bdTable: string, status: ObjectId(ref=Status) } Status { _id : ObjectId, statusCode : number, --> exple: (1, 2, ...7) petId : ObjectId(ref=PetTable), } ...
MoTra's user avatar
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Loopback custom connector implementation

I am trying to implement a custom loopback connector and it's not clear to me how this all works. Here are my models: { "customer": { "dataSource": "qb", "...
Christian Bongiorno's user avatar
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MongoParseError: Load balancer mode requires driver version 4+

I have built a loopback 3 app with mongodb, worked perfectly on local and vps. But I wanted to opt for the SaaS ( and and now I am facing an error: /node_modules/loopback-...
Haythem's user avatar
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Is there a way to edit an image before saving it to the database?

Our images are being uploaded by the users on the web application (React) and being saved on the database by our API (Loopback). The images will be used in our Qt application and they should have ...
Ana's user avatar
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How can i log request.body in middleware sequence loopback 4?

Am new to loopback, am trying to console request.body in loopback 4 to view the incoming data, but if i print it it prints as undefined, i know i need to use body parser package here, but i can't able ...
Kannan T's user avatar
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How do I get the user IP address from the incoming request in loopback 4?

Am new to loopback 4, I want to get the user IP address, their domain details, user agent and the url they are trying to access so on so i wrote a sequence, i have accessed the request context but ...
Kannan T's user avatar
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What is the maximum records returned by Lookback 4 regardless of limit clause value?

In loopback 4, I know we can limit records like this ?filter={"limit":10} but what is the biggest value I can set as limit? Also is there a value I can put there which is the same thing as ...
omega's user avatar
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How to write unit test case in loopback 4

I am new to loopback 4. I wish to write unit test cases for my project. However, I could't found proper example where they have used mocking service and using stubs. Please assist me or share any ...
Harshit Rajput's user avatar
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How to get postgres query created by Loopback 4 before it hits database?

I want to sort based on the nested property of Loopback 4. I can't find any direct way in Loopback 4 for this. http://localhost:3000/pictures?filter={"where":{"and":[{"...
user2869736's user avatar
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How to get users having birthday today in loopback?

I need to send birthday wishes to users in my application. I have a table "userdetails" with the column "dob". I need a query to retrieve users having a date of birth matching ...
Pradeep Singh's user avatar
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How to filter dates based on its time in Loopback 4?

I want to find out all the dates which have time more than 10.30 am. let whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder();'sessionStartedOn', '10:30:00'); Obviously, this doesn't work. Are there ...
user2869736's user avatar
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CORS Header missing in Firefox although add_header is used

I have an application that consists of back end and front end. Because of restrictions with the hoster, I need to provide the back end from a different server than the front end. My back end handles ...
cmc's user avatar
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How to create relations via repository mixins in loopback 4

I have a requirement where models and repositories can be extended via mixins with the purpose to add fields and relations. Regarding adding fields to models is already achieved (even with some ...
ivaccari's user avatar
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How to use on model into another model

I have two separated models name employee and user with some common data and a accountId to link each other. One record for each model is as below: Employee _id:1639137618164
Ali Yar Khan's user avatar
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PDF returned from Remote method Loopback is corrupted

I am trying to return a file from my remote method: Visitor.remoteMethod('getVisitorsPDF', { description: 'Get visitors list in PDF file', accepts: [ { arg: 'res', type: 'object', http: {...
Ali Yar Khan's user avatar
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How to send the pdf file as res in loopback remote method?

I am defining my remote method of loopback as follows Visitor.remoteMethod('getVisitorsPDF', { description: 'Get visitors list in PDF file', accepts: [ { arg: 'res', type: 'object', http: { source: '...
Ali Yar Khan's user avatar
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gitignore error while creating loopbackjs app

I downloaded loopbackjs on my windows using the npm command. But while creating an app there is an error showing constantly. node:events:368 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: ...
Rohit Pandey's user avatar
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Explicitly set Javascript files mimetype

As I am pretty new to React, need help, please. I have encountered a use case where the client is uploading a javascript file in the project but upload fails because different browsers see the same ...
Sameer Huilgolkar's user avatar
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flattening nested objects typescript

I am looking to flatten a nested object in my controller (new to Loopback and Typescript) Here is my model : export class SampleModel { id: number; code: number; guide?: string; gradeData?: ...
Niv's user avatar
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What does loopback health really check?

I added the component @loopback/health to my loopback4 server but I don't understand on what it's based to assume my server is up. I searched on
pipou's user avatar
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How to receive Post request body and pass that body to my function in loopback

i want to create dynamic model, repository and controller export async function dynamicModelsDemo(app: any, modelData: any): Promise<boolean> { console.log("ModelData",modelData); ...
Bhaskar Jha's user avatar
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Loopback 4: Authorization decoration of CRUDRestController - is it in anyway possible?

Wondering if anybody in the community has any experience or guidance on how one could use Authorization decorators (or any custom decoration?)( ...
Robert Taylor's user avatar

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