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Springboot with logback working, with log4j2 working, but not working when using both

I am observing an issue when sending logs to both log4j2 and logback using kafka. Here is the code of my very simple Springboot app: @SpringBootApplication public class QuestionApplication { ...
PatPanda's user avatar
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experiensing "Protocol vfs has not been enabled as an allowed protocol" error while deploying the Spring boot WS to JBoss EAP 8

I am working on developing a spring boot(3.3.5) web service with log4j2 as my logging library. I generated a spring boot project from spring initializer, excluded the logging from web module to ...
Munny's user avatar
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pb Logging in db with spring boot 3 and log4j2

I try to save in my db the logs of the console for querying easily on it. It's almost working. Log is ok but I have error log before the end of the spring boot context initialisation. After it's ok. ...
Damian's user avatar
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Correlation ID missing in logs after enabling Log4j2 with Micrometer setup in Spring Boot 3.2.0

I recently implemented Micrometer setup in my Spring Boot 3.2.0 application to enhance tracing and metrics collection, which worked fine. However, after enabling Log4j2 for improved logging, I noticed ...
Prabagaran Sellamuthu's user avatar
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Dynamic Log path value in the

Facing issue while substituting the dynamic log path value in the external in the Spring boot application during startup here the whhich is kept outside of the ...
srinath KB's user avatar
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Log4j2 CLASS_NOT_FOUND Error for Layout Element in Spring Boot Project

I recently migrated to Log4j2 in my Spring Boot project and encountered an error related to the layout configuration in my log4j2.xml. Despite following the recommended configuration steps, I'm still ...
sparker's user avatar
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how to centralize log4j2 configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server

I'm using Spring Cloud Config Server File System Backend : I have a multi maven project project: ├── pom.xml │ ├── project-config-provider │ ├── pom.xml │ ├── src │ │ └── main │ ...
Paul Marcelin Bejan's user avatar
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How to inherit log4j2.xml from parent project to child?

This is my first use of log4j and I don't find any documentation regarding my problem. I have a SpringBoot (2, and java 8) parent project with a log4j2.xml file inside it. The file is like this: <?...
fforfabio's user avatar
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Problem with log4j2 to write all logs to a specific file in Spring Boot 3.1.0 with Maven

I am trying to set log4j2 to write all logs to a specific file. I've tried various things I found on the internet but still the logs only show up in the console. I am using IntelliJ IDEA CE. Spring ...
akicay's user avatar
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approach to upgrade my log4j1.2.17 used inside springboot-starter-parent 1.5.6

Log4j1.2.17 included inside my code is not used directly, rather it is being called from another JAR file – log4j-over-slf4j1.7.25 and this Jar is being used from the spring-boot-starter-1.5.6....
Vishal Gandotra's user avatar
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Having problem to display Traceid and Spanid in JSON format using Log4J2 in Spring Boot project

Is it possible to display the logs with JSON format and also display traceid and spanid in it by using Spring Sleuth. Please suggest the way to do this. I have searched in google, YouTube and Github. ...
Murali's user avatar
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Multiple Slf4j bindings unable to add log4j2 spring boot

In my project have multiple slf4j bindings [INFO] +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:jar:3.0.2:compile [INFO] | +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-aop:jar:3.0.2:...
xMayank's user avatar
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How to convert Log4j.xml to (Rewrite Polici)

i want to use Rewrite Policy for some condition in logging like masking, and then I found the solution but in log4j2.xml, however we use for base config, I already try to config but ...
Fernando Alexsandro Siregar's user avatar
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How can I use a property defined in a ".properties" file in my "log4j2.json"?

I have an application built using the Spring Framework and written in Java. I am using the 'log4j' library for logging and have already defined a property, = mypath, in my 'dev....
James's user avatar
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log4j2.xml configurations are not reflected in spring boot application

I am trying to setup a project with spring boot. Although I have defined all the dependencies for log4j, and added the log4j2.xml configuration file, the logs printed doesn't have the pattern defined ...
Prashant Prakash's user avatar
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How to use custom TypeConverter in Log4j2's Plugin Attribute?

Goal - What I want to do is I want to make it easier for our devs to be able to look at all the logs for certain users. So if we mention that userId in logging-config.yml, then for those specific ...
prabhu_axm's user avatar
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How can I get value in log4j2.xml

While running my Spring Boot Application, I am passing /user/MyApp This qa value I will change based on my env. I need to get this qa value in ...
navneet chandra's user avatar
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Spring Boot load bean before Log4j2 initialization

Using these technologies... spring-boot-starter 2.7.0 spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 2.7.0 spring-boot-starter-log4j2 2.7.0 I am trying to load a @Service or @Component (whichever would work) before ...
Michael C's user avatar
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Log4j2 is not taking the whole configuration

I'm trying to log my application, but I have some problems. First of all, the pattern I have set is not the same as the pattern the console prints. My pattern: <Console name="Console" ...
Victor's user avatar
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Spring boot 2.6.6 defect with Kafka appender

I want to upgrade my app in order to use the updated version of spring boot. Also, i am using log4j2 with a Kafka appender. Although, when i upgrated to 2.6.6. version from 2.6.4 i had the following ...
Pantelisy's user avatar
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Sentry log4j2 appender cannot add environment

I am using the Sentry log4j appender(version: 5.7.1) to send logged exceptions to Sentry. bellow is the log4j2.xml configuration. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <...
Chamod Pathirana's user avatar
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Logstash writing logs as JSON but structured arguments are missing

I am using logstash-logback-encoder:7.0.1 I am logging several structured arguments as follows"Get container", v(StructuredLoggingFields.TENANT_ID, tenantId)...
kellyfj's user avatar
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Log4j2 vulnerability and Lombok annotation @log4j2

We are using spring boot 2.1.5 and starter parent as pom dependency. Spring boot is using default logback for logging and we haven't explicitly switched to Log4j2 or changes any configurations. Below ...
user1643003's user avatar
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Spring boot parent log4j2 update - vulnerability fix

Trying to update log4j2 for legacy spring boot application (using Spring-boot-parent-1.5.6.RELEASE) - using multi module Tried all the ways spring suggested in recent docs but none of them worked. ...
nikhil sharma's user avatar
5 votes
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How to fix Log4J Vulnerability in Gradle Project

I can see org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.14.0 Library in Gradle dependency tree for my project. We have not added log4j version from outside. This version is coming as part of transitive ...
hsingh's user avatar
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Version Sanity Check (Spring/SLF4J)

I am trying to deploy Spring Boot application on Tomcat. But somehow I am getting: Unexpected problem occured during version sanity check Reported exception: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.apache....
hell_storm2004's user avatar
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Spring Boot logging - log4j2 logging not working?

There are many post on internet advising on how to move from logback to log4j2 for spring boot logging. Referring to this sof post -Spring-Boot logging with log4j2 - i have configured my project to ...
samshers's user avatar
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Log4j does not output to file when called by Spring Boot (but it does when called on command line)

Problem summary I have a service which can be called by two entry points: a main() of a console app, and a rest endpoint. The service is supposed to log to a file via a SL4J Logger. When I call the ...
Matteo NNZ's user avatar
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Log4j log file not getting created at specified location springboot

I am trying to configure log4j2 in springboot.I have removed(excluded) the logback dependency already from pom.xml.I am using this xml under resource folder named log4j2.xml <?xml version="...
Ash3060's user avatar
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Log4j2 not able to send mail

I have this controller class and log4j2 . But I am not able to receive email in [email protected]. What I am doing wrong? I am using latest version of spring boot. // Logger statement in ...
Pale Blue Dot's user avatar
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Log4j2 won't log into file in Spring boot

I'm using Spring boot and Gradle build tools. I want to add a logger which logging my events. I chose Log4j2. first of all, I have added these dependencies: implementation group: 'org.apache.logging....
Nexus's user avatar
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Log4j2 configuration for Intellij Idea terminal

I'm using Java 11, Spring Boot 2.4.1, Intellij Idea Community Edition 2019.2. I'm using Log4j2 and trying to change color of log level in console from log4j2.xml configuration file. And I have success ...
Georgii Lvov's user avatar
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Spring Boot Logging override Colours

I wish to use different colours to distinguish between INFO, DEBUG and TRACE in Spring Ansi Coloured Logs, as they are currently all set to Green (see table below) From the docs here https://docs....
muttonUp's user avatar
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Log4j2 pattern layout not appending the correlation Id

I'm using HandlerInterceptorAdapter to generate a correlation id for each service request. Here is the configuration I'm using. I'm trying to append the correlation id on my console log as shown in ...
TechGeek's user avatar
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Why can't I log before starting a Spring Boot Application?

I am trying to log something before my Spring Boot application starts. Here is a snippet below. I am using Lombok and Log4J2 and I have done the spring-boot-starter-logging exclusion + added spring-...
Theau Heral's user avatar
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Problem with configuration file in Spring boot?

property.filename = logs appenders = console, file appender.console.type = Console = STDOUT appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout appender.console.layout.pattern = [%-...
anil veeraiah's user avatar
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No type attribute provided for component property in log4j2 with Spring Boot

I have implemented a simple application for streaming logs to apache kafka.In the producer, I have implemented log4j2.xml file for the configuration and now I have to convert .xml file into properties ...
Nafaz M N M's user avatar
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How to make log4j2 log one file per log call?

Is there a [good practice] way in log4j2 to configure a file appender so it produces one timestamped file per call? log.error("in file 1"); log.error("in file 2");
aboudirawas's user avatar
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Spring log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.classname). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly

When I am running my springboot application, I am getting this error log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.system.Config). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. I ...
Bruce wayne - The Geek Killer's user avatar
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Java - why Log4j2 is saving logs into .gz file instead of .txt

Can someone explain me why Log4j2 is saving logs into .gz file? Why not .txt? I've changed configuration in .xml file to save in .txt and it works, but I'm not sure if it's proper way to use logs? ...
spazzola's user avatar
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Log4j 2 in Spring Boot: JDBC appender doesn't write log messages to the DB's column

Lately I'm trying to create and configure JDBC log appender, with usage of Log4j 2. The main idea is to send a log every time we hit the particular endpoint (Spring service) and put the Hibernate SQL ...
JavaMat87's user avatar
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Reading external xml log4j2 config file, if not exist then read internal in spring boot

I have a spring boot application that uses log4j2 and it has its XML configuration file in the resources folder. But the idea is that first the application looks for the configuration file outside ...
Joaquín Figueroa Arrué's user avatar
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How to set Log4j2 level from command line

I build a Spring Boot Web Service application and I am using Log4j2. I want to set log level by passing something like: --log4j2.level=DEBUG - How can I do that? I didn't found any documentation for ...
Matan Marciano's user avatar
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Logs are not loading according to

I am upgrading to Log4j to Log4j2 in my project. I have put in the classpath, and its loading. Despite that logs are not coming according to properties defined in ...
Tapesh Gupta's user avatar
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Spring boot profile and environment in the logfile name

How can I write the Spring Profile and the Spring Environment in the logfile name of a log file with Log4j2.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration monitorInterval="10"> ...
Marcel G's user avatar
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Maven multiple modules with Spring Data JPA / Spring Boot / Log4j2

I'm split a spring project with Spring Data JPA into multiple modules project-root-folder project-data src/main/java/project.test/ src/main/ressources/log4j2.xml pom.xml project-ui src/...
user182410's user avatar
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Using log4j2 and log4j at the same time in Spring project

I've a Spring Boot Applications that uses third-party library. That library uses log4j as its logger. When there is no log4j in classpath, my application fails to start because that third-party ...
menteith's user avatar
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how to fix Unable to invoke factory method in class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.RollingFileAppender for element RollingFile?

I am using spring boot(2.2.0.RELEASE) configure with log4j2. While deploy war in tomcat getting some run time exception.I have set system property(logging name) then that name mentioned in log4j ...
Ajith Deivam's user avatar
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Trigger custom method when log4j2's logger.error() is triggered in Spring Boot

I am using Spring Boot with log4j2 - and I'd like to trigger a custom method in a '@Service' class when logger.error(...) is triggered. For example, @Service public class Foo { private final ...
young-ceo's user avatar
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Caused by: org.apache.logging.log4j.LoggingException: log4j-slf4j-impl cannot be present with log4j-to-slf4j

In my Spring boot 2 project: In build.gradle: dependencies { implementation '' implementation 'com.h2database:h2' implementation 'javax.servlet:jstl:1.2' ...
Alexei's user avatar
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