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IShellLinkW::GetPath( SLGP_RAWPATH ) does not return the 'raw' target of a lnk file

I noticed that the method IShellLinkW::GetPath returns an empty string if the target of a shortcut points to a special folder, like 'My PC', or a Control Panel applet. Sample code ' CLSID_ShellLink ...
ElektroStudios's user avatar
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Create Shortcut in StartUp folder (VB.NET)

I have this code and it's giving troubles: Imports IWshRuntimeLibrary Imports Shell32 Public Sub CreateShortcutInStartUp(ByVal Descrip As String) Dim WshShell As WshShell = New WshShell() ...
soulblazer's user avatar
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How can I find the destination of a .lnk file in [closed]

I made a explorer.exe clone, with a treeview and a listview etc. Now I need to handle clicking a .lnk file, so I need the destination path of a .lnk file..
Dee's user avatar
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VB.NET / C# code to access target path of link (lnk) files produces some wrong paths

I found this code: Public Shared Function GetLnkTarget(ByVal lnkPath As String) As String Dim shl = New Shell32.Shell() ' Move this to class scope lnkPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(...
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