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Program installed with CMake /CPack / NSIS64 cannot find Qt plugins

I am trying to install a C++/Qt/Qml program with CMake. I tried the IFW generator, but I'd rather stick to NSIS64. Setup install file is correctly generated, and program is correctly installed. But my ...
PJ127's user avatar
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GStreamer linker error LNK2019 and LNK2001 in Qt C++

I'm having some trouble correctly linking the gstreamer library in qmake. So, I have library I wrote which uses gstreamer, I added this lines to the .pro file: INCLUDEPATH += ../OtherLibs/GStreamer/...
Pedro Leal's user avatar
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OpenCV246 and Qt LNK1104 cannot open file lib.obj

I have this strange error in Qt: LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\OpenCV246PC\build\x86\vc10\lib.obj' Settings in Qt are all the same as in VS2010 (where they work fine), but here Qt is complain about ...
Nenad Bulatović's user avatar
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Qt/Win Creating app shortcuts

In Qt I know you can create a shortcut (lnk) using the following method QFile::link("myapp.exe", "myapp.exe.lnk"); This works fine but I want to create an lnk that also has some arguments in the ...
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