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How to handle unicode in postgresql query in Laravel [duplicate]

I have a table in my application that shows the jobs in queue. I want it to be possible to order the jobs by the uuid that is found within the payload of the Laravel jobs table. The problem is with ...
Pedro Schinke's user avatar
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1 answer

How to import a JSON column in Laravel Excel

I'm trying to import a file that contains json data in some columns and this data needs to be imported into JSONB fields in PostgreSQL. Json data example: {"phone":"6365615298", &...
elkpodemiami's user avatar
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1 answer

Laravel postgres db return string instead int or float values

We are working on the migration of a very large project with laravel and a postgres database, unfortunately for many queries we have to use them raw because they draw from currently existing postgres ...
Riccardo Mel's user avatar
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Correct setup for a Laravel resource of a jsonb column?

I have a jsonb column in Postgres that I'm trying to make use of with Laravel. When the resource itself is returned (rest, etc), the value for that column is returned null: { "content": [...
John O's user avatar
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2 answers

How to query whereIn inside json column in laravel 5.3?

I have been working with a laravel 5.3 version and in a table i have a json column where i have saved average rating of a category table. so, A product category table has a column "detail" ...
A4fam's user avatar
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Converting raw laravel mysql json query into postgres syntax

I have the following query that works in MYSQL $query->whereRaw(' ST_Distance_Sphere( point(address->>"$.longitude", address->>"$.latitude"), point(?,...
Purplenimbus's user avatar
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Why is one function returning an array and the other one an object in Laravel

I have two Laravel functions that use Eloquent to retreive information from the DB(Postgres) which are virtually the same except that the where in one is a greater or equal than and the other one is ...
David Guzmán's user avatar
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How to CAST field from JSON column with Laravel Eloquent(POSTGRESQL)?

How I can change type of field in Json column column->field->value If type is string I have to change it on INT.
Aleks's user avatar
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How can I compare field from JSONB column in Laravel?

I have a column with type JSONB(postgresql), and I need in checking of one field of this JSON structure. For example data->vegetables->tomato->weight->value >= "12". I used ...
Aleks's user avatar
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Search by JSON field not working in Laravel

This is "tags" field as json in products table: [{"id":1,"name":"Adidas","slug":"adidas"},{"id":2,"name":"Nike"...
Alber Z's user avatar
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3 answers

Convert array of formatted strings into an array of arrays

How to convert an array from a Postgres query to array variable in Laravel? My I have result var_dump from Laravel: 0 => array:1 [ "order_itemset" => "{8,11}" ] 1 =>...
Reynaldo's user avatar
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how to convert json string column to integer in where query postgres in laravel

I have $services = CitizenService::with('service_status'); and I will do filter by json data $services=$services->where('data->unikal_id', '>=', 1)->where('data->unikal_id', '<=', ...
Farrux Choriyev's user avatar
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Joining Table Laravel Combined with JQuery and AJAX request

i want to join some of tables and getting the data to display into datatables, i'm recently using yajra datatables. Here list of tables that i want to join : ekspedisis : id, client_id, org_id, ...
ChrisMZD's user avatar
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How to use Postgres jsonb '?' operator in Laravel with index support?

I'm trying to use the jsonb exists operator '?' in Laravel's query builder, and have it use an index, but I've run into some issues. Sample query DB::table('table_name')->whereRaw("jsonb_column ? ...
PeanutsMcgee's user avatar
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How to update json data in postgresql database using laravel?

how to change next data in database: jsonData = [{"given_date": "2 1.05. 2002 year"}] to jsonData = [{"given_date": "21.05.2002"}]
Farrux Choriyev's user avatar
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Laravel update json column in postgresql

In postgresql db I have a column type json call it "activities". I would like to add there new (key -> value) pair. Without delete existing data. At this moment my code look like this: $user = User::...
Klick's user avatar
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3 answers

How to search in a json field that contains an array of objects with Eloquent

I'm trying to seach in JSON field with Eloquent, but now work, seach with 0 results. This is for Ubuntu server, running PostgresSQL, Laravel 5.8 and Apache 2. [{ "value": "1", "label": "...
Matìas Ramìrez's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I convert postgres database to JSON file?

I'm working on flutter mobile application which should be attached (connected) with the web platform that I developed with laravel, I want to generate JSON file from Postgres dynamically , I mean when ...
Yoss's user avatar
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Query on jsonb array

I have this kind of json array and i want to check stringValue inside value array is null or not plus i want to check it with its id and fielddata is column name [ { "name": "...
Kristly D'sena's user avatar
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Not able to fetch data while querying on Array of Json Objects in Laravel Postgresql

I am trying to get all records whose id matches the given value. Laravel Version: laravel/framework: "5.7.*" PHP Version: php: ^7.1.3" psql -V: psql (PostgreSQL) 11.1 (Ubuntu 11.1-1.pgdg16.04+1) ...
Sharath's user avatar
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Update json data in laravel 5.6

Problem: Need to update json data in address names field. bookcontroller: public function edit(Book $book) { return view('books.edit',compact('book')); } public function update(Request $request, ...
Kristly D'sena's user avatar
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Trouble Parsing Entire Laravel/Eloquent Collection's JSONB PostgreSQL Table Column

I have a PostgreSQL table that stores articles for a simple Laravel CRUD/CMS application. The PostgreSQL table also has a JsonB column to store each piece of an individual article (title, image url, ...
finiteloop's user avatar
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Finding multiple column average of the average of values in SQL json column

Say I have a database with data in the following format | id | name | rating | -----------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | ...
Dominic's user avatar
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Displaying JSON Data From Postgres WIth Laravel Blade

I have a postgres database, and it has a table with two columns ('id' which is the primary key, and 'data', which is storing a JSONB dataset that has title, content, etc.). Currently, I can only show ...
Alteredorange's user avatar
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Where query Json (Array) column in laravel

I wanna do following code snap: DB::table('tests')->whereIn('words', ['school','running'])->get(); using postgresql and 'words's type is jsonb In words table data, like following. ['someword',...
Tetote's user avatar
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How to get PostgreSQL's JSON type data in laravel?

I created table -- Table: public.books -- DROP TABLE public.books; CREATE TABLE public.books ( id integer, data json ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE public.books OWNER TO postgres; -- ...
Chandrashekar Bemagoni's user avatar
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Search column of JSON data in PostgreSQL table

I need to store some JSON data in PostgreSQL table to use it as dynamic route generator. The migration is simple: Schema::create($this->tablename, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->...
melanholly's user avatar
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Use Postgres features like JSON functions in Laravel

Postgresql has some function and operations for using JSON data. As it describes in postgresql site, it's possible to save JSON data in a column and get JSON array element with -> operator. Everything ...
Mahmood Kohansal's user avatar
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What is the SQL injection likelihood on a raw PostgreSQL JSON field query?

I'm starting to build an API using Laravel with PostgreSQL as the data source. From what I've read so far, Laravel's Eloquent ORM currently does not support querying indexed JSON (April 2014). For ...
ArkadePaulG's user avatar