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In a three nested for loop with labeled break, why is the output the same when the labeled break is positioned in the inner and middle loop?

Why is the output exactly the same when the labeled break is positioned before the start of the middle and inner loop? Example code 1 - When break point is positioned at the start of the inner loop ...
Rupesh Pradhan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Labelled functon statement - Undefined label

I look at spec and I can't understand why this code cause an error: L: function a(){ console.log(1); break L; /// Uncaught SyntaxError: Undefined label 'L' console.log(2); } a(); In the same ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to use labeled statements with `throw`?

I have a chain of throwing calls that I need to catch, and then I need to use their result to - maybe - throw something anyway, despite all of them succeeding: func a() throws { do { let b ...
Isaaс Weisberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Labeled statements / gotos in javascript

Is there a legitimate usage of using labeled statements in javascript, or is this something that is not really used in production code but just in the spec? For example, I was having the hardest time ...
David542's user avatar
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1 answer

Do we have labeled Statements in Typescript similar to what we have in JS?

I found this very interesting that we can break or continue a loop in Javascript. Do we have a similar concept in Typescript (Angular)? let str = ''; loop1: for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i ==...
Ramin's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Combine settimeout and label Loop and if statement [duplicate]

The following code is work as the following while loop>> bring a and b values>> settimeout>> check the value by if-condition>> continue it true, else break; This code with ...
K4ever's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

How to use goto without getting this error? [closed]

#include <stdio.h> int main() { repeat: printf("choose an option: \n1:Draw\n2:Even or Odd:\n3:Text type\n4:How to Dec\n5:Base to Dec:\n6:Count to Bits\n0:Exit\n"); int x; ...
Valentin Bichok's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

ANTLR GOTO statement

I'am working on simple parser for code: DEF Test( ) a = false b = false c = false IF a THEN GOTO LabelA ENDIF IF b THEN GOTO LabelB ENDIF IF c THEN GOTO LabelC ENDIF GOTO LabelD LabelA: $...
DrAmaT's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Labeled break just after loop not working in Java

for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++) stop2: { System.out.println("Count"); if (x == 2) break stop2; } stop3: for(int x = 0; x < ...
agavemelon's user avatar
35 votes
5 answers

What is this : sign after a variable JS syntax?

I came across the following valid syntax in JS when looking at svelte library: $: doubled = 6 * 2; At first, I thought it was specific for the library, but it works on the Chrome console. What is ...
undefined's user avatar
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Can the label for a break have any name?

I am learning java after coming over from python. The book I am reading is currently discussing breaks, which I am familiar with. When it comes to labeled breaks, can I give the label any name I ...
Caleb Suhy's user avatar
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how to jump from one for loop to another for loop using label in java?

when i am trying to access for loop from another loop i get following errors. how can i do that can somebody explain. public class Test { public static void main(String...rDX) { runing: ...
Pratik Katariya's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Labeled loop in Java

I having been staring at my screen for a while and I do really need an explanation for labeled loop in this scenario: package com.misterkourouma.oca8.starter.test; public class LabeledLoop{ ...
kourouma_coder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

labeled statement - incorrect definition?

For JavaScript's label syntax, JS MDN states: label : statement label: Any JavaScript identifier that is not a reserved word. statement: A JavaScript statement. break can be ...
Adelin's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What happens in `let:let{let:[x=1]}=[alert(1)]`?

I’m watching a talk on JSON hijacking and not 2 minutes in, there is already JavaScript that is unfamiliar to me. let:let{let:[x=1]}=[alert(1)] It seems to work on Edge and just alerts 1, but I’ve ...
Ced's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Label can only be used as part of a statement Error

I have been looking through the forums but I have not found an answer to this question that applies to my situation. I am trying to make a system call to using 'sort' (unix), however, I receive an ...
BologneseBandit's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is there such a thing as labeled or unlabeled break in C?

As is the case in Java where the break statement can be labeled or unlabeled, is there a statement in C which is either the equivalent or achieves the same process?
Antony Nepgen's user avatar
3 votes
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Javascript Conflicting Syntax Between Function As Object Key And Labeled Function in Block

Assuming you have a browser that supports both labeled function declarations and block statements, what is the standard way/method for browsers to determine if the following is an object with a ...
3.1415926535897932384626433833's user avatar
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Is it a browser bug that I can't use js labeled statements with an if?

Disclaimer: Yes, I know goto is bad, I'm interested here in the spec and implementations, not best practices. I have this super simple javascript example of a labeled statement let i = 0; foo: if(i &...
George Mauer's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

HTML JAVASCRIPT goto label? [duplicate]

I need your help, I wish to do a "goto" like "goto" in batch : :loop1 goto loop1 but in javascript for html page, all my research are useless... it can be so usefull to know that !...
martin_code's user avatar
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1 answer

Javascript Label

Mozilla Developer Network states that Statement 1 : "The labeled statement can be used with break or continue statements. It is prefixing a statement with an identifier which you can refer to." ...
Kiran Vedula's user avatar
-2 votes
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Android - How to use labeled statements

I am working on a project for which I have reverse engineered the code of other project. But, the code contains so much goto statements and a label with it. I tried to rearrange the code as per the ...
Mitesh Shah's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

iOS break loop with switch

I have a loop like this: label: for(X *y in z) { switch(y.num) { case ShouldDoSomething: [self somethingWithX:y]; break; case ...
Ky -'s user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How to use labels in java?

I am getting error while using break statements in labels in java code. This is showing undefined label. It is wrong to write code like this. Please assist me in using it correctly. Thanks in advance. ...
Param's user avatar
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Should I Ever Use Labels In Javascript? (If So, When?)

Backstory: Once again I was reading in my Javascript book and I bumped into something that the book didn't explain very well, and that I wasn't able to find any good examples of online. Example from ...
Benjamin Anderson's user avatar
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2 answers

Nested Javascript for loops with break and label statements

I'm kinda new to Javascript and currently going over the book Professional Javascript for Web Developers and I came across this code which uses a break statement to exit the current loop and jump to a ...
user269630's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to go back to a specific line in Java?

I'm writing code that involves an if-else statement asking the user if they want to continue. I have no idea how to do this in Java. Is there like a label I can use for this? This is kind of what I'm ...
KTF's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can java labels be used appropriately outside of for loops?

So I've seen a lot of cases where labels are being used in for loops to break out, especially with doubly nested loops. Is this the only case where they can be used? or are there other common uses ...
Jay Smith's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Using label and break in if-else statement

I have this code which generates random number from an array, at a particular condition (when x and y both are equal to zero). I want the control to jump to the label. But the control never jumps to ...
user2044187's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

What's the point of using labeled statements in Java? [duplicate]

I'm busy studying for my certification and I stumbled upon a concept I've never even heard before - "Labeled Statements". e.g: 'label' : 'statement' L1: while(i < 0){ L2: System.out.println(...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What's wrong with using a labelled statement in global code?

I was just browsing the source of JSLint and noticed this piece of code: // Is this a labeled statement? //... if (next_token.labeled !== true || funct === global_funct) { stop('...
James Allardice's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any way to access the current label set in JavaScript/ActionScript

If I create a trivial labeled statement such as: foo: do { alert('hi') } while (false) Is there any way to clone foo?
Paul Sweatte's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

break and label, "The label MyLabel is missing"

I have a code like this: if(condition1) { break MyLabel; } while(true) { //some code here MyLabel: if(condition2) break; //more code here } and I get this error: The label MyLabel ...
Lrrr's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How are labels used with statements that are not a loop?

According to the ECMAScript 5.1 spec, section 12.12, any statement can be labelled - and in a brief test my browser accepted a label before any statement. The spec also states that labels are used ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why do labels exist?

Why do labels exist in javascript? var i = 0; usefulLabel://why do I exist? while(i <= 10){ document.writeln(i); i++; if(i > 5) break;// usefulLabel; } The above code doesn'...
P.Brian.Mackey's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Address of labels (MSVC)

We are writing a byte-code for a high-level compiled language, and after a bit of profiling and optimization, it became clear that the current largest performance overhead is the switch statement we'...
Trevor Sundberg's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Why is this labeled javaScript continue not working?

I am using this code to weather some circles are overlapping: iCantThinkOfAGoodLabelName: x = genX(radius); y = genY(radius); for(i in circles) { var thisCircle = circles[i]; if(Math.abs(x-...
JJJollyjim's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

what the difference between break with label and without label in javascript

var num = 0; for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < 10 ; j++){ if(i == 5 && j == 5){ break; } num++; } } console.log(num) In the above ...
dramasea's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

using labels in java without "loops"

I always thought that the labels must be used only with loops but it seems not. Giving such code: public class LabelTest { public static void main(String[] args) { label1: System.out....
szymond's user avatar
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62 votes
5 answers

Is using labels in JavaScript bad practice?

I just found out about using label s in JavaScript, such as: for (var i in team) { if(i === "something") { break doThis: //Goto the label } else { doThat(); } } doThis: //...
Ryan's user avatar
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127 votes
12 answers

"loop:" in Java code. What is this, and why does it compile?

This code just made me stare at my screen for a few minutes: loop: for (;;) { // ... } (line 137 here) I have never seen this before, and I had no idea Java has a "loop" keyword (NetBeans doesn'...
Amy B's user avatar
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3 answers

what programming languages support labels with break and continue statments?

I recently read about labelled statments in java and the ability to specify a label with the break and continue statements. What other languages support this sort of syntax ?
Naveen's user avatar
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3 answers

Please explain the usage of Labeled Statements

Is breaking and continuing the only uses of labeled statements in Java? When have you used Labeled Statements in your programs? Sorry the code snippet has been deleted. I am splitting the question
unj2's user avatar
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Can a LABEL block be used without loop?

Can a LABEL block be used without loop? Any examples?
Alexa Culin's user avatar
6 votes
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Why should I avoid using Java Label Statements?

Everywhere across the internet people say that you should avoid using label statements in java. However, I find them very useful in some cases, namely nested loops. I cannot find satisfactory answers ...
user avatar
78 votes
14 answers

Is it possible to store the address of a label in a variable and use goto to jump to it?

I know everyone hates gotos. In my code, for reasons I have considered and am comfortable with, they provide an effective solution (ie I'm not looking for "don't do that" as an answer, I understand ...
Joshua Cheek's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

is there a equivalent of Java's labelled break in C# or a workaround

I am converting some Java code to C# and have found a few labelled "break" statements (e.g.) label1: while (somethingA) { ... while (somethingB) { if (condition) { ...
peter.murray.rust's user avatar
87 votes
10 answers

Why "The system cannot find the batch label specified" is thrown even if label exists?

While running a batch file in Windows XP I have found randomly occurring error message: The system cannot find the batch label specified name_of_label Of course label existed. What causes this ...
Slimak's user avatar
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