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Elastic Search CCR Issue

I have two elastic search instances hosted on different aws regions and they both are secured via basic authentication. Is there any way for enabling Cross Cluster replication between both of them I ...
Naitik Nayyar's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Serverless Forwarder: Can we add additional custom fields to the forwarder?

By default we get log message, log.file.path and etc but we would like to add some additional fields e.g. application_name. Is there any posibility to achieve that in new serverless log forwarder?
Raza's user avatar
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Kibana receives "Connection refused" on the browser

I am receiving the following error when attempting to connect to Kibana through my browser: `The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The site could ...
Ashley Southworth's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I need to include special character in elastic search

I have created a index with this analiser { "settings": { "analysis": { "filter": { "specialCharFilter": { "type": "...
Hanu Skumar's user avatar
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Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana (ELK stack) + filebeat setup on ubuntu 22.04 AWS EC2 instance on t3.large to visualize system logs

I am trying to setup ELK stack + filebeat on ubuntu 22.04 AWS EC2 instance on t3.large to visualize system logs. below is the process i am following (Note - the steps are not copied from ChatGPT, the ...
Ansh Tyagi's user avatar
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2 answers

Elastic Search Sorting Results Based on key

I am trying to get data from elastic search. But not able to sort the results. Here is search query: { "size": 20, "from": 0, "sort": { "email&...
imkumawat's user avatar
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Elastic-Search backup and restore

I am trying to take the snapshot of my indexes on my Amazon OpenSearch (the successor of Amazon ElasticSearch Service) domain using a lambda function. My lambda function for the same is import boto3 ...
UMANG SRIVASTAVA's user avatar
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AWS OpenSearch Serverless PUT results in 404

When using the Dev Tool to PUT data to a newly created index in OpenSearch the response is 404. Request failed to get to the server I am following the AWS tutorial using timeseries data instead. // ...
Dan's user avatar
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AWS Elasticsearch / Opensearch - Get Metrics On What's Being Searched

I have an instance of Elasticsearch running in AWS OpenSearch. From the documentation I've found online, AWS has something called OpenSearch Dashboards that is essentially their own forked version of ...
Lloyd Banks's user avatar
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OpenSearch Dashboards health status red, everything else green

We have an OpenSearch domain on AWS. Sometimes Cluster status and OpenSearch Dashboards health status goes into yellow for a few minutes which is fine I guess. But today OpenSearch Dashboards health ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Multi matching wildcard text using Olivere Golang package

I have to apply search on two fields, and I have a wildcard text to search. if the text is found in either of the fields that should result in a hit. I am using Olivere golang package. I tried a ...
johnson's user avatar
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How can I stream logs from Cloudwatch to Kibana using Elasticsearch?

My goal is to be able to visualize cloudwatch logs from AWS on a Kibana dashboard using the ELK stack but I am a little bit lost and don't know where to start. The docs were not very useful :( Does ...
Dev's user avatar
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Increasing Storage Space on EC2 instance AWS to fix Kibana read-only error

I am currently using an EC2 instance on AWS to host a network using T-pot and therefore Kibana. I have run out of storage space on the hosted machine, giving this error when trying to load statistical ...
Max Davies's user avatar
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Deploy ELK stack on AWS EC2

I am trying to set up ELK stack on AWS EC2 instance. I am new to this and i am following this tutorial I found online:
Eby's user avatar
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Unable to import Kibana Dashbord using api

I exported a dashboard and have been attempting to import it using the Kibana API. On making the below curl request curl -X POST -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> <URL> -H "kbn-xsrf: ...
Tejesh Avadanam's user avatar
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Creating SEIM Dashboard for AWS logs using ELK Stack

We are collecting AWS logs in ELK stack SEIM (Open Distro for Elasticsearch) and Can someone please advise what type of logs or security events requires continuous monitoring and immediate alert ...
Jacob Brain's user avatar
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OpenSearch Dashboard report downloading errors

Currently have issues with AWS Opensearch dashboard. Can't download the AWS OpenSearch dashboard as either PDF or PNG Created Opensearch dashboard and need to download as PDF. After i click the ...
johnson's user avatar
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change logo OpenSearch dashboards - kibana

Need to change OpenSearch logo in the dashboard. Found i way to change if I run it local host or using docker changing the opensearch_dashboards.yml. But how could i change it if i hosted this in AWS?...
johnson's user avatar
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Unable to access Kibana on AWS EC2 instance using url

I have Elasticseasrch and Kibana installed on EC2 instance where I am able to access Elasticsearch using on this url http://public-ip/9200. But I am unable to access Kibana using http://public-ip/5601....
Digvijay's user avatar
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'Maps' visualisation missing in Kibana ES 7.10

Looking at the docs, it appears that the 'Maps' visualisation should exist in ES 7.10. However, I am unable to see it (all I have is 'Coordinate Map' & 'Heat Map'). I am running ES/Kibana through ...
mic's user avatar
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SSL certificate for kibana

I'm trying to configure my OpenSearch domain to Kibana, I'm using ec2 as a Kibana tunnel and creating a proxy with a publicly accessible endpoint. All my configuration is good except for my SSL ...
Ella Mozes's user avatar
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Authenticate AWS Opensearch dashboard using LDAP via keycloak

Requirement I am working on a client project where we need to setup our AWS managed OpenSearch dashboard (Kibana). As per the requirement, we should use keycloak for SAML configurations. Also need to ...
vivek's user avatar
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How to calculate api latency from tomcat server weblogs via elastic search Kibana?

I have been asked to help getting latency KPI put together for key API endpoints. And transformed into a format and location where we can more easily track api latency. BUT, I am not able to get any ...
Keen_Learner's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is Elasticsearch/Opensearch query returning everything?

I'm using AWS's OpenSearch, and I'm having trouble getting any queries or filters to only return matching results. To test, I'm using sample ecommerce data that includes the field "...
rarelyNecessary's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS OpenSearch running in vpc behind Nginx dont show the tenants

I have an opensearch instance which is in a VPC behind an nginx proxy I cannot see the tenantes in Opensearch, I can create them but not see them. And when I want to change the tenante he tells me “...
Mihoubi's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Search Dashboard, Access Denied

I have just setup open search and i cant access the dashboards. This is the access policy i have, but, its not working. I have tried everything, please help this is driving me crazy { "Version&...
Precious Okwu's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

AWS OpenSearch give user read only access dashboard

I am using aws OpenSearch to view real-time data analysis. I am using Following roles to give my user read-only access to dashboard as mentioned here kibana_user kibana_read_only read_only_index But ...
ashlay keternut's user avatar
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Functionbeat gets deployed as lambda, but the status shows no data received for cloudwatch logs

I followed this tutorial and configured and deployed functionbeat for a cloudwatch log group. I also added the elastic search and the kibana endpoints. Here are the outputs MacBook-Pro:functionbeat-7....
merilstack's user avatar
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Auto Authentication in Embedded link (AWS Opensearch)

I have hosted AWS OpenSearch(ELK) and with that Kibana also get hosted. So I have created a dashboard in Kibana where I get the embedded link and insert it to my HTML code. It ask me to login ...
xyz xyz's user avatar
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SQL query in Kibana

I am currently querying an index where I would like to know the count of emails with _ character in them in Kibana ES SELECT email FROM email_dexk WHERE email LIKE '/_/%'; Expected results: abc_bg@...
Abhi's user avatar
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Elasticsearch migration to AWS

I am trying to migrate my Elasticsearch data from to AWS. I have created S3 bucket and integrated the to a snapshot repository. I have created a snapshot pointing to the S3 ...
Dani Wol.'s user avatar
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What permissions does an ordinary user need in kibana

I am trying to setup elasticsearch/kibana in AWS and we've successfully created enough so we can access it using the 'elasticmaster' role. We can login and input data with this user. However, we have ...
ScaryAardvark's user avatar
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How to get copy of Email Sent using Amazon SES?

I sent invoices via amazon SES to all my buyers every week. So usually it will be in bulk of 2k to 4k emails every week. The thing is that I need to keep proof that I have sent the invoice via mail to ...
Derik0003's user avatar
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How can I view all metrics namespace in Kibana?

I am streaming AWS metrics to Kibana via metricsbeat. When I open Metrics in Kibana, I can only see these 4 metrics. But I have configured many metrics set and namespace in metricbeat. Is there any ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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HTTP 500 when accessing Kibana on AWS

I'm using elasticsearch and kibana both managed by AWS, I've configured SAML with ADFS to authenticate my users, but some users login successfully by accessing Kibana, while others login fails and ...
TheGarden's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Search With Kibana - Authentication through IP-based policies or resource-based policies DO NOT WORK AT ALL

at my serverless.yaml file I create and restrict the access to my ElasticSearch domain service and Kibana. However, through AWS Resource-based policies or AWS IP-based policies I am not able to access ...
Turtles's user avatar
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Kinesis Firehose to ES using a lambda transformation

I want to get Logs from a subscription filter and then put the logs in a s3 bucket and sent them to ES. Similar like in the diagram here:
Schaumkuesschen's user avatar
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{"Message":"User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: es:ESHttpGet"}

I tried to click on the Kibana-Link from the ES-cluster. But, I receive this error: {"Message":"User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: es:ESHttpGet"} The access policy of ...
Schaumkuesschen's user avatar
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How can I let Kibana read custom index for metric?

I deployed Elasticsearch and Kibana 7.10.1. And I am streaming cloudwatch metrics data (raw json) to Elasticsearch. The metric raw data format looks like: { "metric_stream_name" : &...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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AWS Elasticsearch IAM question to access Kibana via Browser

I've set up my elasticsearch yml file (deployed via Serverless) as follows: Resources: CRMSearch: Type: "AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain" Properties: ElasticsearchVersion: "7.10"...
chinahalffull's user avatar
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How to configure server settings in AWS hosted Kibana

I am using Amazon Elasticsearch Service, with its built-in Kibana. I need to set up a reverse proxy to this Kibana instance, so I need to set the server.basePath setting. Normally, with self-hosted ...
JoeMjr2's user avatar
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Nginx proxy server receiving dynamic proxy_pass in one location but unsure how to provide it in subsequent locations

This is my first outing with nginx. I am using it as a workaround for a quirk of AWS ElasticSearch Kibana dashbaords, namely that I need to use an iframe and Cognito authentication does not work in ...
Robert James Webber's user avatar
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How to create drilldowns in Kibana in AWS?

I am implementing a logging solution using the elastic stack in AWS, I want to create a drilldown but the option does not show up. I have done it previously in Elastic Cloud What could be causing than ...
Alejo Dev's user avatar
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Why state management is missing on AWS ElasticSeacrh Kibana

I have deployed elastic search and Kibana on my local and I am able to perform stack management operations on the local cluster. ElasticSearch : elasticsearch-7.11.1-windows-x86_64 Kibana: kibana-7.11....
Amit Meena's user avatar
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How index the same field in multiple ways with wildcard in ElasticSearch

I have the below mappings for a field ("name"): "name": { "analyzer": "ngram_analyzer", "search_analyzer": ...
Matt Ryan's user avatar
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How to make a response body object attributes as a searchable fields in Kibana

How to make a response body object attributes of an specific API as a searchable column in Kibana Is there a way to make it like what we have available fields to filter in left panel of Kibana
vinay rathore's user avatar
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Amazon Elasticsearch Upgrade from 7.7 to 7.9 still processing after 12 hours

Last night I started an upgrade of my Amazon Elasticsearch Cluster from version 7.7 to 7.9. It's now been running for over 12 hours and remains in the Upgrade Processing state. It has 12,000 documents ...
wildabeast's user avatar
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How does one query an exact text-field and filter terms on another number-field in an ElasticSearch Index?

I'm trying to query an index for all docs with matching values on specific text field, Field_Name_1, and filter those results to only show docs whose Field_Name_2 field has any number value in the ...
Sinamin's user avatar
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How can I query an individual lambda metric in kibana?

I am using metricbeat to query metrics and save them in elasticsearch from AWS and using Kibana to search the metric. I am able to see lambda metrics based on this doc:
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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How to show a custom message page to AWS Kibana users when he logs in first time without any roles assigned

How to show a custom message page to AWS Kibana users when he logs in first time without any roles assigned Is there a way i can guide a new user that he doesnt have any roles assigned as of now and ...
vinay rathore's user avatar