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How do I verify a JWT with JWKS-RSA?

This strikes me as the intuitive way to use Kinde to sign in, but maybe it just isn’t possible. I have a front-end, built in React. It successfully communicates with Kinde to log the user in and a ...
Michael Lorton's user avatar
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How to find out the alg and kty of a certificate?

I want to convert a certificate to the jwks simulating jwks endpoint. I don't know how to efficiently extract kty, alg, kid, use fields from certificate object. import base64 import json import jwt ...
Eugene W.'s user avatar
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How to get access token from Okta?

I've created a Application with API services as a chosen option. I'm trying to get token based on Client Id and Client Secret with the grant_type "client_credentials". But it is asking for ...
Yoga's user avatar
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How to check the validity of a signature using JWKs and the base string the signature was created against

I have a signature (String) that has been generated from a url and some query params. I wanted to know how to validate this signature. I have another url that provides me the public JWKs. I am using ...
Ani512's user avatar
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JsonWebTokenError: verify must be called asynchronous if secret or public key is provided as a callback

I have got an observation from SonarQube - Always sign JWTs and verify them using the verify() function before using the content of the token. Note that verify() returns decoded token value and there ...
CK5's user avatar
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jwks Failure: Error: socket hang up using jsonwebtoken and jwks-rsa

It seems jwks-rsa is not caching the keys, I have a below code which is working fine but if I start flooding requests then it throws error jwks Failure: Error: socket hang up below is the code sample. ...
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