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shadcn chart has no space between label and value

The issue I'm facing can be seen on the image, essentially some bigger values don't have any padding in between value and label, I'd like to know how I can make it at least 2px Image: Part of code: ...
karlo292's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Render a list of jsx components in react [closed]

I have a list, containing some jsx components like components: components = [ <span className="c1 c2" onClick={() => console.log("test")}>...</span>, <span ...
sad's user avatar
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Otp is not verifying

Tech stack being used: Next js jsx, Prisma, Postgre, Zod, Nodemailer, Crypto Issue: When I sign up and fill in the required data (Name, email, Password), an otp (one-time password) is generated and is ...
mashhood rehman's user avatar
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Error: an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM') (illustrator v2024)

I have been getting these errors very often in almost my simplest scripts for a long time. I am getting this warning even though I have tried all the alternatives thinking it may be in the coordinate ...
enisio's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Want wrapped content to expand only downwards with CSS

I have a searchfield that autofills with different quippy lines that may or may not need to wrap to fit all the words. This is anchored to a centered parent that makes sure that the searchfield ...
AnonymousElephant's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

conditionally add prop to a jsx element [duplicate]

I have a react app and am trying to pass down a prop to a jsx element based on a condition. The element in question is an anchor tag and if the condition is true I would like to pass a rel="...
Yehuda's user avatar
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0 answers

How to render components exported from mdx in Astrojs?

I got a mdx file like this and I want to render the foo component in somewhere else. --- title: Hi, World! --- export const title = 'My first MDX post' export const foo = <h1>adsf</h1> # ...
ZeeXoc's user avatar
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2 answers

Error while styling background color of an span in React

I'm following Jonas Schmedtmann's full-stack crash course, and everything is fine. But in this part, I'm receiving a React runtime error (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'color'...
Ali Almasi's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

React/JSX-runtime Module not found

Currently working with a React project 17 and after adding the React-Timezone-Select package I've got a build error saying the following : Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\...
PyroDaan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Typescript Classes use a static method in a base class typed for any children classes

I am trying to write a wrapper for web components which allows you to use them in JSX by referencing their key; implicitly this will also register the custom element if not done so already so that you ...
hrd543's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I calculate the color RGB code in a color picker?

I'm trying to make a reusable color color picker component in react, I want to calculate the RGB color code using the mouse coordinates on a 256 by 256 div, the div has a white background color and it ...
uhug2ewf's user avatar
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1 answer

Can we use React Hooks inside JSX component's callback like this?

Does this count as breaking the rule of hooks? It doesn't show the error/warning 'Error: Invalid hook call' and the code works normally. useEffect also mounts only once 1.✅ Call them at the top level ...
Boom PT's user avatar
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1 answer

How to pass a React component to a component and use it inside the component as a component?

I have a Button component that allows some props like variant, active, size etc. to change its styling. What I want is, passing the Button component to another component and use it there as a normal ...
Sha'an's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What exactly can be put inside JSX curly braces?

I just stated learning React not too long ago. I was first confused why can't we put if statements inside JSX curly braces. I came across this question if-else statement inside jsx: ReactJS and ...
Jaden's user avatar
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1 answer

Force ReactJS routes index to reevaluate before redirecting on login

I wish to conditionally include authenticated routes on the routing index of my ReactJS application based on whether a token exists in the user's local storage. However, for this to work, the routes ...
Alex JPS's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Switch component is not working after switching from Checkbox

I was using Ant Design Checkbox earlier to check and publish the comments and it was working fine with no errors. <Checkbox key={} checked={Publish[record?.id]?.["ispublish"] ...
Shirish's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Javascript .map() an object of arrays

I'm trying to .map() an object of arrays to create a div for each key/value pair. Here is a sample of the object format: const data = { year: ["2018", "2020"], make: ["...
PixelPaul's user avatar
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1 answer

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useContext') - Material UI

I'm using MUI(Material UI) in my project. Component that I'm trying to use is Button. Check its official component docs here. Code in which error is occuring : import * as React from 'react'; import ...
Lakshay Rohilla's user avatar
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2 answers

React Component Collapsing Issue: Ref Not Initialized During URL Parsing

I have a component that should expand if it is selected. Here's my current approach: <Element ref={elementRef} style={{ height: isSelected ? `${elementRef.current.scrollHeight}px` : '0px' }} ...
Bing Bang's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Runtime Error with react-data-table-component in React Application

I encountered a runtime error while trying to integrate react-data-table-component into my React application. The error seems to occur when I attempt to render the data table after fetching data from ...
Chaidar Aria's user avatar
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In React, does creating a click handler outside the JSX have any improvement on performance?

Here is an example of 2 buttons with click handlers, one function is created in the component body, the other in the JSX. Is there any performance differences? function Parent() { const [count, ...
Arishoham's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Call custom hook only on the active component in the DOM

My goal is to detect a click outside of the components using this custom hook: const useOutsideClick = (callback) => { const reference = useRef(); useEffect(() => { const handleClick = (...
GoldenBags's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Optimistic rendering to show votes

At the moment the votes {count} is not showing up on mount. I'm using useEffect to get the article and useState to set the count to article.votes. The votes go up after clicking the button twice as ...
Garden Darts's user avatar
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How do I avoid whitespace collapsing in Motion Canvas Text?

I am recently using Motion Canvas for my animations. I want to avoid whitespace collapsing in Txt component. I have looked for solution like change the style of whitespace to pre but this is not even ...
Surendra Rulz's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

What is the simplest possible way to get a div button to hide its parent div on click in React.js [closed]

I have a task that is simple (one line) in plain HTML/CSS/JS, but I can't find a simple and working method in React. I have a parent div, and it has two children. The second child is the meaningful ...
Aaron Bramson's user avatar
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Error in a script for Adobe Illustrator in charge of numbering

I’m working on a JavaScript script for Adobe Illustrator that will number multiple text fields in The script should increment the numbering in multiple text fields at the same time and generate ...
Diego Alvarado's user avatar
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Can not get label color from Premiere pro using extend script

I want to use Extend script to get the color of the labels of the clips in a Premiere pro sequence. However, I keep getting “undefined”. The clips in the sequence are labeled with various colors as ...
kevin's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

React app still stuck on loading page despite having an active session on my local Keycloak server [closed]

I am developing a react app locally and using Keycloak to manage authentication. I used the keycloak.js package and the react-keycloak package to access the Keycloak server from the react app. When ...
ThincThru's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why component state is empty after dispatch redux action?

I am trying to implement the product list & search feature with debounce, but SearchProducts component's state search is empty after the dispatch action in the ProductList component. Can someone ...
Rajeev Varshney's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Data-driven fields in React form [duplicate]

I'm building a form in React to support user input for CRUD operations. I'm looking to make the fields shown in the form data-driven from an array with a view to eventually be able to read them from a ...
Mark Roworth's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why is my dynamically generated HTML content not appearing in the React component? [duplicate]

I'm building a React application where I need to insert some HTML content dynamically based on user interactions. Here's a simplified version of what I'm trying to do: import React, { useState } from '...
Pankaj Namotra's user avatar
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1 answer

React state showing weird behavior

I am new to react and making a simple shopping cart for a coffee shop. whenever i add a item to cart if the item is not already in cart then i basically add it in with the rest of the items and set ...
The Noobest Guy's user avatar
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1 answer

Prop is not giving effect

This is my react component const ButtonComponent = ({ children, onClick, disabled, className = "" }) => { console.log("class name is ", className); const buttonClassName = ...
Guest2096's user avatar
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React useEffect() not executing before page render [duplicate]

I'm trying to pull postcode information and display it on my react app. The code so far looks as such: const UKPar = () => { postcode = "SW1A2AA" const [ukPostcodeData, ...
Pyrex01's user avatar
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How can I pass the value between tag to the child component? react jsx

I have jsx like this, import TableCell from '@mui/material/TableCell'; import TableCell from '@mui/material/TableRow'; <TableRow> <TableCell sx={{minWidth:45,width:45,maxWidth:45,...
whitebear's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change the Page in React.js

I'm learning React.js and I'm creating a demo. I have created a Login page. Now I want to develop the functionality that if I'm using admin's credentials then I should change the current page layout ...
Jay Bhajiyawala's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

React's useState hook defined inside function component in TypeScript still gave error - Invalid hook call

I was building a custom react component library. When I started using useState hook for a hover feature implementation. I started getting the following error in the browser console from the app ...
Remix Protocol's user avatar
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1 answer

How to pass modular styles through props in React?

I have a component: import React from 'react'; import s from './SectionsTitle.module.css'; const SectionsTitle = (props) => { return ( <div className={props.styleTitle}> {props....
teplostanski's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Ensure that Promise has been resolved before rendering view

What specific syntax needs to be changed in the code below in order for the value returned by the currentSession() function to correctly set the html that is rendered to the user in the web browser? ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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Typescript error showing in npm run build

I am new in next js. My problem is that when i am running npm run build, it is showing typescript error even though i am not using it in my project. I am implementation for internationalization and it ...
LwinMoeAung's user avatar
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Lightningchart JS - Chart is not interactable

I have 5 different line charts being rendered in my React app. Below is one of the methods to create those charts. function createEcgHeartRateChart( response: any, startInterval: string, ...
Anish Arya's user avatar
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Change site name [duplicate]

I can’t change the site name, I tried adding a tag <meta property="og:site_name" content="sitename"> tried <head> <script type="...
proton's user avatar
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NextJS App Router: How to access child component properties in layout?

To make use of the layout feature in the NextJS's App Router, I want to dynamically update the page title (<h1> tag, not metadata like <title>) on the layout depends on what the page ...
Jamie Phan's user avatar
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Is there a way to redirect to different links depending on the user's status?

import React from "react"; import { Card, CardContent, CardDescription, CardHeader, CardTitle, } from "@/components/ui/card"; import Link from "next/link"; import { ...
Jean Mako's user avatar
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React app 'Encountered two children with the same key, `thumb-undefined`'

I'm trying to create a time slider in my react app and I can't beat this error below that keeps showing up in my browser console. bundle.js:21658 Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, `...
econobro's user avatar
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Showing intersection of a plane in a 3d shape with Three.js

I tried to animate with Three.js to show the intersection plane on a 3d object. In this example, I have used a cone as an example for the 3d object in the following code: import React, { useRef, ...
swiftenjoyer's user avatar
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4 answers

How to make text follow progress bar

How can I make my currentProgresstext follow the progress bar, for now it seems that setting progressWidth to 100 makes the text appear on the left (following the progress bar). And the progress bar's ...
user9132502's user avatar
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Using an external function to fetch data in NextJS

I'm trying to limit repeated code by moving the code that fetches data to an external file. The fetchUserInfo I'm using uses the useEffect, useState hooks and as such needs to be a "use client&...
nome cognome's user avatar
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Alter Javascript hash inline

My script is like this, TableCell has the one element sx which works like a stylesheet Material-UI var sx = {padding:"10px 0px 10px 0px",fontSize:&...
whitebear's user avatar
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React - component content not pulling through

I'll admit I'm relatively new to React but I'm simply trying to pull through content from a Child component to the parent App component but it's not pulling in the content and I can't figure out why. ...
Chobbit's user avatar
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