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Get JSF managed bean by name in a Servlet [duplicate]

Some months ago I posted my question Accessing @SessionCoped @Named beans from a HttpSession which was marked as a duplicate because of the already answered quesiton Get JSF managed bean by name in ...
Alex Mi's user avatar
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JSF memory issues

We are having a high memory consumption on our app, we took a heap dump and mat analyzer is pointing two leak suspects. The first one is "org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager", so if ...
dssof's user avatar
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Why is HTTPServletRequest injectable via CDI but HTTPServletResponse isn't?

This question took off because I read Arjan Tijms blogpost about JSF 2.3. There, he list all JSF artifacts which can be injected via CDI. Although HttpServletRequest is mentioned, HttpServletResponse ...
Diggi55's user avatar
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Cannot inject in basic JEE8 login application

I'be been struggling for about 20 hours and also working in the weekend as you can see and I can't make this work. I think I have exhausted all the online options I have copied the example here https:/...
Radu Cristian Neagoe's user avatar
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Websocket + Pretty Faces = AbstractMethodError

I'm building a simple JSF 2.3 app in tomcat 8.5. I got the websocket working, and then I added Pretty Faces. If I use them separately, they both work. I mean, if I remove Pretty Faces' dependencies ...
onzinsky's user avatar
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wildfly cluster login with java ee 8 security-api

we are trying to create a wildfly 16 High Available cluster with JEE8 Security API. Project works as standalone application well but not as cluster! We are getting a infispan NotSerializableException. ...
alechner's user avatar
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JSF 2.3 whole bean validation throws all fields away. Is it intended? Do I use something wrong?

I have a form with lets say 3 fields: password hint password password again I have a bean, which contains these 3 fields, and I have a class level validator, which checks if the bean has a matching ...
Gábor Lipták's user avatar
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Getting UnsatisfiedDependencyException: while using JSF @Push-annotation with Spring frame work

Trying to Migrate from Primefaces PUSH to JSF Push(Websocket), While trying out JSF Push in Java project JSF Push works fine as expected. But when trying in Spring application I'm getting the below ...
Anudeep's user avatar
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JSF 2.3 - Servlet 4 - JavaEE 8 and Tomcat9: Unable to find CDI BeanManager

I am trying to migrate from JSF 2.1 to 2.3/Servlet 4/ Tomcat 9 but I have some trouble whith CDI configuration. I followed this guide from BalusC to enable CDI on Tomcat 9 (in my case) but I still get ...
akuma8's user avatar
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NPE ConfigureListener Tomcat 8 + JSF 2.3 [duplicate]

I'm trying to setup my app to run with Tomcat 8 and JSF 2.3, but I'm getting this error: RAVE: Critical error during deployment: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Objects....
maqjav's user avatar
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implementing JSF-2.3 and CDI together in WebSphere Application Server

I have recently upgraded to using Oracles new JSF-2.3 which involved adding the dependency as an external library in my pom.xml as I am using maven, As opposed to previously using WebSphere ...
Jerry B. no.1 intern's user avatar