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Uploading images with Google Jib to Docker hub private repository

I'm trying tu use Jib to create docker images. I created a settings.xml file with credentials to my docker hub, I login succesfully using Docker login and I see the image created. This is what I had ...
Luke's user avatar
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Creating directories for */.git failed

I used JGit library for cloning and pulling repository in my app. Git clone code: Git.cloneRepository() .setURI(remoteURL) .setDirectory(repoDir) ...
Trần Tuấn Anh's user avatar
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Stop packaging application-local properties in Docker image

I have a Spring Boot application that includes several profiles. When I build Docker image using jib, I notice that all these properties files are packaged in the image in /...
Smajl's user avatar
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4 answers

Google Jib throws UnknownManifestFormatException: Unknown mediaType: application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json when building the application

Docker: 27.1.2 Java: 17.0.11 Maven: 3.8.6 Jib: 3.2.1 OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 I am using a Jhipster Spring application. Until now, my application has been built and running without any problems. But ...
Soroush Shemshadi's user avatar
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Setup permissions\ownership for extra files added to quarkus container image

Is it possible to change permissions\ownership for added extra files in quarkus container image ? I using this feature but for executable files without setting up permissions it's useless
c0ld's user avatar
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Jib Maven Plugin: 401 Unauthorized Error When Pushing Docker Image to Docker Hub

I cannot push a Docker image using the Jib Maven Plugin. I’m repeatedly getting a 401 Unauthorized error. I have not changed much, but the day before I got a 416 error. Here’s a quick summary of the ...
Richard Smith-Uchotski's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal (default) on project korfballteamapi: 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable

I'm trying to containerize my spring boot application which is a basic spring API that hooks up to a Postgres database. I'm having issues with this process I'm currently using jib to containerize my ...
Richard Smith-Uchotski's user avatar
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Jib Gradle plugin module path v class path?

How does the Job Gradle plugin decide whether to place a particular JAR dependency to the -module-path vs -classpath when running the java executable. Can this be explicitly controlled/specified?
Hristo Stoyanov's user avatar
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maven jib:build authentication

I have pipelines setup in ADO that build, containerize apps, push to acr and then deploy to k8s. This works fine but I want to use jib instead of having separate tasks and take advantage of the ...
Paul's user avatar
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Quarkus build requires docker to be started in spite of Jib-presense

I'm pretty confused, trying to understand the logic how Quarkus container build works. So what I do have: Qaurkus 3.11.1. quarkus-container-image-jib It my understanding as it is mentioned here Jib ...
Eugene Shmorgun's user avatar
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How to change the ownership and give permissions to directories which are docker container folder but without dockerfile and with using jib

I am converting from dockerfile to jib so earlier my images were created using docker and now they are being created using jib. Dockerfile had some lines like: USER trent RUN chmod 770 -R /usr/local/...
Sneha's user avatar
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Create jib container image in compile phase, and pushing the same image in the deploy phase

I am building a container image using maven Jib plugin, and it is building fine. I can push it to repository as well. But I am having an issue in figuring iut how to build the image on compile phase, ...
houssam zeineddine's user avatar
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How to specify multiple jvm arguments when building a docker image with jib?

I try to build my Quarkus app with jib using the following properties:
Jonathan's user avatar
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401 unauthorized error, Jib is unable to authenticate with the Docker registry repository [duplicate]

I am fairly new to jib gradle plugin and have been trying to push my image to docker hub using jib gradle plugin in a jenkins pipeline but i keep getting the 401 unauthorized error. I followed the ...
jedidah favour's user avatar
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change GC in quarkus jib build docker container

How can the default GC be changed in quarkus docker image using jib as building engine? I have tried with settings in application.yaml but got duplicate gc defined error as using the following ...
simonC's user avatar
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JIB is generating image with outdated state of the project

I'm developing a Java Quarkus microservice. I want to build my image using JIB and push the resulting image to my local registry that i have running in podman. This is how if have setup the JIB plugin ...
Ezra's user avatar
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Run a docker image built by Jib with multiple main class and choose which main class to execute at Runtime

I have a java gradle project with multiple main class, i want to build a docker image with Jib and chose which main class to run when i execute docker run. Is it possible to do this with Jib or i have ...
Tom's user avatar
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Creating a container with JIB

I have used docker and hosted to GCP. I wanted to try out JIB. Everywhere it says No Docker file, No Docker Desktop to be run to generate a container. But this doesn't seem to be working at all. I use ...
Manoj's user avatar
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Runtime environment variable in jib args?

How do I make it so that Kubernetes replaces \$(ENV) with the runtime value of the ENV environment variable when the container is started? //build.gradle.kts jib { from.image = "prom/prometheus&...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Environment variable not expanded in JVM system properties using Jib and base image

I have a Jib configuration like this: environment = [ 'QUARKUS_PROFILE' : 'test', 'TRUSTSTORE' : '/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts/keystore.jks', ...
Snedecor II's user avatar
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Jib Maven Plugin Error: "Missing target image parameter" When Building Docker Image [duplicate]

I'm working on a Maven project and trying to build a Docker image using the Jib Maven plugin. However, when I run the build command, I encounter a 'Missing target image parameter' error. I've checked ...
Corvo's user avatar
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Jib: Missing target image parameter

I'm trying to Dockerize Spring Microservices application with the help of Jib. Config of parent pom.xml: <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId&...
я гантеля's user avatar
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What Gradle task is equivalent to the jib task's dependencies?

We are looking into migrating our Docker builds to using the Jib Gradle plugin. In CI, we'd like to make sure we don't push any Docker images to our registry until all of our tests in our repo have ...
David Glasser's user avatar
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Not able to push docker image to Docker Hub using Jib plugin

I am trying to build an image using jib plugin with below configuration from my mac m1. I have Rancher Desktop installed and configured my personal Docker hub registry access token like below. Note: I ...
springbootlearner's user avatar
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Jib plugin not able to recognize auth credentials

I am trying to build and push my application docker image from my local machine to my docker hub registry with below configuration. But I am getting error stating "Task 'jibPush' not found in ...
springbootlearner's user avatar
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Micronaut Docker issue with httpClient

Facing issues with read timeout and slow HTTP responses when running my Micronaut application as a docker Container. The application is hitting another rest API using HTTPClient ( tried both ...
Michael George's user avatar
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Maven jib does not work in multimodule project

I have a multimodule app like this: parent + lib_one + lib_two + spring-parent + spring-config + spring-app Now i want to build the spring-app module with google jib. I have added this to the ...
MCLonips's user avatar
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How do I change the Jib repo per environment when using the Gradle plugin?

I have the following... id '' version '3.1.4' ... jib {
 from {
 image = 'amazoncorretto:20'
 to {
 image = 'cbusha-backend:...
Jackie's user avatar
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How to bring information about a Docker image into the Artifactory build info with Gradle Jib and Artifactory plugin?

I want to create a Docker image with Gradle and the Jib plugin and bring it to Artifactory. The Docker image should be included in the Artifactory build info. I can create the Docker image with the ...
Cengiz's user avatar
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Error while setting Google Jib: Cannot find default setter in class$PlatformParameters

I am using spring boot 3 with different micro-services. I am using micro-service architecture. I want to use google Jib to build docker images of each micro-service with maven. I don't know what ...
AG_1380's user avatar
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Azure and GitHub Actions: runtime-platform error while attempting to deploy container to Azure container apps

I have a simple spring boot API that I'm trying to get Deployed via CI/CD using GitHub Actions on Azure. I'm using Azure container apps todo so. However when I commit a change to my main branch, ...
MetaCoder's user avatar
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Deploying Spring Boot app (based on Gradle) to Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine using Jib plugin gives error

I am following tutorial:
fascynacja's user avatar
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Multi-project gradle build with jib cannot find dependencies for docker build

I want to try something new with kotlin and spring-boot in a gradle multi-project build. Multiple projects shall be combined in a jib generated docker image. But the first subproject is already ...
Kaemmelot's user avatar
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How to: Spring Boot + Gradle + Jib+ Cloud Run + Cloud Build

Anyone know of any examples of deploying a Spring Boot app using Spring Boot + Gradle + Jib + cloudbuild.yaml? I haven't found any so far. The GCP docs provide only a half-baked Maven build example (...
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How to use custom user with JIB

I'm trying to use the JIB( to build my docker image with a custom user. I believe that I'm not able to create a new user with this library. If I simply ...
user2888055's user avatar
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jib and AWS ECR Error uploading image to repository

Hi I am using github pipeline to build image using jib and upload to AWS ECR. I keep running into errors. AWS Settings I have the env variables set correctly for AWS, and using command below in github ...
user959671's user avatar
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What is skaffold doing after skaffold build pushed successfully

When I run skaffold in a github workflow like this skaffold build it calls the gradle jib correctly, creates an image and pushes it to the ghcr successfully. Grdale finishes successfully as can be ...
Tobias Neubert's user avatar
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How can I pass a gradle property to jib via skaffold

I have a gradle build file with the following jib definition: def baseImage = '' jib { from { image = baseImage auth { username = ...
Tobias Neubert's user avatar
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gradle jib cannot authenticate against ghcr in GitHub workflow

This is somehow strange: I can build and push m ycontainer image with gradle jib to my github container registry (ghcr) locally but not in a github worflow. Even more strange is, that as soon as the ...
Tobias Neubert's user avatar
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Github Actions worklow fails pushing container image to GHCR using the gradle jib plugin

Has anybody a working example of how to push a container image into a ghcr using the jib gradle plugin from within a github actions workflow? I've tried the whole day but whatever combination of ...
Tobias Neubert's user avatar
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Build containers with Jib only if an artifact has been updated

Context: I have a monorepo that contains several projects. They are built with Gradle. Currently they are packed as OCI containers using Docker in an additional pipeline step. Goal: I want to use Jib ...
DVA's user avatar
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jackson no such method error for getReadCapabilities while JIB image creation

jib-gradle 3.2.1 gradle 6.6 java 8 In main build.gradle buildscript { dependencies { classpath("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind") { version{ strictly("2.13.2&...
Mudit bhaintwal's user avatar
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Docker image using Jib plugin: Cant hit rest endpoint locally when container running?

I have a very simple spring boot web app that I created using spring initializer. I have added the following controller: @Controller @RequestMapping("hello") public class TestController { ...
java12399900's user avatar
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java maven docker jib published port fails

I have a mavenized springboot application which I successfully dockerized by using GoogleContainerTools jib. But it fails to properly connect when I type the address of http://localhost:8080 into ...
Dirk Schumacher's user avatar
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Docker Containers return with incorrect environment variable

for a course in my Bachelor's degree, I need to set up RPC communication between 1 master/controller and 3 workers using thrift. The issue I have right now is that while the environment variables are ...
Async's user avatar
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jib-maven-plugin: How to solve running extension error

I had an error about jib-maven-plugin when mvn verify is run on gitlab, it throws an error saying; error running extension '': extension ...
Tren wilki's user avatar
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Add fonts to image using Jib

We have Jib in out project instead of Docker containerization and now I have a task to add fonts to final image. Commands that I need to reproduce with Jib and how it looks like with Docker: RUN apk --...
Никита Петров's user avatar
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Add DLL/SO to Gradle Project (Micronaut APP)

Hello i am using a DLL over JNI within my micronaut app. Within a Gradle project and i have literally no idea, how to put the dll into the created container (we use jib) Would be very appreciated, if ...
IEE1394's user avatar
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Invalid image reference registry when using jib to dockerize gradle project

I had a problem when dockerize the Gradle project. running gradle jib What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':jib'. Invalid image reference${}...
hounan's user avatar
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Cannot push Jib generated Docker image to ECR from Gitlab job

I currently have an issue to push the Docker image generated by Jib to ECR when the project is build in my CI. Locally everything works fine, the command mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdocker, builds ...
Fred's user avatar
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