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Why isn't "\n" interpreted as newline character when a String like, "abc\nabc" is given as input via Scanner class in Java?

In Java, when we try to print a Hardcoded String like, "abc\nabc", we observe a line change after the first abc but when we take same input via or sc.nextLine() it prints out '\n' ...
Digvijay Singh's user avatar
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63 views doesn't read the first character in every second line

The following inputs are supplied to this piece of code: 5 0 4 15 1 0 14 2 7 3 23 2 0 7 3 1 23 4 16 4 2 15 3 9 The problem is that whenever the line number is odd, the first integer will not be read ...
Goamhobala's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get a String and an int vs. just a String with Scanner?

I have some code that runs an addition or subtraction of two numbers based on a user's input, wherein they can either type a String followed by an integer to perform an operation, OR just a String to ...
Babbit's user avatar
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2 answers

Scanning the next line, but only to a certain length

I have an existing code, where I have to scan the next sentence that the user types into the console. This sentence can be no longer than 99 characters. My current code takes the .nextLine() method, ...
Thinchance's user avatar
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Is it possible to make an existing string editable for the user using Scanner? If so, how?

My program has String A = "hello"; and I want it to paste "A" into the user's input space so the user can modify it (e.g. backspace, add more text). Then once the user is done, ...
RLFD43's user avatar
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3 answers

ow to separate a string from Scanner and store each word in an ArrayList?

How to add string from Scanner to ArrayList in split way? First I tried this: Scanner sc = new Scanner(; ArrayList<String> yourList = new ArrayList<>(); while (sc.hasNext()) { ...
Oleg Khandozhko's user avatar
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So I'm trying to see if there is a way to count correct inputs and allow multiple inputs with boolean match. Am I able to do this?

So I've tried adding count ++ in multiple places in my code along with researching some way to allow multiple inputs to no avail. Am I missing something on placement or would I need to rewrite the ...
Natebd's user avatar
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2 answers

How to split integers from a String in seperate variables in Java?

I am trying to get the following to work: Imagine the input via the scanner class is this: new 10 32 I want to store these values into two seperate variables. But I struggle with the conversion from ...
Noname's user avatar
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2 answers

Picking a word from a scanner input

How do you pick a word from a string or scanner input, say for instance a search engine search? I looked up indexOf() for a string but I’m not finding how to make a public void word class from finding ...
Matthew Grathwol's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use the hasNext() and next() methods

My goal is to read and print the words separately from standard input, without having to store them in an array or list. I want this: input: sun moon cloud output: sun moon cloud (each word in a ...
B612's user avatar
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The code works in some cases but gives different outputs based on the sequence of the input

Expected Output should be as such: Download String: Welcome to HackerRank's Java tutorials! Double: 3.1415 Int: 42 My code gives different outputs based on what input I put in at first. If possible ...
vlad19's user avatar
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1 answer

Incompatible operand types Scanner and String?

I keep getting the following errors: Incompatible operand types Scanner and String Incompatible operand types int and String before I added the int op = Integer.valueOf(operator) line it kept giving ...
Jeseca Z's user avatar
1 vote
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Why do I have to input two duplicate nextLine method in order for spaces to work on printing a String instead of just one duplicate nextLine method?

I was taking a coding challenge in which I was to take an integer, a double, and a string from stdin and have this print in stdout. The String had to be a String in which had to include more than a ...
dissidenttux's user avatar
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How do I write a Java program that reads two words representing passwords from the keyboard and outputs the number of characters in the smaller one?

I am new to learning Java and I am currently writing a short program to take the input of two words from the keyboard and output the length of the smaller word. I am unsure of how to do this, since I ...
Rachel Hildebrand's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I read strings from a file that already contain double quotes?

I have a list of names in a .txt file which are in the format: "Tim", "Dave", "Simon" The input will always be single value names in quotes, comma separated and on a ...
WhatTheWhat's user avatar
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User input string to array with no max line needed

I'm trying to get the user's input, then store the input into an array but there is a problem... i want the for cycle to end once the user type ' ' (space). Any help would be appreciated! public ...
André Cunha's user avatar
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How to get my scanner to recognize the words i have for it

I'm pretty new to java and coding in general and am trying to figure out how to get this game to work for a project at school. It is meant for you to type in a month and it will then ask you to choose ...
David Armstrong's user avatar
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String value not printing [duplicate]

I'm trying to generated a salted password on Java, and I'm having issues trying to print out the string "password" when I run the program and print password is just empty. import java.util....
Johanna 's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to take only the integer input from a Sentence?

I want to get the integers or float or double values from a sentence. As an example - "John has 20 balls, from which 4 are red and 5 are green balls". this will be my input . I want to get ...
Debjit Datta's user avatar
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Java program that asks for user's name and prints it - issue with error message

I have a program that asks for the user's name and prints it back out. It can do that part fine, but it currently has the issue of not printing the proper error message when the user leaves the prompt ...
Limbo's user avatar
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Read characters from console, ignoring whitespaces and new lines

I have a question which is pretty easy to solve, yet not so.I am given an input for a game in which you have to read form the console.There are input commands: UP(U), DOWN(D), LEFT(L), RIGHT(R) coming ...
georgik1_'s user avatar
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Not printing lines until after completion Java

I created a mortgage calculator which works just fine but I don't want to use println() when asking for user input. I want the user to be able to type on the same line; however, everytime i use print()...
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2 answers

The Java Scanner is not taking my String Input

public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; int i = scan.nextInt(); double d = scan.nextDouble(); String s = scan.nextLine(); System.out....
Rhitam Chaudhury's user avatar
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2 answers

Replacing a specific string from a text file in Java

I've got a text file like this: Image The first column represents the user ID and the last column represents balance. I want to iterate through the elements to find a specific user ID and then update ...
xephsandar's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does my code about Bracket Fixing hangs?

My code makes an incomplete combination of expressions with closing brackets")" to a complete combination of expressions with the right placement of Opening Brackets "(". If ...
fahis23's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Java Date of Birth Input and Output

I'm trying to use Scanner method to let me input a date of birth in this format - mm/dd/yy and the output that I'd like to get would be something like this. Input - 02/06/12 Output - February 6, 2012 ...
Jase's user avatar
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Java skipping Console.nextLine() [duplicate]

I'm making a simple program in Java, in which ask the user: initialBalance, double rate, integer client, String I have a problem: the first two inputs work, but I cannot make the third to function, ...
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file reading in java- converting every line to an existing function

I have an input text file that contains different commands that I need to do, the commands have to be done one by one, and I don't know-how. I thought of just reading the text file--->putting the ...
Achinoam Klein's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is my String Variable empty after assigning something to it for a second time? [duplicate]

I am doing a project for school, and I am trying to make it to where you can set up a name for yourself while going through a series of questions asked by the computer. I want the user to be able to ...
Trinity Dionne's user avatar
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Why this java code always print "Unknown City" for any value input by the user? [duplicate]

This Java program is successfully compiled and run and accepting input from the user but for every city value(Meerut, Noida, Agra), it is showing "Unknown City" Why?? Why it is always ...
Kabir Joseph's user avatar
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1 answer

How to input values or phrases on a window?

I'm trying to write a program that solves an equation for a school project, but I can't figure out how to create a space for writing in the screen instead of eclipse's console. Like, creating a space ...
Daniel Brossmann Muller's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Scanner nextLine() assigns empty value to a String [duplicate]

For some reason query = sc.nextLine(); code returns query "" for the Delete part. So that the second code block does not execute and outputs a wrong list (First index of the list is not ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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!string.equals(string) turns false result

In a part of my program, I put a while loop to repeatedly ask for inputs. There is an option to type in the letter "F" and break the loop. This is my program: public class Example { ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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1 answer

Find the alphabetically first String using Java

My professor asked me to create a solution for this code, and I cannot quite get a good output. He asked me a couple things: Ask the user to input a String value, the value "END", ...
Enis's user avatar
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1 answer

I just wanted to know the functionality of readInput() in the code below

I want to know the purpose of the readInput() function import java.util.Scanner; public class Rainbow { public static void main(String[] args) { String rainbowColors[] = {"Red",...
Joshua Vivendra's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I check for special characters in a String[Java]?

I am creating a console game.. and I want the players to be able to choose their own usernames. Having usernames like .-|\12b-}| can be really weird. I want to be able to check if the username has &...
FairOPShotgun's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Scanner not reading Next() or NextLine() immediately

I have the following code Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter A name"); String aString = keyboard.nextLine(); System.out.print(aString); System.out.print("...
Sai's user avatar
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2 answers

Error verifying scanner input contains two words with one space

Trying to verify the user just enters psuedo code: word1 space word2. This seems like it should be simple logic, if string doesn't equal word1 space word2, ask again. I've built a version with if/else ...
lauriefire's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use java scanner with string validation?

I have the following code: String f_name = ""; System.out.println(ANSI_PURPLE + "What is your first name?"); System.out.print(ANSI_RESET + " Type your name here (use only ...
programming_ritual's user avatar
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Using loops to reverse a string

I am having trouble doing a task whereby someone enters a multiple line string, and I read the string and output each word in reverse in the exact same spot (whitespace and line breaks the same). ...
Mitch Callahan's user avatar
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How to parse (via loop) through a string until the end of the string?

Given String "5 6 7 8 9 2 3 " how do you use a while loop or for loop to cycle through each number without repeating the string (as a while loop would)? String myString = "5 6 7 8 9 2 ...
BusinessMindedAutodidact's user avatar
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I'm getting Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found

This is my code which throws Runtime(NZEC) exception. It gives correct output in my vs code ide but when i run it in codechef's ide it throws Runtime exception. Here is my code /* package codechef; // ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Including spaces in Scanner in java

I am writing a simple code that takes number,name,surname from the user with scanner. But when user enters name with spaces in it(two or more names) the code thinks string after the first space is ...
Lokpiles's user avatar
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How to implement Body Mass Index (BMI)in Java

My problem is how can I implement without the Scanner method and with Math.round and Math.pow? Here is my code: import java.util.Scanner; public class BMI{ public static void main(String ...
Bala 's user avatar
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How to use Scanner.useDelimiter() to match two characters next to each other followed by a word?

I am trying to parse a plain .txt file with the general structure [[Title]] CATEGORIES: text, text, text some text etc... [[Next Title]] CATEGORIES: text, text, text Next other text etc ... In my ...
Lloyd's user avatar
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Reading in a text file efficiently [duplicate]

How would you make a method to read a text file in java, given that the text file has 20,000 rows. The first element of the row is a word and the rest 50 values are the corresponding word vector
Michael 's user avatar
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How could I separate this string by 2 character increments?

There are no delimiters and the string itself comes from a file formatted like the following: BB GB GB BG GG GB GB GB GB GG After using the following code I'm left with BBGBGBBGGGGBGBGBGBGG, as ...
RideTheLightning343's user avatar
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Accept empty string or string with length of 0 as input using Scanner in Java

I use Scanner in Java to get user entries such as name, surname, email and tel. The name and surname are required but the email and tel are not required and they can be leaved as empty by user just by ...
AlexCorDev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java doesnt recognize scanner input [duplicate]

import java.util.Scanner; public class SimCompanies { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner (; boolean x=true; String ...
KerryKilian's user avatar
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I am trying to take the userInput and double any numbers found by using the split method [closed]

I am trying to take the user input using a scanner, and double any number within the userInput. For example: I have no clue what to do 22 should outprint as: I have no clue what to do 44 When I try to ...
ethanterrero's user avatar

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