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How to add paths of generated DTOs to classpath for Spring Boot tests?

I'm writing tests and I can't change existing code. My current project uses the OpenAPI to generate DTOs based on YAML descriptions. These DTOs are located in the /target folder and they are not ...
User123's user avatar
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Why java.util.Date object does not update itself at runtime?

I need to save the date while program is running but the date object does not update itself at runtime how can I update date object. public static void main(String[] args) { try { Scanner ...
Ali Fuat Akyemiş's user avatar
-3 votes
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Parse JSON java Android [duplicate]

After decrypt of encoded API response got the json string as follow."{\"result\":\"SUCCESS\",\"ts\":\"2024-12-12T13:18:07+05:30\"}". In this above ...
Rajendra's user avatar
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Unable to deploy spring boot 3.x to weblogic 14.1.1

I'm trying to deploy Spring Boot 3.x on WebLogic 14.1.1 then it's throwing an error as shown in the screenshot below. But when I downgraded Spring version to 2.x, the deployment works as expected. ...
Vutha Sothea's user avatar
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Swing JButton text encoding

I was playing around with Swing, and faced following problem with text encoding with JButton class So would be grateful for explanation or some links explaining why this code display broken text - 'Р'...
momopoi's user avatar
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When are the coder and value set when I give a string constant in my java code, for example "ë" or "π"? [closed]

When I have a string constant in a java program, for example "ë", I see in the debugger that the coder=latin1 and the value is the byte -21. When I have the string "π", I see that ...
ericj's user avatar
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How to Dynamically update UI in javaFX?

I am sorry if this is a dumb question it is my first time using javafx i am trying to learn. I am making a JavaFX project that involves updating the contents of a pane by clicking an item. The way it ...
Floppa Flopz's user avatar
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Z-Order problem while displaying isometric tiles

I have a little problem while displaying isometric tiles in my school game. The fact is that I suppose everything is ok with my code... Here is how it's organised: architecture: MVC + ECS everything ...
Pax's user avatar
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org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolutionException: Weld has failed to resolve test parameter [int arg0] in method

Issue with JUnit 5.9.1 @ParameterizedTest and Weld (JDK 17) Hello, I am using JUnit 5.9.1 for testing with JDK 17, and when I try to run a test with @ParameterizedTest, I encounter the following error:...
Storg's user avatar
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Print a sequence of numbers adding one number each time

I need to write a programm that, when inserted a number, it print a sequence of numbers from 1 to that number, in separate lines adding a number each time. Example: if you insert 8, it print 1 1 2 1 2 ...
matteo panaro's user avatar
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JNI Issue: Passing Java Runnable Object to JNI in Custom Gluon Attach Plugin

I am developing a custom Gluon Attach plugin and encountering issues with passing a Java Runnable object from Java to JNI. Despite reviewing the Gluon Attach plugin source code (which unfortunately ...
CTO - Abid Maqbool's user avatar
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What arrows to use in component diagrams to show relations between JPMS layers?

JPMS supports multiple layers. For example boot layer and its two child layers. And I need to show these layers on UML diagram. For this I selected component diagram where every layer is a component. ...
Stefman1987's user avatar
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I can't find openjdk-21-jdk package in Debian disto

E: Unable to locate package openjdk-21-jdk mkaksoy@MehmetKaanAksoy ~ % sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done ...
Mehmet Kaan Aksoy's user avatar
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Looking for a Memory-Efficient Alternative to Awaitility for Handling Asynchronous Tasks in Tests

I frequently use Awaitility in my tests to handle asynchronous operations. However, each Awaitility call spawns threads, which results in high memory consumption when running large tests. I’m ...
Sal-laS's user avatar
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Augmenting the calendar widget in ZK Studio 5.0

In an acquired RESTful Spring Boot Web application, there are some restrictions I currently cannot change. The code partly uses Java 1.6, the rest is Java 17. And the ZK Studio has the version 5.0 and ...
Sae1962's user avatar
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Export Eclipse Scout table rows as a CSV file and let user download the file

I would like to export the rows (all rows, as well as just filtered rows) of an Eclipse Scout table as a CSV file. And after creation of this file, I would like the user to be able to download it. I ...
JDaniel's user avatar
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I am currently creating a JSF application. I have completed the authentication, but when I log in, it says "undefined" [closed]

I have added two classes: one (connectDB) that helps me connect to the database, and another (User) that sends requests to the database, along with the file with the .xhtml extension. I was hoping ...
Kim Chretien INTSINZI's user avatar
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Java 2d game platform freezing when rendering monster sprites [closed]

I need help on how to stop the freezing or fps drop when rendering the monster sprites. I tried asking chatgpt about it and all what it says don't work. All png is in right folder and after putting ...
Paci's user avatar
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How to embed plugins from classpath to elasticsearch node

I am trying to upgrade the elastic search from 7.10.2 to 8.9.2 in the app and facing an issue while embedding the plugins from the classpath. I was using like class NodeWithPlugins(settings: Settings, ...
Mayank's user avatar
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android Task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest fails with error : caused by: org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMException: malformed sequence in RSA private key

i'm trying to run basic instrumented test on my android app , to test room database , when i lunch the test , the task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest always fails and throws the following error ...
kamal douma's user avatar
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Following redirects on Service creation with Apache CXF

I'm creating a Service passing an URL that may return 301 Redirect. How can I instruct CXF to follow the redirects at the Service creation? Already tried setting a HTTPClientPolicy as an extension on ...
Anderson Gomes's user avatar
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Fetching characters from a Buffer while reading Ints

I am building a language interpreter and needs to have two functions, one to input an integer and another to input a character (from For instance, inputting integer - character - integer - ...
Sny's user avatar
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Configuring ssl in springboot3

I am trying to configure SSL in my springboot3 app. I referred to spring documentation mentioned here:,...
extractor's user avatar
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Catching CompletionException from kotlin function

My ultimate goal is to find the number of partitions for a Pulsar topic (Getting number of partitions of a Pulsar topic: could not be parsed into a proper Uri, missing scheme) but in the process of an ...
dmonopoly's user avatar
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Getting number of partitions of a Pulsar topic: could not be parsed into a proper Uri, missing scheme

I'm unable to get the number of partitions from a topic via the PulsarAdmin API: val admin: PulsarAdmin = PulsarAdmin .builder() ....
dmonopoly's user avatar
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Problem to return content of join from two tables [closed]

Trying to made a join of two mysql tables I created a query in workbench to test, the query work fine this query is part of my login page so the table A has columns that must be returned to my login ...
Cezar Apulchro's user avatar
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How to manage Azure AD authentication with private endpoints and WAF in a Spring Boot application?

I have configured Azure AD credentials in my Spring Boot project's file using the dependency spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory. Here is the configuration:
Venkatesh's user avatar
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Easy way to extract data from Map<String,Set<String>> [closed]

I have Set inputAssetIds. An Asset can have a parent asset or a child asset (we call it being part of a budle, but thats irrelevant), or none of those (its a standalone asset). For each of those ...
user2957592's user avatar
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WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies when deploying on jboss

I'm trying to configure a datasource in my application, I'm using jboss abd ojdbc7, and this is the current relevant configuration: jboss-web.xml <resource-ref> <res-ref-name>jdbc/...
rekotc's user avatar
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How do I make two test roots with the same package name?

I'm trying to implement the following structure in my module. It's a gradle project. ./src/main/java/mypackage ./src/test/java/mypackage ./src/testfx/java/mypackage --I want to add this! I'd like ...
James Rice's user avatar
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Services using MongoDB are working without issues, but services using PostgreSQL cannot access the database [closed]

I have three containers on my server: one running my backend code, one with MongoDB, and one with PostgreSQL. Services using MongoDB are working without issues, but services using PostgreSQL cannot ...
kubraucar's user avatar
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Eclipse RCP login session timeout

We have an Eclipse RCP based application that uses Eclipse 3.6 plug-ins and Java 1.8. I have a need to implement a login session timeout for the application. I am not too familiar with RCP. I googled ...
user2125853's user avatar
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How to pass two curly braces as json value (not a string) for a json object in java?

I currently have a graphQL endpoint that has a request body with two json objects, variables and query. The request body should look like below: { "variables": {}, "query":...
wheelerlc64's user avatar
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Spring JPA not saving to Postgres DB

I'm trying to setup a system to pull data from a Neo4J database and push it into a Postgres database. The connection to the Neo4J database is longstanding, and the Postgres connection is new. I'm able ...
Bill L's user avatar
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Ignoring specific library for a module in Gradle

I have migrated our multi-module Gradle project from Mockito v1 to Mockito v3. As part of the migration, the following libraries were upgraded or added: mockito-core from 1.10.19 to 3.12.4 (and added ...
seened's user avatar
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Configuring Java Spring boot for testing w/ H2 and running w/ MySQL

I am setting up a microservice using Java Spring Boot. The application runs in a Docker container and connects to a MySQL database on the local machine. For testing purposes, I want to avoid the ...
Sam Carleton's user avatar
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Listening to text trims/shows of JTextField

Here's what the user wants: if text is too long for a text field to hold, set it as a tooltip. Otherwise, there should be no tooltip. The problem: Swing doesn't tell us if it trims a field's text. ...
Cagepi's user avatar
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Spring cant see lombok constructors

When I'm trying to run my application I get an error: java: variable userRepository not initialized in the default constructor Here is the config file in which the problem occurs (as it turned out, ...
Nicolas2099's user avatar
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Transaction JDBC Java Insert does not Insert/Update entrys in table

For my work i need to create several PrepareStatements which are inserted in my table. Normally i have no problem with this, but this problem don't make any sense to me. I work in a give environment ...
Troublezero's user avatar
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No data from Firestore displayed in the recycler view

I started with Firestore and I created a collection MealsDev containing one element. I cannot display it in a recycler view. May you help with it? In the meantime I have already checked other posts, ...
Krzychu's user avatar
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How to select texture size for STB Truetype?

Now I want to draw text using OpenGL with STB. I use LWJGL, but the question is about texture size in general. To create a texture I use the stbtt_PackBegin method (then I transfer data from a ttf ...
Stanley Wintergreen's user avatar
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Mockito is currently self-attaching to enable the inline-mock-maker. This will no longer work in future releases of the JDK

I get this warning while testing in Spring Boot: Mockito is currently self-attaching to enable the inline-mock-maker. This will no longer work in future releases of the JDK. Please add Mockito as an ...
lcnicolau's user avatar
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Enable just some experimental Lombok features

Lombok allows disabling of experimental features with the lombok.experimental.flagUsage=error flag. However, I need to use only one experimental feature and still have it throw some error for the rest ...
Daniel Pop's user avatar
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Netty versions conflict with azure-identity、azure-storage-file-datalake java sdk

I am trying to implement ADLS token credential vending in my project with the following dependencies: // 1.13.1 implementation( // 12.20.0 implementation(
Jun's user avatar
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How do I fix this program in Java that won't rerun the while loop that asks for a continue yes/no? [duplicate]

I have this code to create a triangle which all works fine, but in the while loop I have the user prompted to answer yes or no if they want to make another triangle and regardless of the answer ...
Finn Roche's user avatar
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SSE Async API in Spring MVC throws Error IllegalStateException: Cannot call sendError() after the response has been committed

I have Spring MVC Service with SSE API having controller return type ResponseEntity<SseEmitter>. and in background Async thread, we send continuous data messages to the client over SseEmitter @...
chetan madnaik's user avatar
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How to create a mail link in Vaadin? [closed]

How do I create a mail link in Vaadin? The link should just open the default mail app. I tried the anchor class, but could not get it to fit into this scenario.
Eyvind Almqvist's user avatar
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How to properly quit QEMU using Java and telnet

I've got QEMU process running on local machine and using telnet monitor. I'd like to be able to connect to QEMU via telnet (from inside java application) and send "quit" command, but it ...
vit's user avatar
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MS SQLServer jdbc PreparedStatement bug

I want to insert rows into a table with 118 column. I experience that it works perfectly with mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre8.jar but unfortunately with any later issue (I testes all from 9.2.1 to 12.8.1 ) ...
Laszlo voros's user avatar
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Query polymorphic jpa entity using spring data specifications?

Let's imagine following entities: @Inheritance(JOINED) @Entity abstract class AbstractCompany { @Id private Long id; private String name; //... } @Entity class Company extends ...
Radek Postołowicz's user avatar

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