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Jasmine error while running protractor test through tfs

I am trying to run protractor through tfs from a sln my local dev dept made. I am able to successfully run these tests locally and through eclipse however when I use the test the vs test explorer I ...
Nicole Phillips's user avatar
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Receiving error 'Can't find variable:require' when using Chutzpah/PhantomJS in Visual Studio 2015

First: I have looked at a number of tickets that address similar issues, but I feel that mine is different is a particular respect: I have just installed the Chutzpah test runner in Visual Studio 2015,...
Philip Raath's user avatar
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Jasmine2 is not a valid framework error

I recently followed a tutorial on running protractor tests inside vs. To my surprise it works however i had to remove jasmine2 as the framework in the conf file or I would get this error config....
Nicole Phillips's user avatar