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How to write unit test case of ag agrid cellRenderer with return value in angular

TS: columnDefs = [ { headerName: 'columnone', field: 'one', width: 120, sortable: true, cellRenderer: (data) => { return this.limitCommonUtil.numberFormatter(data?.data?.upperAmount); ...
Ashwini's user avatar
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How can I test that a function was called inside an if statement in jasmine-karma

I'm creating an Angular app and I'm learning unit test and I want to test certain method, but I can't manage to test that the function enters in the if statement. I don't know how to force it. Could ...
Julio Rodríguez's user avatar
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Stub out component private method

Jasmine can be used to spy on private methods. Can you use Jasmine to stub out a private method in an Angular component? The pattern I am using spies on specific providers - not components. Can you ...
Hoppe's user avatar
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Failed: Invalid provider for the NgModule 'DynamicTestModule' - only instances of Provider and Type are allowed, got: [[object Object]?]

So there's this delightful error that's the very definition of annoying this is the describe method: beforeEach(async(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ MapMap ], imports: ...
Grant Solomons's user avatar
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Angular karma can't capture browser after updating angular 9 to 10

I followed the guide on the angular update giude to update my project from version 9 to 10. My project and my karma tests ran perfectly fine with angular 9. The update changed the TypeScript version ...
Nils Walker's user avatar
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How to test Observable subscribe callback using jasmine?

I have an Angular9, Angular Material table similar to the ones in the docs. The difference in my case is that I implemented a constructor in the ...
Error Check's user avatar
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Webpack directory appended at error after migrating to Angular9

I've recently upgraded my projet from angular 7 to angular 9. When I run the tests (ng test), I always get http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/ appendend to the error, hence in visual studio code, ...
JFPicard's user avatar
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When to use createSpy, createSpyObject and spyOn?

I have learned recently that spyOn cannot be used with external dependencies and can only be used with System Under Test. But I have some questions regarding why it cant be used and I came up with ...
Linta Sheelkumar's user avatar
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Testing angular auth guard redirection

I have an Angular authenticated guard @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AuthenticatedGuard implements CanActivate, CanActivateChild { constructor(@Inject('Window') private ...
Chris Barr's user avatar
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How to test whether an Angular mat-nav-list contains an element?

I'd like to check whether an Angular mat-nav-list contains an element. I'm able to select it with fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.items')), but I'm not sure how to check whether it contains ...
saæ's user avatar
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Angular 6 and Karma/Jasmine issue - No Angular CLI

My app is currently on Angular 6.1.9, Karma 2.0.0 and Jasmine 2.4.1. After Angular 6 upgrade, npm test fails. Chrome browser opens to indicate that Karma is connected. But I see EXECUTED 0 OF 0 TEST ...
user3344978's user avatar
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Angular 5 / Jasmine 2 test setTimeout function only once

my problem is that i have this fonction : loopPingAPI() { this.pingAPI().then( success => { this.setConnected(true); this.stopPingAPI(); ...
Stefan MARTEL's user avatar
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Mock a provider class to return response and handle promise - Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma with Ionic 3

Am a newbie in Unit Testing. I started to write Unit Testing for my Ionic 3 Application using Karma and Jasmine. I followed blogs to get the configurations set and successfully tested the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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NgModel binding doesn't work inside <form> for Jasmine test

In my Angular 5.2.0 project, I have the following structure: app.module.ts import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { FormsModule } ...
Stanislav Dontsov's user avatar
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Angular 6 - mock authState - valueChanges of undefined

I have a service with a property and a getter. The property is set in the service constructor like this: public readonly usersMetaData: Observable<User | null>; constructor(private afAuth: ...
user avatar
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Angular 6 testing - Jasmine - mock chained promises

Ive got a method register() in my service which I want to test. My assert is that an another method from a injected service is called. Lets have a deeper look into my code: Service export class ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Angular testing mock subscribed property

I have a service with 2 properties: Service ... public usernameAnnounced; private username: Subject<string> = new Subject<string>(); constructor() { super(); this....
MarcoLe's user avatar
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Jasmine SpyObj doesn't return mocked object

I'm trying to test the following service. @Injectable() export class TranslationService { language = 'NL'; constructor(contextService: ContextService) { let context = contextService....
Stefan's user avatar
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Protractor afterEach extract browser.manage().logs() to a helper function

My overall goal is to extract the browser.manage().logs() to a helper function. I'm stepping towards this goal by including the browser.manage().logs() functionality inside the afterEach call inside ...
Denise Mauldin's user avatar
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Promises are not waiting resolve in jasmineDone

I am trying to post the result on testrail portal but this thing doesn't seem to be working. I am using this plugin and trying to do it in jasmine custom ...
Ajay Suwalka's user avatar
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Protractor failed to start test with firefox

I can not start the test with protractor on firefox version 56.0.1. my protractor version is 5.1.2 exports.config = { allScriptsTimeout: 11000, specs: [ './e2e/**/*.e2e-spec.ts' ]...
Jan's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to trigger document level events from a jasmine test Angular 2/4

According to the Angular Testing documentation, to trigger the events from the tests, we use the triggerEventHandler() method on the debug element. This method takes the event name and the object. Now,...
Angela Roux's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

Spec has no expectations - Jasmine testing the callback function

I have a method which is being called using a d3 timer. Whenever the method is called, the method emits an object with a couple of values. One of the values increases over time. I would like to write ...
zelda's user avatar
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How to trigger Ionic's Platform.ready in testing?

I'm building my first Ionic app and trying hard to follow TDD. I've hit a stumbling block with the Platform.ready promise that Ionic provides. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to trigger ...
MBielski's user avatar
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jit__object_Object_26 is not a constructor

I have problem testing my AuthenticationService class and the message is very confusing. I had to provide AuthenticationConfigService, but I have this error now when running tests: ...
Jonathan Anctil's user avatar
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Karma-Jasmine setup for Angular project

I have an angular(currently @4.0.0) project for which I want to introduce Unit Testing using Karma and Jasmine. I have set up the appropriate karma.conf.js, spec-bundle.js and package.json. But when ...
user3344978's user avatar
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Protractor tests are timing out due to async call back not invoked with angular 2 App SPA

We are building SPA with angular cli, We are to verify controls on log in page (username,password and login) but after login/redirect to another component i am getting error message "Error: ...
Purna Lukka's user avatar
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Protractor4.0.9 / jasmine2 / Chrome 54+: Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL

I know this question have been solved but it doesn't work for me. I upgrade to protractor4.0.9/Jasmine2, chromedriver 2.25, Chrome54. A simple test like this is failing: describe('Test', () => { ...
sebap's user avatar
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