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iOS How to manage different features that requires a 3rd-party framework

I developed an SDK distributed to our publishers as a standard iOS framework. To be as much clear as possibile let's say my SDK is called 'A'. 'A' needs a 3rd-party iOS framework (called 'B') that ...
Giulio Bider's user avatar
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List of available filters

I'm looking for the list of filters provided by Apple to apply on Images. Summery : I want to create an application which will allow user to edit photos. I'm looking into Core Image Programming Guide,...
user1988's user avatar
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how can i make shared embedded framework to work in ios7

I planned to create a shared embedded framework to share the code between more than one target. I heard that shared embedded frameworsk are an ios8 new feature. Since how what can i do to make that ...
loganathan's user avatar
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Show UIViewController in Framework by calling a method

I am making a framework for third part developer which will create a View like interstitial ads. This is how I create myViewController(inside Framework) object from Applications RootViewController ...
Shash's user avatar
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Can't update Google maps iOS SDK

When I run my app on iPhone 5 I get no user location icon (the blue dot), but instead it shows me an error. I just get bunch of lines like this: <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetData: invalid context ...
Stefan Salatic's user avatar
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Including momd with tables and attributes inside ios library or framework

I am trying to convert my ios app with core data into a framework by following the link. But how to include momd file inside framework and distribute a framework with momd or core data?
user3571801's user avatar