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How can I create a shared framework with resources?

I am optimizing my app size and encountered a problem with spm: how can I create a shared(between main app executable and app's extensions) frameworks with its own resources? I created a simple ...
Maksim Zenkov's user avatar
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Failed to lookup symbol 'TfLiteInterpreterOptionsCreate': dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, TfLiteInterpreterOptionsCreate): symbol not found

I reported an error while exporting tflite_flutter as framework through the flutter module to the iOS native project. environment: flutter 3.7.0,xcode 14 dependencies: tflite_flutter 0.10.4 Unhandled ...
Ray Gu's user avatar
  • 1
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0 answers

Pods Installing in Kony Symbol not found:

when I am to install XYZ framework form cocoa pods in iOS native projects it's working fine but when I am trying to install same XYZ framework in Kony Using cocoa pods it's giving runtime erorr: dyld[...
Happy Parmar's user avatar
0 votes
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iOS framework build error - Build input file cannot be found

I'm getting this error while building my iOS framework: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/######/Movahed/Plankton/IOS/plankton/DerivedData/plankton/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/...
Ali Mohammad Movahedian's user avatar
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What is the proper way of distributing a closed source framework that depends on other frameworks/libraries on iOS?

I have a closed source framework that depends on other open source project, for sake of discussion let's say Alamofire. At the moment I am creating a dynamic framework for the closed source code and ...
Rui Rodrigues's user avatar
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Xcode project does not recognise changes in custom framework

I have created two projects in Xcode: Framework. It just has one public class and one public method Xcode project. I have drag and dropped my framework into project. After that, framework was ...
stackich's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Missing assets in binary framework

I'm fairly new to working with binary frameworks. I'm finding that assets are not being included in the binary framework even after including them in Copy Bundle Resources. I've been looking at the ...
Robert's user avatar
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0 answers

unsupported Swift architecture in Objective-C

I've been working with a static library in iOS written in Swift. Below is the script I've been using to build the library into a fat framework (universal). # Type a script or drag a script file from ...
Dhanaseelan V's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to Manually Import Firebase Frameworks on Xcode 13.4

I've been trying to import updated libraries to my Xcode Project. I have dowloaded the libraries from the official firebase site. I had multiple options but the developer of my App used manually ...
DMarMon's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating iOS framework with Objective-C

I have some trouble creating a framework for iOS. I created a new project (called Logger) and selected the Framework option. Then, Xcode created the folder structure and it had a few files including ...
Keselme's user avatar
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Building for iOS Simulator but linking object file built for iOS error

I have a macbook Air M1 and i cloned my project and tried to run that then got this, how could i fix this? Showing Recent Issues In /Users/xxxxxxxx/Desktop/apps/iOS/newC/xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/xxxx.xxxxxxx....
Prabodha Lakruwan's user avatar
1 vote
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Defined a protocol in a Framework, but its not accessible from the different project

I have created a protocol inside a framework, Following is my code for Framework. public protocol CodairaProtocols{ func onOTPGenerated() func onResendOTP() func onVerifyOTP() } ...
dev90's user avatar
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Cmake Swift framework with C files - setting target membership and properties

I am trying to build a framework with a combination of swift and C files and using cmake to generate the XCode Project: After generating the project using this command: add_library(MyLibrary STATIC ${...
Anton Unt's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Is it possible to create a framework which contains multiple UIViewcontrollers into it?

Login Module: Splash, login, registration, forgot password, Menubar I have 5 different applications on iOS & Android platforms. I have common login and some other modules with common API calls. I ...
Deepak Thakur's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle optinal dependency in swift dynamic framework while XCFramework generating

I has a SDK named ProductSDK. This SDK also have two dependency sdks. CommonDependencySDK AdvanceDependencySDK And try to generate XCFramework in ProductSDK. My use case is, 2 types of use case in ...
S Surya's user avatar
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Presented view controller place under presenting view controller

I build a native iOS framework, which imported to a Unity project, to manage game account (login, logout, signup,...). When I call framework method to show login screen, it's presented but place under ...
Tiến Nguyễn Hữu's user avatar
1 vote
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How updating dynamic framework will affect App Store build

I have an app on the App Store and I have to create another app. This other app has some of the same functionalities as the first app. So I wanted to create a framework to put the common code in and ...
A.Ozda's user avatar
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Image Picker package not working in iOS as framwork

I m using image_picker in my flutter module. Its working fine in andorid as app & aar (module) and working fine in iOS as app. BUT NOT AS FRAMEWORK My code is below XFile? result = await ...
Naveen Avidi's user avatar
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How to include a local framework in Podspec

I'm creating a Podspec file and need to include two frameworks which I downloaded - one for the Simulator and another for arm64. I checked
Mahendra Liya's user avatar
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iOS: Runtime error when testing custom Framework with 3rd-party CocoaPod dependency (ARCore)

Our (mostly Android-backgrounded:)) team is developing partner iOS Swift Framework (SDK) with some 3rd-party dependencies inside. Framework itself has several 3rd-party dependencies all embedded with ...
kkaun's user avatar
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How to load/Read Fonts from iOS framework, which are already added in main project in Swift?

Before anyone marks it duplicate, I have already checked this post but no help. I have created a framework, and in that framework I've created some UI. Now I want to use custom fonts for that UI, and ...
Abu Bäkr's user avatar
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3 votes
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Xcode: merge Unit tests into a single target

I'm developing a modular app with >30 modules, where each module has its own Unit test target. I also have a special test scheme which runs all Unit tests from all the targets. The problem is - it'...
askrav's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to create FAT / Universal framework with XCode 13?

We were using a script to create a FAT framework before where we followed the below steps. create a framework for iOS devices create a framework for simulator devices merge the above two frameworks &...
iDev's user avatar
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Accessing Objective-c Enum in Swift showing "Cannot find type in scope" in Unit Test Target

I am developing an framework project which is initailly developed in objective-c and for new changes we are started making in swift. I have just created an header which have only enum declaration in ...
Srinivas's user avatar
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Module not found inside 'Framework' -Swift.h file

I have created this sample Swift framework which has GoogleMobileAds in it integrated through Cocoapods. I have a class NativeAdView which inherits from GADNativeAdView. import GoogleMobileAds @objc ...
Rishab's user avatar
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Integrate ACSSmartCardIO & SmartCardIO into a SwiftUI project

The problem I'm facing is that I want to integrate the following frameworks into a SwiftUI project namely: ACSSmartCardIO & SmartCardIO I'm not proficient with SwiftUI or iOS development to ...
Dutchdev's user avatar
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simulating Bluetooth connection in Xcode simulator

I made some changes to an iOS framework that establishes Bluetooth connection between iPhone devices so that they can exchange messages. Additionally, I have access to the source code of an app that ...
abs8090's user avatar
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Xcode12.4 - iOS Umbrella xcframework framework with xcframework sub projects

I want to have some XCFrameworks into an umbrella framework or umbrella xcframework using Xcode 12.4 for iOS. I tried all the approaches mentioned in these threads. However, I am not able to get it ...
SWorld's user avatar
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4 votes
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Integrate google-ad-manager with ios framework

I'm trying to add google ad manager to custom iOS framework. I'm testing this framework with a test app, and make the dependencies by Cocoapods. If I'm adding the adMob account id to the test ...
Almog's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to add Multiple Flutter Framework in iOS App

In our native application, flutter framework is already added. We created a new module in flutter and want to add in the same application. We are getting exception while adding the framework. Is there ...
Pravesh Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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Is there a specific way of using pods or IBDesignables in iOS Frameworks?

I am working on a framework project. I have added a custom view using IBDesignable in the framework (present within the framework under the same target). I am using the 'TinyConstraints' pod for ...
Anish Kumar's user avatar
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Framework of Objective c. Need to add swift files to the framework

I have gone through many questions on Stack Overflow and Apple documentation, and many more related to it. Not able to solve it. Thanks in advance for any help. Done the following steps: Framework: I ...
Sonam Sodani's user avatar
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Add swift UI support to the framework that target's IOS 10,

I wrote framework on Swift UI, then Client told me that lower IOS was required to be supported on framework. I rewrite framework on UIKit/UIViewController, And now I want to add swift UI application ...
oto 's user avatar
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Access Bundle resources(fonts, images) from iOS objective-c framework

Created MyFramework.framework to share views I am displaying between my applications. Currently, I am using MyFramework in the application "MyApp". Created bundle named Resources.bundle ...
GuardFromUA's user avatar
2 votes
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Lipo Error while creating Universal frameworks in xcode 12

I am facing problem while making universal frameworks in xcode 12. following is the command that i ran:- lipo -create build/simulator/FrameworkName.framework/FrameworkName build/devices/FrameworkName....
Ali Mehdi's user avatar
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Cordova plugin with framework with Appdelegate

I have created a framework with a native sdk that the company I work has for push notifications. I have an Appdelegate inside this framework because there are some files that use it. I have added this ...
billysk's user avatar
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app crashes after adding SVProgressHUD framework in xcode 12

I have created a framework of SVProgressHUD using and added in Xcode project. Image of general tab of xcodeproj: Image of build ...
satya-p91's user avatar
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use_framework! in Podfile caused 'React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h' not found

I'm currently integrating a private library from vendor which they mentioned it's required to have use_framework! added in Podfile. Apparently I found out from them, the framework is written in ...
Tommy Leong's user avatar
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Module compiled with Swift 5.1.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.2.4 compiler

After updating to Xcode 11.5, I cannot import My Universal framework. Basically, I have created one framework and also generated the universal framework. The framework was compiled in the lower ...
Debashish Dash's user avatar
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JSQCoreDataKit: Use of undeclared type 'SaveResult' despite finding the definition of the type when clicking "Go to definition"

I am using the framework JSQCoreDataKit. I've installed it successfully: In one of the files, it is used as follows: import JSQCoreDataKit func saveChanges(completion: @escaping (SaveResult) -&...
AG_HIHI's user avatar
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NSLocalizedString within a framework gets values from external bundle

While developing a framework, i have a project with a framework target and a single view application target. I use the single view app to test the framework. I've created 2 Localizable.strings files, ...
Aviran's user avatar
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"No visible @interface for 'MySwiftFile' declares the selector '****'" in iOS framework

I've been having trouble with using Swift in an ObjC framework in iOS. My framework has Objective-C code, which I want to call Swift code from. I think I have created the bridging properly, I'll show ...
fff's user avatar
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Can we use iOS framework like coremotion in c++ code

I need to build a library in C++, which have to get data from motion sensors. And then library in both android and iOS. It looks like it is possible to do it for android but I am struggling to find an ...
Haris's user avatar
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iOS framework to wrap existing framework

I'm trying to define a common framework in a project that provides an implementation-agnostic layer. For example, provide a protocol like Analytics and a set of methods/properties as its interface, ...
funct7's user avatar
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How to get static / relocatable framework name from class name in objective-c

I have a string with the name of a class and I'm trying to get the framework name where the class belongs. Things that I have tried: bundleForClass Class *myClass = NSClassFromString(@"ClassName"); ...
702's user avatar
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Create a CocoaPod Swift Framework by adding Objective C Static Library

I want to integrate my ObjectiveC Static Library into my Cococapod framework which is in swift.My objective C Static Library is not uploaded on CocoaPod. I want to add it without creating a pod. I ...
Cloy's user avatar
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Objective-C Frameworks and namespace clashes

We want to put 2 versions of our iOS app in the same bundle. This way our customers could revert to the legacy version after an update has been pushed. I had hoped to achieve this by building the ...
Scaroth's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

iOS: How to add Assets folder inside a Framework and how to access them in code?

I create an iOS app and added a framework to it. The generated framework doesn't have an assets folder like the generate Single View App. So I made an Assets folder inside the framework folder and ...
Archie G. Quiñones's user avatar
5 votes
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How to hide private module of iOS Framework?

I have a code-base which consists of Swift top-layer which is meant to be public API and Objective-C "guts" and I need to wrap it up nicely into the iOS .framework so other developers can incorporate ...
Eugene Alexeev's user avatar
4 votes
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How to embed framework which depends on architecture

My iOS project depends on some CustomLib.framework. This framework comes as two separate files: one for simulator, another for real device. I put these files into folders @(PROJECT_DIR)/...
Nick's user avatar
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