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Streaming mp3 using node http to Icecast server gives no output

I'm trying to stream a custom mp3 datastream to Icecast2. Icecast recognises there's a mountpoint, however the streamed data won't play and I have no idea why. import ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg'; ...
Roboroads's user avatar
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Converting HLS Stream to stream supported by old radio

I have an old internet radio that does not support HLS streams. Therefore I cannot listen to my favourite radio at this url:
Alberto Faenza's user avatar
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Icecast status page not showing Server Name, Server Description, Stream Name, or Stream Description

I have PHP streaming MP3 files listed in playlist.txt to Icecast using FFMpeg. $ffmpeg_command = "ffmpeg -re -f concat -safe 0 -stream_loop -1 -i /var/www/html/media/radio/playlist.txt -c:a ...
Daniel Torridon's user avatar
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How to connect a pointer to a const char * [] to data in a String array

I am trying to retrieve a list of radio URL links that are stored on an ESP32 SD Card as character strings that are inside of quotes and separated by commas and a new line. That is one url per line. ...
waszee's user avatar
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How to playback a live radio audio stream from raw bytes with the just_audio package?

I already wrote a Dart FFI plugin to create the SRT client that listens to the online radio and receives the raw MP3 frames in raw bytes. What gives me the headache is to spawn an isolate to run in ...
eramin's user avatar
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after restarting the page in the browser, the player stops loading

I have a problem which is that when I start icecast server on ubuntu and not only on ubuntu but also on windows regardless of the operating system, when I first go to the radio station in icecast2 ...
Uximy's user avatar
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How to correctly read an endless stream from InternetRadio using Indy TIdHTTP?

I am writing a UPNP-Controller. To supply the Artist and Title, it's necessary that I can get the metadata, probably supplied as XML somewhere in the Stream. For that, I want to read the (endless) ...
ratmalwer's user avatar
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React native audio stops playing in background after a while

I tried to use expo AV and then I eject expo and tried react-native-radio-player but the issue still. it keeps playing for almost 5 minutes and then the sound stops. How can I keep it playing in the ...
Shady Hakim's user avatar
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Mixed content - Some radio streams are blocked and some are warned about but allowed - Why?

I have made a radio player page on my website at and I am loading it under Windows 10 with the browser Edge Version 113.0.1774.57 (Official build) (64-bit). Some ...
Graphic Equaliser's user avatar
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Icecast2 make point to connect Rivendell

I have server with option SSH to run own proces. On this server I have preinstaled command icecast and ices. I want to create in IceCast mount point to connect to them by Rivendell. But after read ...
Peter's user avatar
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sc_serv Shoutcast stream plays intro file, but does not play stream

Shoutcast docs say I can set an intro file to play when client connects with the following in sc_serv.conf file: IntroFile=hawkad%d.mp3 When the client connects (ie VLC), it successfully plays the ...
Scott Fleming's user avatar
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React native m3u radio player

I am trying to make a radio streaming app using react native but it doesn't work. I tried expo-av with Expo CLI, and react-native-radio-player, react-native-video from react native CLI all of them ...
Shady Hakim's user avatar
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Java how to detect if an audio URL is a streaming(radio) audio?

I am working on an audio related project, and is there a way to know if an audio URL is a streaming(radio) audio programmatically? Like from the header information or somewhere else. I am trying to ...
HayreddinLuo's user avatar
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Audio html tag for live radio

I need the audio player to be in real time. Current problem: When I give the command audio.pause() and then the player returns from where it left off and not live. Can someone help me? I'...
Weslley Ruas's user avatar
-1 votes
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Re-broadcast a 96 kbps Shoutcast stream to a 192 kbps Icecast server [closed]

I run a radio station which streams live to an Icecast server that I host myself on a VPS. My stream is 192 kbps MP3. I want to carry a syndicated show which is delivered live via a 96 kbps MP3 ...
Edwin's user avatar
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3 answers

Create a Discord Radio Bot in python under Debian

I'm trying to create a simple discord bot in python that would broadcast my webradio in a voice channel. I found this topic (How to create a discord bot that streams online radio in Python), but using ...
H.LK's user avatar
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Retrieve music info from .aac streaming in vanilla Javascript

I'm trying to make a simple radio player which should stream a public domain online radio in pure JavaScript. I found one here. I've added a simple <audio> player which have the url retrieved ...
user2959923's user avatar
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Icecast stream autheticastion inside url

I configured listener authentication according to the manual: Everything is working, except that I need to be able to pass credentials in URL http://...
Marcin Kamienski's user avatar
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How do I stream audio files to my Icecast server running on an EC2 instance?

I am trying to loop audio from my Icecast server 24/7. I have seen examples where people talk about storing their audio files on the EC2 instance or in an S3 bucket. Do I also need a source client ...
emplexus's user avatar
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how can make http request in https

I need run http request in my website with https request. This code play in my website with http: for example but dont play in https: for example <audio ...
pouya -x 's user avatar
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Shoutcast 2.5 mIRC Socket Bot Connection Problem

I have a socket bot that I use as a radio, but it cannot pull the data and reflect it to the channel. What is the problem? sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/admin.cgi?pass=,$_rpass,&sid=1&mode=...
Randomizer's user avatar
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HTML audio element fails to load audio stream

I have assembled a website and configured a Digital Ocean droplet to serve an audio stream using Azuracast. At this URL lives the live audio stream. At the time ...
bigfacts's user avatar
3 votes
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Streaming chunks of mp3 file from server and playing them on client

I am trying to build an internet radio and have stumbled upon the problem mentioned on the title. To be precise, I want to be able to send chunks of an mp3 (or any other audio format that can do the ...
npyl's user avatar
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Online radio stream on slider revolution

I have a html code for my radio streaming web player from but I can't embed it on slider revolution. Audio layer doesn't have streaming option and if I copy the code as a text layer it won't ...
Kourosh Aria's user avatar
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Flutter timely changing image

Hi I have a question regarding flutter I am building a live radio app using flutter for iOS and Android the application have 2 pages one for all shows details like timings name etc which I will get ...
Maaz Irfan's user avatar
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start Icecast2 from PHP?

I request that someone can give me adequate guidance on what I am trying to do. Well, let me explain. I want to start the icecast2 server through php, (we know that it starts only by default for a ...
Igmar Montenegro's user avatar
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Shoutcast sc_serv admin.cgi json fields

When I receive a response from my sc_serv admin.cgi shoutcast server, I am wondering what the two fields represent. Particularly, the type and grid fields. The following json is what is returned when ...
Scott Fleming's user avatar
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Icecast and Liquidsoap - No such file or directory

My internet radio doesn't work. I use Debian 9, Icecast 2.4.2 and Liquidsoap 1.1.1 I started internet radio with commands: /etc/init.d/icecast2 restart service liquidsoap restart I opened address: ...
Ikenitenine's user avatar
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Can I stream live audio with libav?

I'm trying to code simple internet radio streaming app in C using libav/ffmpeg, however the only thing I can do is open the url and download packets. When I send it to alsa soundcard I get noise and ...
szymek349's user avatar
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Nodejs Audio Stream - Main Producing Client -> Server -> Multiple client listeners

I want to build an internet radio station using nodejs. My architecture needs to be like the following, there is one producer who records live audio, this live audio data needs to be sent to the ...
Aritra Dattagupta's user avatar
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How do I send metadata from ExoPlayer to bluetooth?

I'm trying to send fixed metadata through bluetooth on my radio app, basically I would put the radio name as title, and the radio slogan as subtitle, so there isn't anything dynamic involved. I have ...
Marco Federici's user avatar
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How to make my bot leave a voice channel if there is no one in the channel

I recently created a discord bot that plays radio, and I would like to know how to make sure that when there is no one the bot channeling it. if (oldState.channelID !==
rheuss's user avatar
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Why does Google Chrome delay when loading a mp3 radio stream?

so here is a mp3 radio stream: when I play it in Firefox or VLC player, it plays instantly, but if I play it in Google Chrome, it will have ...
Root Loop's user avatar
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Retrieving the name of an audio track from a stream

I want to reproduce audio streams with the <audio> tag and display the name of the current track. To that end I have been using the audio's audioTracks property. I know that this feature is ...
Adinan's user avatar
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How can I read icy-url nodejs?

I pulled the headers information using node-icy var icy = require('icy'); icy.get('', function (res) { console.error(res.headers); }); output: { 'icy-...
MeMaTi's user avatar
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How to put an audio before a stream connection in Android Studio (Kotlin)

I am new to programming and I am making a basic app for radio in which an introduction audio sounds when you press a button, then a second audio should appear until the network connection of the ...
Yulian Loyola's user avatar
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How can I check if a webm icecast stream is active?

I'm trying to check if a webm Icecast stream is on. For HLS streams I use axios.head method like this: try { let res = await axios.head(url); return /2\d\d/.test('' + res.status); } catch (err)...
Nelson Teixeira's user avatar
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Radio app using flutter, audio stops after 3 mins when screen is off

We're developing an IOS & Android app for a Radio station, I'm actually the radio station owner and I'm trying to help out the developer. We're currently only testing on Android and there is a ...
Riris Papatsarouchas's user avatar
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Flutter audio_service play audio in background when mobile screen is locked

I made a radio player app with the code below. Everything works fine when the mobile screen is turned on. But when i turn off my mobile screen the radio stops playing at about 5-8 minutes. I got some ...
Nalim Yednap's user avatar
3 votes
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Icecast port 80

Elsewhere on Stack Overflow is a question about getting Icecast to appear on port 80, which I have read but still cannot get my server to work on port 80. My icecast.xml has these items <!-- You ...
Tony Harding's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get icecast to run on port 80 [closed]

I am having an issue with trying to get icecast to work on port 80. It works on it's default but when i try to set it to port 80 everything breaks. I have made sure that the firewall is allowing ...
Ex0byte's user avatar
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Trying to implement Media Player I have tried this code. Does nothing My present code is this answer's Code public class Radio2 extends Fragment ...
Prateek BB's user avatar
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Android Studio: MediaPlayer - Playing radio from URL (https://***.pls) in Androd 10 device - stays as "Buffering" and stop

I am (very) new in Android Studio and I started by adapting a code that I found for playing a radio streaming from an URL (https://***.pls), what is exactly what I want to do. Originally this code was ...
Jesedugal's user avatar
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How do police-scanner radio apps work? Specifically, where are they obtaining the streaming audio data?

Consider this popular mobile app that lets you tune into local police radio chatter. How exactly do these applications work? They aren't using any built-in radio receiver in the phone, since you can ...
AlanSTACK's user avatar
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Flutter audioplayers plugin - how to play online radio from this link?

I am trying to use the audioplayers plugin in flutter to play the radio at the following link I tried setting the url but that doesn't work. I am not sure ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to get data from online radio?

I'm making Discord radio bot (In JavaScript) that streams online radios.I want to add now-playing command, but Idk how to recognize that song or where I can find metadata from that radio station. I ...
Stefan8888's user avatar
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Create a Live Audio Streaming Service with Icecast and Drupal

I want to develop a Web Radio. To do this, to make good Radio Show I need: RadioDJ: to doing stuff with Jingles, Speakers, Songs IceCast Client: to broadcast audio streaming to IceCast Server, like ...
Gianluca Carbone's user avatar
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Icecast2 - No SSL capability

I am trying to add SSL to my Icecast2 but I always get the following error: connection/get_ssl_certificate No SSL capability This is the installed version: icecast2: Installed: 2.4.4-1 Candidate: 2....
itranger's user avatar
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Icecast2 with Let's encrypt

I have an apache webserver on my VPS and Icecast2 on Port 8000. How can I install SSL on ICECAST 2 without removing my apache webserver? Thanks in advance!
itranger's user avatar
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Play HLS radio without player view in my Android app

I am developing an android app to play the HLS radio. I don't want to have a player view since there is no video track for the streaming. I want to control the audio playing by a play/pause button. ...
Sheng Ching Lin's user avatar

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