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Unable To Create Python Environment Using DevCloud Account

I am not able to create python environments using my devcloud account in my default home directory, Along with the below command, I also tried with the commands given in this documentation "https:...
Aishwarya's user avatar
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Trying to Perform Vtune Analysis Using Python 3.6

I am created Tensor Flow (1.15.5) environment using python 3.6 Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz OS:Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS import tensorflow as tf w1=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(([2,...
Aishwarya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to Import Numba Package Getting Error

I had run the test code in the comon conda python3.8 with these: os.environ['NUMBA_CPU_FEATURES']='+adx,+aes,+avx,+avx2,+avx512bw,+avx512cd,+avx512dq,+avx512f,+avx512vl,+avx512vnni,+bmi,+bmi2,+...
Aishwarya's user avatar
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How do we find vi-like key bindings in Intel python?

I have set up the system default python to accept the vi-like key bindings (e.g. k for previous line in the history) by writing the following line in `~/.inputrc set editing-mode vi The system's ...
Aishwarya's user avatar
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PyCharm and/or numpy randomly breaks even when nothing changes

Every once in a while my PyCharm, Numpy or conda environment breaks numpy and I get this error: D:\Miniconda3\envs\main_env\python.exe "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2021.1.3\plugins\python\...
krolic's user avatar
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Getting the IntelOneAPI to work in Windows 10

I have successfully installed the offline Intel OneAPI base package in my Windows 10 machine. I cose the custom installation and picked only the following to install; Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics ...
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Test Intel Extension for Pytorch(IPEX) in multiple-choice from huggingface / transformers

I am trying out one huggingface sample with SWAG dataset I would like to use Intel Extension for Pytorch in my ...
RahilaRahi's user avatar
3 votes
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How to enable Intel Extension for Pytorch(IPEX) in my python code?

I would like to use Intel Extension for Pytorch in my code to increase overall performance. Referred this GitHub( for installation. Currently, I am ...
Janani Chandran's user avatar
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103 views of intel model zoo fails for resnet34

When running in intel model zoo github( with the below arguments python --data-location /home/user/coco/output/ --in-graph /...
AlekhyaV - Intel's user avatar
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Python, Intel Python and multi-core processors

I recently carried out a couple of tests on a Linux server with 2 processors each featuring 20 physical cores (full hardware description of one processor is given below) along with 20 additional ...
Alain's user avatar
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python dependency error while installing a package

Whenever I install a python package I get this error. I am using Intel development python in Miniconda environment. The package is getting installed but always this dependency error arises. The ...
G.MAHESH's user avatar
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Error installing package in anaconda: Attempted to make prefix record for unknown package type

I'm getting the error below for doing any operation install, update or uninstall ERROR An error occurred while uninstalling package '::ffmpeg-3.2.4-2'. Rolling back ...
pauli's user avatar
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Intel MKL Error preventing me importing Scipy in Python

I am attempting to use scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, but the problem occurs with any import statement requiring scipy, including something as simple as: import scipy When I run this, I receive the ...
William Bell's user avatar
2 votes
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Possibility to use Python 3.6 with Intel MKL 2017 and a Xeon Phi KNC Card

I am experimenting with an Intel Xeon Phi 3120A card and automatic offloading using Python. I got it running using Intel Python 2017 with the help of this post. By that I found out that the card ...
mapf's user avatar
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How Can I Install pytorch on Intel & python2.7?

I often saw how to install pytorch on intel & python3 but no python2...! How can I install pytorch on intel & python2
OBO's user avatar
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Automatic Offloading with Intel Python 2019 and Xeon Phi (KNC)

I am currently trying to get automatic offloading working using Intel Python 2019 and a Xeon Phi X100 KNC (SC3120A) card. For testing the offloading I am trying this benchmark:
mapf's user avatar
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How to use intel python on docker?

My objective is to use Intel Python to accelerate some NumPy process, mainly the FFT function. But when I use Intel Python inside a docker it has the same efficiency that "normal" Python. How do I ...
Lucas Araújo's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use intel python from anaconda?

I used this conda create --name intelpy --channel intel --override-channels intelpython to create an environment and install intelpython and conda info --envs shows # conda environments: # ...
user15964's user avatar
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Install intel python fails in anaconda due to http connection error

I am new to Anaconda. HTTP connection error is occurring while installing Intel Python under Anaconda. condaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url". Please help me to solve this issue. ...
Sowmya Shree B V's user avatar
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Spyder is not recognised as an internal command

I have downloaded the new IntelPython and installed the package according to the directions on the page. So, after I installed the application, I followed these instructions for Windows: Open a ...
Jespar's user avatar
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Intel python and intel environment in anaconda difference?

I am using Windows and I followed these steps to get the intel environment for my anaconda 3. I realized that Intel Python can be obtained without anaconda by directly downloading it from the Intel ...
Aishwarya Sai Chamanoor's user avatar