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NoMatchingViewException error during Espresso test

I am doing an instrumentation test of Fragment is displayed or not. When I start the test it execute, I am able to see FragmentLogin view in physical device but test fail by saying androidx.test....
Dnveeraj's user avatar
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Why Android enforces me to use Hilt if I want to test @AndroidEntryPoint annotated classes (UI TEST) but hilt can not provide Activity object

I am trying to test a Main Activity class that is @AndroidEntryPoint using Hilt Testing in my Android application. The PermissionHelper class is defined as follows: public class PermissionHelper { ...
Nadin Martini's user avatar
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In a Hilt Instrument Test, can you have two ViewModels for @BindValue?

I am having some issues with a instrument test using Hilt. The problem is that I have to deal with two viewModels, one for the activity and then one for the base class. Here is what I have: @RunWith(...
Kristy Welsh's user avatar
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ComponentActivity ClassNotFoundException when trying to setup Instrumented tests, with Android Compose and Hilt

I'm setting up my first instrumented unit-test and getting an obscure crash in logcat. The emulator starts and immediately crashes when the app tries to open and the unit test doesn't even run because ...
David Aleksanyan's user avatar
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Getting failed in providing HiltTestApplication as a dependency in my test module

I have followed this guide and trying to run instrumented test with HILT.But its getting failed in providing HiltTestApplication as a dependency in my test module. Below is my module class- @...
Android Developer's user avatar
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How to inject mocked ViewModel into Fragment during Instrumented tests with Android Hilt?

I am having a hard time to get my instrumented tests on Android. Goal: Inject a mocked ViewModel during a Fragment Instrumented test. Context: My ViewModel is built using the Hilt Jetpack integrations ...
Guilhermevrs's user avatar
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