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Setting the legend on top of the lines connecting mark_inset plot

I'm using InsetPosition and mark_inset to make a subplot so that I have the lines connecting them. However, I can't get the lines to be on top of the legend in the first plot. Any thoughts on how I ...
Steven Thomas's user avatar
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A Script to Right Align and then Center the Text in Indesign Table

I'm having a trouble dealing with so many tables in indesign, there are approximately around 200 tables with the same characteristics. I'm wondering if anyone know any indesign script to right align ...
M Febrian Rizky R's user avatar
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Android Compose navigationBarsPadding() doesn't work on first launch

I'm using in my app the method navigationBarsPadding() to add a bottom padding, with the same value as the navigation bars, to a composable. Unfortunately, this doesn't work when I launch the app ...
andronaline's user avatar
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SwiftUI TabView insets are not respected during rotation

For a Carousel custom component we are using a TabView with the following modifier: .tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .never)) Everything is working quite well, except that during rotation ...
valvoline's user avatar
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Why does the inset box shadow leak in from the sides but only at specific page widths?

TL;DR: I've been trying to add a white inset box shadow to highlight the bottom of a div in nav. When resizing the page, as the nav resizes, 1px white borders appeared on the left and right sides of ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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How do I create two inserted plots by zooming in on two different areas? The original plot was made with `ggplot2`

I made a plot using ggplot2. From this plot, I want to highlight and zoom in on two different areas. To do this I used the ggforce package and the facet_zoom( ) function. However, this function only ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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Discontinuous y-axis in inset plot with `ggplot2`

I am trying to insert a Kaplan-Meier inset "zoom" plot into the same KM plot (when Survival curves are very similar to allow more accurate inspection). This is currently used by many ...
q050cr's user avatar
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Why does contain bad value in viewDidLayoutSubviews()?

Running iOS 16.1 app through XCode iPhone 14 Pro Max (phy. device), where 'view' is my VC's main view, I'm getting a value of 97.66666... which is much higher than the 59.0 ...
clearlight's user avatar
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Compose ExposedDropdownMenu system bar issue in edge to edge

I have a list of ExposedDropdownMenus and an edge-to-edge state of app implemented by using insets. WindowInsetsControllerCompat(window, bindingActivity.root).let { controller -> ...
Ivan Beskorovayniy's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make a zoomed inset with plotly?

Basically, how to do the following with plotly, in Python 3?
mykahveli's user avatar
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How to make an inset plot with mollweide projection?

I want to make a skymap using the Mollweide projection for a main set of axes and for an inset axes. This is easy for the main axes but not for the inset. I've tried a few different things but it ...
Daddy Kropotkin's user avatar
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How do I add multiple subplots into a multirow figure in R?

i need to overlay multiple subplots onto a single plot which is already contained inside a multirow figure (see image) the reason why i need subplots instead of screen layout is because the figure ...
ivan866's user avatar
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How to avoid views resizing in immersive mode?

I'm using immersive mode when i click on "play" and show system bars again when pressing "stop". I'm using these methods: fun hideSystemUI(container: View) { WindowCompat....
SoulReaver313's user avatar
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Remove extra bottom padding when using Accompanist Insets library in Compose

I have a column, containing TextFields, and a button at the bottom of the screen. I'm trying to make the Column scrollable so that I can scroll down to see the button that hides behind the keyboard ...
Saul's user avatar
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setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener in android java

I have a toolbar which is overlapping with the system bars so I am setting the insets with the toolbar. I have the implementation below which is not doing anything and it is still at the same place. I ...
a awasi's user avatar
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How to edit the axis values manually while plotting insets in matplotlib [duplicate]

I want to edit the axis values while plotting a graph with insets in matplotlib. I know how to do it when it's a regular plot but I can't seem to figure this out. I have attached a graph with inset ...
Jo Bi's user avatar
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OnApplyWindowInsetsListener in landscape mode to detect keyboard visibility changes

Thanks to this great answer here: we can now track when keyboard is shown in Android... Unfortunateñy I have found some issues with it. It turns out that ...
vallllll's user avatar
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WindowInsetsController#hide(statusBars()) causes content to jump

At the moment my activity calls requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE) window.setFlags(FLAG_FULLSCREEN, FLAG_FULLSCREEN) inside of its onCreate method in order to hide the status bar and ...
Lingviston's user avatar
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How to do an inset border with a border radius on an image

How do to an inset border with a border radius on an image like so: I can use the outline CSS property .img{ border-radius: 16px; outline: 3px solid #fece40; outline-offset: -16px; } ...
neilgee's user avatar
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Change insets for collapsing toolbar depending on its state

I have collapsing toolbar and some layout in it I want to collapse. To prevent view going under status bar, I use system insets to set margin for collapsing toolbar. I extracted AppBarLayout to ...
QuarK's user avatar
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How do I place insets at exact positions on a ggplot and set the colors of geom_segment?

I'm creating an illustration of how loess works. My two queries are at the end of this question. First, setup: library(tidyverse) data(melanoma, package = "lattice") mela <- as_tibble(...
mk9y's user avatar
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read an svg file to insert in matplotlib

I am trying to read an image from an SVG file and insert in matplotlib figure. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylustrator as pyl import numpy as np from matplotlib.figure import Figure from ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Insert an svg image in matplotlib figure

This is a follow-up to my previous post here. I'm trying to add an SVG image in matplotlib figure as inset. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.figure import Figure ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Adjusting spacing between axes label and axes boundary in matplotlib inset

I've generated a network figure and I'm adding this as an inset to a figure generated in matplotlib: import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Changing the grid properties of insets in matplotlib

This is a follow up to my question posted here. A network diagram is added as an inset in matplotlib figure. import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt G = nx.gnm_random_graph(n=10, m=15, ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Android : WindowInsetsAnimationCallback error during exec

I'm trying to know when the animation close of the softkeyboard is done. So i try to use this function : val rootLayout = findViewById<ConstraintLayout>( rootLayout....
Marine Droit's user avatar
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Adding image generated from another library as inset in matplotlib

I've generated a network figure using vedo library and I'm trying to add this as an inset to a figure generated in matplotlib import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from vedo import * ...
Natasha's user avatar
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React native android scrollview - Content Inset / Content Offset not applied

SNACK - As the title suggests, when working with react native scroll view the content inset and content offset do not seem to be applied. Android and iOS both ...
Travis Delly's user avatar
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Center a collection view when scrolling with partially visible previous and next item

i want to achieve the result like in this image and this is what I get when I launch the collection view (the first item): But when I scroll the inset left and right seems that aren't respecting ...
Vincenzo Flaminio's user avatar
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Colorbar for inset in python

I am trying to add an additional small colorbar for the inset axis. The current code, without that, is import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm import ...
evening silver fox's user avatar
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UIScrollView content insets can't be removed? [duplicate]

Hello I am trying to create a side scroller with swift (I need to be compatible with IOS9 and I can not use UIScrollview.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never) and I am having trouble creating a ...
TeeJaay's user avatar
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add plot inset (subplot) and multiple standard deviations to ggplot() with filtering based on conditions in R

Part 1: We are trying to make a ggplot() that shows multiple different summary statistics depending on the x-axis. We have more or less managed to do this, but are open to suggestions to help with ...
Blundering Ecologist's user avatar
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SwiftUI InsettableShape with .strokeBorder

Can someone please explain why my self made "myRectangle" that I have conformed to InsettableShape doesn't work with .strokeBorder but the built in Rectangle() does? Here is myRectangle code;...
SD449's user avatar
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Pesky border around a grob inset map

I made this map and it's nearly perfect except for the inset map has this pesky white borer around it. I would like for the inset to just have the black line border of the actual panel border, but not ...
Salma Abdel-Raheem's user avatar
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matplotlib zoomed plot window inside a main plot?

I am trying to plot a zoom plot inside the main plot. I was successful in running the code and getting the plots. But there was no zoom-in. My code: # create some data to use for the plot dt = 0.001 t ...
Mainland's user avatar
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Problem with GridBagLayout while adding JComboBox and JButton

In the output, I don't need the gap between the button 4 (b4) and button 5 (b5) but I couldn't do that and I tried insets also but my attempts are in vain. Can you help me out with any suggestions or ...
Sai Swaroop's user avatar
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3 answers

Save a corner plot in matplotlib figure

I have a simple corner plot. Lets just imagine the example from their page (taken from here): import corner import numpy as np ndim, nsamples = 2, 10000 np.random.seed(42) samples = np.random.randn(...
Ayan Mitra's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Add Image to TextField/SecureField in SwiftUI, add padding to placeholder text

I made a textfield and a securetextfield in SwiftUI but I have no idea how to add in an image into my textfield/secure textfield in SwiftUI. There is not much documentation online for SwiftUI like ...
bain's user avatar
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Add a plotly figure as an inset to another plotly figure

I think this is a plotting situation that probably commonly occurs in data science. I have some data on which I'm conducting a statistical test and I want to plot the data together with the outcomes ...
dan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Support NSDirectionalEdgeInsets for UIButton's contentEdgeInsets?

I would like to use NSDirectionalEdgeInsets to UIButton's contentEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets. Is that possible? Background For localization purposes, an iOS application may be required to adapt ...
om-ha's user avatar
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annotation_custom is not placing the grobs

Here is a code I have written: sp9 <- ggplot(PWPdf3_12_1250, aes(log10(Avsize), log10(Prob))) + geom_point(color= "blue") plotx <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() + ...
Anirban Das's user avatar
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Zoom in on polar plot

I'd like to create an inset within my fig which is a zoom in on part of my polar plot. I've tried various different methods but can't seem to crack the correct way to do using matplotlib. My code to ...
nrs90's user avatar
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Zooming and plotting a inset plot

I am trying to do a zoomed in inset plot like the image: The first part of the code is working i.e. it is plotting the file. Only when I try to plot the zoomed part it gives the following error I ...
BRMBU's user avatar
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Is it possible to do a "zoom inset" using seaborn?

This example from matplotlib shows how to do an inset. However I am working with seaborn, specifically the kdeplot. sns.kdeplot(y, label='default bw') sns.kdeplot(y, bw=0.5, label="bw: 0.2", alpha=0....
posdef's user avatar
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Gnuplot: inset from file .plt

I have 2 generic Gnuplot files: plot1.plt and plot2.plt already saved. I need to merge them in a single plot in which plot2.plt is an inset of plot1.plt. I think I can explain better with a picture. ...
Gigino's user avatar
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How to make space between icon and label in Charts iOS Swift?

I using Chart component for iOS Swift. My chart contains icon and label(digit number). And my number label is behind of icon. How to fix this problem. I can move my icon like this: iconsOffset ...
reza_khalafi's user avatar
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Matplotlib's inset_locator with inverted axes

I want to make a standard inset into my plot. But I don't get how to use the inset_locator. Here is my code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1....
DerWeh's user avatar
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Losing resolution inset plot Python

I'm trying to insert a plot into another one by using: ... im = plt.imread(get_sample_data('Inset.eps', asfileobj=True),format='eps') newax = f.add_axes([0.14, 0.30, 0.45, 0.40]) newax.imshow(im,...
Gustavo Adolfo Cruz Diaz's user avatar
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java; basic way to add components in custom locations (jframe)

I need to use Custom Locations for my JFrame components, I have tried looking in Java's Document about Using the insets object for making a custom location but i dont really understand that well... ...
Java Starter's user avatar
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Matplotlib change style of inset elements singularly

I am trying to plot some data on which I would like to make an inset to show some details. It is quite easy to create the inset and set the characteristics of the plot inside the inset. What I have ...
Alex Pacini's user avatar