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Pick the latest file based on datestamp provided in the filename

I have to pick the latest files and copy it to the target folder. For example below are my files in C:\Users\ and the date stamp is after the third underscore i.e. 20240210 in the first file below. so ...
P.C's user avatar
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Efficiently parse data in a flat file

I have a flat file containing data structured in a specific pattern, where each row consists of alternating fields. For example: A|B E|F|G|H J|K|L|M In this data, 'A' represents field 1, 'B' ...
Chirag Raj's user avatar
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in which situation i have to use transformation instead of sql query in informatica powercenter?

If I can achieve it by writing SQL, is there no need to use the transformation component? and I wanna know in what situation using transformation is better than sql query ? I heard coverting the ...
Kun Han's user avatar
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How to check the used space during run of an Informatica Powercenter Workflow?

I'm trying to find out more about the space that Informatica Powercenter takes up when a Workflow is executed. At the moment, we have a table on an Oracle server that weighs about 300 MB and has ...
tuzzo's user avatar
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Compare Rows to only send specific rows in Informatica

I needed guidance on how to solve for below in informatica powercenter. My source flat file. |Student|Subject|PF| |1|Science|Fail| |1|Maths|Pass| |2|Science|Fail| I need to apply logic where if a ...
User24146692918's user avatar
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In informatica Target has two primary keys one has duplicate rows but with other pk combined it will be unique

In target there is data like Rowid batchnum sold 1 10 Null 1 20 Null Now the requirement is sold column is new column and we need to insert the data to sold column by taking ...
Pavan bm's user avatar
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Informatica new column data loading into existing target table

I have an requirement as there is one existing target table and now requirement is we have included one new column to it and the data to the target table should load from a new source table in new ...
Pavan bm's user avatar
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Lookup Condition in Informatica for double and decimal datatype

I have a lookup table which have column name 'Serial_Number' in double format and source table (SQ) Serial_Number in double format. How both table can be connected in the lookup condition? I am trying ...
Afnan Zul Kamal's user avatar
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How to update variable inside a parameter file

lets say i have a parameter file [Global] $$param1=x $$param2=r $$param3=t $$param4=h $$param5=j $$Counter=0 what i want is whenever i run the session the parameter file updates and $Counter variable ...
Bahy Mohamed's user avatar
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How to read source file path from text file in informatica

I have a flat file and its path is stored inside text file i want to read that path from text file and use it inside session task to execute the session and i want to read this file and take that ...
Bahy Mohamed's user avatar
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There is unexpected duplicate records in my informatica mapping. I am unable to find from where they are coming?

In my informatica mapping, initially the source was relational one. I changed it to file and now duplicate records are coming in the target.For example there is only 750 records in my source but in my ...
Ritwik Das's user avatar
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Informatica_Reader_1_1 : ERROR OPENING FILE [/Users/triti/OneDrive/Desktop/used_bikes.csv] Operating system error message [No such file or directory]

i am learning informatica powercenter and have created a mapping with aggregator transformation averaging prices by city. Both the source and target exist in the same directory. I only have client ...
Ritika Tiwari's user avatar
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How to convert csv to Json using expression transformation in informatica?

I have a csv file, I am converting this to Json array format. Below are the row wise operations in expression transformation for the two fields. region country Json(output port): '{'||'"...
kumar's user avatar
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How to expose informatica as a web service for salesforce to connect and pass data?

We have salesforce where in we need to pass Id field for informatica , once this Id field is passed, informatica will fetch records from database based on the Id. How can we expose informatica power ...
kumar's user avatar
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CMD succeeds in Informatica but does not get executed in actual

I have a CMD task in a workflow. When I run the workflow it says command executed successfully but nothing happens. The command is supposed to trigger another workflow. Same CMD task is executing ...
Mahendra Dhaker's user avatar
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Special character conversion Informatica

I've got a question. How may I import special characters? I need to import data to sqlServer, this data contains Chinese and Japanese characters. What query should I make in the Informatica to handle ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Informatica. I have workflow with 5 sessions. How to limit no of rows for each session and in second run how to pick the different records?

I have a flat file (.csv) as source with two fields . I have workflow with 5 sessions . Each session should pick 200 records and total 1000 records updated to webservice. In the second run it should ...
Ashok 's user avatar
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How to encrypt a parameter file or hide from viewing to all users in unix path in informatica?

I Have a parameter file which I am using in mapping. This file contains credentials and other sensitive information stored as follows: $$username=myusername $$password=mypassword $$secret_key=...
Ashok 's user avatar
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Which Informatica transformation can be used to save a JSON file to a database or a .csv file?

Below will be first session using curl command start-->command task(output file in .json) Above file should be converted to .csv or later should be loaded to database.
Ashok 's user avatar
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Informatica HTTP transformation, End point URL does not give response for GET method

I am trying to use HTTP transformation for getting response from an api. Here I am not sending any token or credentials for authorization. I am just using blanK text file as source and in HTTP ...
Ashok 's user avatar
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I am trying to invoke rest API using Java transformation getting compile error as cannot find symbol set Requestmethod

Below are the java packages and code written. import; import; import; import; import;...
Ashok 's user avatar
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How do I send multiple ports data as single string into flatfile informatica?

I have multiple variable ports which gave some fixed values assigned. I need to pass this variable ports into single output port as string and capture in flatfile. Expression: Id_v:'xxxx' Password_v:'...
Ashok 's user avatar
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Informatica Flat File source name

I am working on a project were we need to load flat file eg : (Gemstone_20220325.csv) I have given the source name as (Gemstone_*.csv) in script to search for the file in the path. But it is failing ...
abirami ramachandran's user avatar
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How to send data through http transformation in Informatica?

I have http request as follows [ { "id":"xxxxxxx" "email":"[email protected]" } ] I need to update the fields by calling rest API through http transformation. Do I ...
Ashok 's user avatar
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How to get data in json format in informatica?

I have Id and email in flat file, I am using expression transformation, created an output port as string data type, trying to pass the value as below '[ { "Id":"'||Id||'" &...
Ashok 's user avatar
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How do I send data in http transformation in informatica?

I have to send Id and owner id two fields from a flat file to http transformation which hits a web service(rest API).They need the data to be sent as below json format [ { "...
Ashok 's user avatar
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query to retrieve workflow details from repository tables in informatica?

I need to get workflow details like wf name, objects used, run time and throughput from repository tables in informatica. can you help with the query?
kumar's user avatar
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Need to create a job in informatica powercenter to login with the ID and sends a email if the ID is locked

There is one ID which gets locked from time to time , so need to create a job in informatica powercenter to login with the ID and sends a email if the ID is locked. Created a PowerCenter connection ...
Abhinav mittal's user avatar
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Filter transformation - null conditional

How does Informatica developer handle a null returned from a condition in a filter condition? Informatica treats it as if it were a true or a false? Example in Filter condition: IFF(size<52, TRUE, ...
KikeSP's user avatar
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Informatica error : PCSF_46008 cannot connect to domain to lookup service

I get this login error in Informatica Power center Designer frequently. I checked all the servers are running fine. Only i get this problem in my entire team. Any suggestions
Sai Kishore's user avatar
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Informatica Case Statement with date

I'm trying to do a case statement with three columns which are 30_Pst_Due_dt, 60_Pst_Due_dt, 90_Pst_Due_dt. I need it to do when 30_pst_Due_dt is between 1 and 29 then '1-29 days'. When 60_Pst_Due_dt ...
4rock25's user avatar
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informatica repository Backup Failed using pmrep command

I got the error below when i'm runnig the following command : [infadm@etlserver ~]$pmrep backup -o /Prodproject/Backup/bkp_RepProd_$(date +"%Y%m%d").rep -d Desc_bkp_RepProd -f -b -j -q -v ...
MohaMed's user avatar
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How to implement truncate and load in target in informatica?

I want to create one to one mapping with truncate and load so how to implement this mapping?. Please tell me steps for this
Shilpa Done's user avatar
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Updating to Salesforce user object using informatica

I have three fields badge number, termination date and status to update to Salesforce based on badge using update strategy in mapping and on session level -upsert with external lookup field ...
kumar's user avatar
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Informatica insert update code with flag 'N' , 'U', how to update

If profile comes with N flag need to insert to profile_id, if comes U flag update to profile_temp. Some times user comes with N flag as well for update which needs to be updated to profile_ temp only. ...
kumar's user avatar
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Sequence generation based on a conditon using Informatica

I need to achieve following data transformation using Informatica, The first picture is the sample input data The data after transformations should look like as below, Here for the different type I ...
Chang's user avatar
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how to compare column names and order of columns in two files in informatica cloud

The source files columns keep on changing every time, and so the data in the target table gets jumbled. I want to avoid this issue by creating some program in informatica cloud where it will check the ...
gunjan gupta's user avatar
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"GPWRT_34065 [ERROR] Gpload error: unexpected error -- backtrace written to log file"

I've recently updated a mapping in Informatica designer which used to work without any problem, I added two columns in the target table, i did some calculation in an expression, then link two-port to ...
MohaMed's user avatar
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How to Generate a Single file from multiple tables in Informatica Power Center

How to Generate a Single file from multiple tables in Informatica Power Center like below...
Chethan M's user avatar
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Buffer length vs column precision vs DTM buffer size in Informatica

I have a workflow which loads millions of data from flat file to Oracle Table. The buffer length set was 10240. Recently it failed with the error record length is larger than the line sequential ...
Learner's user avatar
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Informatica relational connection password change

Yesterday I had installed Informatica 9.1.0 and after that I was able to run Informatica workflow successfully. Today I have reset the password of one relational connection using sql developer-->...
Axel's user avatar
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Informatica Pre Session Command read files matching a pattern inside a directory and delete "" in files

I've researched a lot and finally made a decision to raise this question. I am using Informatica Pre Session command to read files that match a particular pattern and delete all "" ...
vishrut jain's user avatar
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How to create repeted seq in informatica?

How to generate repeated seq using Informatica mapping. Src file A B C D E F G H I J Trg file A 1 B 1 C 2 D 2 E 3 F 3 G 4 H 4 I 5 J 5 Thank you in advance.
ashish's user avatar
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Informatica filter based on the date column on the other table in the different database?

In Informatica 10.2, I have requirement to filter the data on the main table based on the other table value which is in the different database. Scenario : Table1 (Db1) Column in the tables: Name, ...
user3600663's user avatar
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How can I plug in this simple SQL logic to an already existing script correctly?

Currently I am working on a sql script in informatica powercenter, the current script is this ltrim(rtrim(Sur_Co))|| ltrim(rtrim(Seqe_N))|| rpad(ltrim(rtrim(Ct_Num)),30,' ')|| **iif(isnull(ltrim(...
space_animal's user avatar
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Converting a Excel value to Date in Informatica

Need your thoughts Trying to Load excel to table using Informatica process Source have a date value (ex: 5/29/2020) where it read as 4398 which is number value we get in excel when we convert the ...
Janu's user avatar
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how to put a char into a string with a condition

I'm very new in informatica and I would like to add a port with a expression which adds a char based on a condition. example: ports that are going to be checked: Input: a: T b: T c: F output: Result ...
Nika's user avatar
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How to split a column value into multiple rows using Java transformation in Informatica PowerCenter

Below input value for 4th column CUSTOMER_DETAILS can vary up to 30 values within symbol <>, but in this example only 5 values are considered. INPUT: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 ...
Meraj Uddin's user avatar
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Unconnected lookup sql override issue

I have unconnected lookup lkp_tst with the below ports - x,y,z - all these 3 fields are strings. This unconnected lookup port has x as the return port Also added i/p port (ipp) - to define the lookup ...
exp post's user avatar
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Delimiter error in Informatica data transfer

Actually I am trying to transfer data from one flat file to another using Informatica. The delimiter is |, ex. Animesh|Srivastava|lucknow But in output file data is showing "Animesh",|"...
Animesh Srivastava's user avatar