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how to set CallType notification with default ringtone set for calls

I am using fcm push notification to start the calls and the connect to socket and webrtc. I have set the normal flow with notificationChannel and set sound for that, but its still sound for default ...
Mohsin Atta's user avatar
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How to open my activity when push received and when the application is in killed state

I have been assigned a task to implement a wake-up feature for a calling application. Specifically, when the app is killed and a push notification arrives indicating an incoming call, I need to open ...
Vikas Singh's user avatar
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Incoming call notifier

here i have use roadcastReceiver to get the incoming mobile number all permission is granted and the state is also changed but still shows the incoming number as null min sdk = 24 compilesdk = 34 ...
mavin sandeep's user avatar
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React Native Incoming call pop up

I just want to do something like this for android devices. When a call comes in (incoming call), a pop-up will open and the caller number will appear here, and there will be 2 buttons under it as ...
Enes Atlam's user avatar
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Detecting which SIM a incoming call is coming from android?

I neeed to detect target sim card of incoming call on multiple sim devices. I have tired a lot of posts and tried many solutions, but all the solutions are outdated. Not working on newer version of ...
Anandh Krishnan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Android detecting incoming calls and retrieving data

I need to detect when calls come to the phone and get the name (what is shown when the call comes in, even if it is just a number or SPAM), number and photo. I tried to do so, in the end I had the ...
Lnight's user avatar
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how can I avoid validation of the caller id when I make a call to Twilio via trunk?

When I redirect a call to Twilio via trunk I want to know the callerId of the first number and Twilio tells me that I need to verify the number first. I call a phone number (phone1 to phone2) and the ...
Marc's user avatar
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Is it possible to transfer sip incoming call (remote address) to the another app like another sip client apps?

If it is possible how to do I am developing sip client in android studio in kotlin for android using linphone sdk. Thanks in Advance. Do anyone have solution for this please share I am working on this ...
Avi's user avatar
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Insistent ongoing notification not working on Android

I have been trying to create an incoming call type notification for my Android app, written in native Java code, and in many resources online I have read that using the .setOngoing(true) tag on the ...
Mayonnaise Sandwich's user avatar
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Incoming call notification

We are developing an app with angular/ionic in which we use capacitor jitsi plugin for video calls. What we are now trying to do is to receive notifications (via firebase) like in whatsapp with the ...
Giamma's user avatar
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Incoming Phone Call notification has no ringtone sound or vibration

Method to create a Notification Channel private fun createChannel(notificationManager: NotificationManager) { val uri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_RINGTONE) ...
Nishan Khadka's user avatar
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How can I detect a new incoming call during an active phone call programmatically in Android

I'm building an Android Dialer App and currently I'm working on a calling feature. The problem that I'm facing right now is when I'm already on a phone call and someone calls me, my app doesn't detect ...
Hamza Sheikh's user avatar
-1 votes
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display incoming call after receiving fcm notification in react native

i'm using callkeep and react native with firebase, i want to show incoming call or wake app up when receiving incoming push from fcm when app is closed(quieet state). so i already tried to show ...
shahrooz bazrafshan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Prevent an incoming call from stopping the application execution(Angular, Ionic)

I am developing an app with angular and ionic 6. In the app you can do streaming and when you receive an incoming call the streaming stops. Is there any way to block incoming calls or show them as a ...
Juan Lopez's user avatar
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Android incoming call notification: play ringtone through MediaPlayer

TL;DR how to start a notification in a channel that has a sound but play the actual sound with a MediaPlayer? I work on an Android calling app. The incoming calls are displayed via full screen intent ...
magom001's user avatar
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How do I know if BroadcastReceiver is working?

I'm trying to do an app that can send to a web service the phone numbers (and the contact name only if it is already registered) from incoming calls, so I found this question here, and I implemented ...
Orlando Lucero's user avatar
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Where does the Android CallScreeningService place if I'm using BroadcastReceiver?

I am using the Broadcast receiver to detect the incoming call and then call my custom incoming Screen as follow: public class CallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void ...
Stiven Fortes's user avatar
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Error in recording incoming calls doesn't work?

I am making a call recording app outgoing call is recording but the incoming call is not recording. I have also tested on different mobiles but the issue is the same. I have tested different methods ...
Waceem Virk's user avatar
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Launch activity for income call when phone is locked android

I want to launch an incoming call activity when the device screen is locked in Android. I have added to my manifest the following <activity android:name=".ui.activities....
james04's user avatar
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How to do something when i detect missed call but NOT WHEN CALL IS REJECTED

I read this article but I want to do something only when I receive a missed call. I see that the article works in missed and rejected call. If the state was rinning and the new is idle I know that of ...
mojojojo's user avatar
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Android End (Waiting Call) programatically

I'm building some sort of util app for Call Center people. Where I've to perform action on waiting call. Suppose ABC tries to call me and I answered call, and same time XYZ also tries to call me then ...
Swapnil Musale's user avatar
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Twilio | How can I modify call after X duration of dialed?

Suppose a customer is calling and at the application side staff members(softphone) are busy with some other stuff. I want to play call later text when nobody will answer after X seconds. I've used a ...
Mayank Majithia's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to redirect incoming call to custom made UI in android [closed]

I'm trying to redirect incoming calls on a custom made UI instead of default Android screen. I have tried doing it using many ways like using CallScreeningService or InCallService but still not able ...
Nirmesh's user avatar
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Reject Incoming Call in Flutter

How to detect and reject incoming calls in flutter even if the app is in background. Any help will be appreciated.
akanksha saini's user avatar
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How to run a built-in call app when a device gets incoming call in onCallAdded(InCallService) function?

When a phone is ringing ( by an incoming call) If the phone number is a specific number I want to show my custom UI. If It is not, I want to pass it to the (built-in) system call app(Or any other call ...
성이름's user avatar
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Xamarin Android React to Incoming and Outgoing calls

I want to react to calls (incoming and outgoing ) on a device. The main issue is that the Broadcast receiver that monitors the Phone.State never receives notifications about calls both incoming and ...
Ken Janka's user avatar
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Is it possible to send an automated SMS reply to incoming calls

I'm wanting to send an automated SMS reply to incoming calls using Twilio. I have searched and have seen it work and the company that uses it is integrated with Twilio but I can't seem to find how to ...
Wes Winarski's user avatar
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How is google call screen streaming audio to an incoming call?

I have been trying to stream an on-device audio file to an incoming call, I am not able to achieve that. but it looks google call screen is having no problem streaming audio to an incoming call. I ...
Nadir Laskar's user avatar
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Detecting target SimCard of incoming call in Multi-Sim devices

I've read a lot of posts and tried many solutions, but the common point of all posts was that they were all outdated and at least I couldn't find a solution that would work on newer versions of ...
Alireza Noorali's user avatar
5 votes
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Display video button in CallKit incoming call screen when call is video

I am using the following code to receive video calls. My application has audio and video call functionality and I am using linphone + CallKit. - (void)config { CXProviderConfiguration *config = [[...
iosdev1111's user avatar
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CallKit UI for reportNewIncomingCall is not showing when the user disconnect by clicking on "remind me" and a different call come

Sometimes the CallKit UI is not visible. This happens all the time when the user clicks on the "Remind me" button on CallKit UI and cancel the call. Now, when the user gets the call for the second ...
ashish agrawal's user avatar
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Call UI screen not coming on OnePlus devices

I am working on an application where i am using an Activity over the default device lockscreen and when there is an incoming call i am using a broadcast receiver to receive that event and then i am ...
Kunal's user avatar
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Answer Or Decline Phone-Call On Button Click | How To Make Overlay Touchable?

I'm new to Android Development, I'm building an Incoming Call Screen Which will come up with "Answer" and "Decline" Button and a Blue color Background whenever My Phone would go in Ringing State. ...
Utaiba Naqshbandi's user avatar
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Get Incoming call number in Android not working for Android Pie(9.0)

This is the code I used to do my work, but unfortunately It doesn't work for my device with Android Pie(9.0). But It works for device with Android Naugat(7.0). I already enabled the phone permission ...
shayanmalinda's user avatar
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How to press dialPad btn programmatically?

I am using Android Oreo and I need to press (or simulate if possible) some symbol on dialPad programmatically when pickedUp incoming call. I have next code, which is pickUp phone call automatically: ...
Andriy Antonov's user avatar
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How to silence incoming call or notification on Android Pie?

My code used to successfully silence incoming calls by simply using setRingerMode, but ever since Android Pie, it's just not working anymore. I had tested the built-in DND mode, and it seemed to not ...
craned's user avatar
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Not able to detect an incoming call in Oreo

I am working on an Application where i need to detect incoming call in activity's onResume(), i am using this code to detect any incoming call. TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)...
Kunal's user avatar
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Incomings Call with Android Sip stack in Embarcadero C++ builder

I'm trying to receive calls on my SIP application at Embarcadero with C++ builder and I'm not able to get it. My situation is as follows: I've made an Asterisk server, I've created several accounts ...
LRA's user avatar
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broadcast receiver in xamarin forms to detect incoming calls [duplicate]

hey guys i'm new to xamarin forms and I've attempted a simple app that sets reminders and a part of that app is to detect end of call and generate a pop-up like in true I've tried the same ...
Russell Fernandes's user avatar
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Android O : Notification channel for Incoming call

Introduction of notification channel allow many apps to remove their notification settings in app and redirect to device settings. Which is quite easy for developers as the framework itself will ...
Suthakar's user avatar
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How to disable default incoming call/text notification?

I want to disable incoming call and text notification and use my app to show notification. Logic is that my app will stay in background and on incoming call/text my app will popup with a page where I ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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Issue with ConnectionService PhoneAccount registering in android

I am trying to use Twilio for video calling application, one end is web and another end is android. Using Firebase to trigger push notification from web to android. I need to convert the push ...
Arunraj Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Programmatically block (cancel) incoming call in Android 8 Oreo?

I'm programming an application for filtering unsolicited calls. The app is working properly for Android 4.2 (API level 17) to Android 7.1 (API level 25). On some devices with Android 8.0 (API level ...
KJAN's user avatar
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How to simulate a incoming call using Xamarin Forms

I want to simulate a incoming call in Xamarin Forms app and capture the answered vs cancelled action by user. I want to initiate the call on a trigger like timer in the background.
VKR's user avatar
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CallDirectory - How to have dynamic label text for a phone number

I have a below requirement and I need your valuable suggestions and solutions. Requirement : Whenever I get a call from one particular number, I need to make a API call and get some info and need ...
rir's user avatar
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android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS How I can use? for auto answer

As per android developer documentation Android 8.0 (API level 26) introduces several new permissions related to telephony: The ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS permission allows your app to answer incoming ...
Turk Damgası's user avatar
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perfectly blocking incoming calls in android

I want to block all incoming calls but get notified. For this I'm implementing this code: TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); try { ...
Abubakar Azeem's user avatar
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How to replace default incoming calling screen?

How to remove default incoming calling screen and replace it from a custom caller screen and make it default caller screen
Ajay Mandrawal's user avatar
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Incomming call broadcast receivernot working in Android 4.4.2

I have an incomming call Broadcast receiver, it is working on android 7.1 nut not on android 4.2. Broadcast Receiver public class CallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private MainActivity ...
Tiago_nes's user avatar
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Broadcast receiver is not triggered for incoming calls

I have this code and my app is not detecting the incoming calls. My code is very similar with this answer what am i doing wrong? How does a Android "OS" detect a incoming call <?xml ...
Tiago_nes's user avatar
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