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android get imei in cc/c++ for ndk/JNI

I would try to get the imei of a device in C/C++ (using ndk) and retrieve the result with JNI. const char *res = exec_get_out("service call iphonesubinfo 3"); Works in shell, but does not in my ...
sakdoss's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Is it possible to validate IMEI Number?

For a mobile shop application, I need to validate an IMEI number. I know how to validate based on input length, but is their any other mechanism for validating the input number? Is there any built-in ...
Kichu's user avatar
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Is there a perfect hash function for the combined input sets of IMEI numbers and MAC addresses? (C implementation)

I'm looking for a hash function that I can use to give uniform unique IDs to devices that connect to our network either using a GSM modem or an ethernet connection. So for any given device I have ...
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