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Extracting string from ann email body

I'm using python to extract the information provided from the body of an email using imap. Part of the email that interests to my code: "BOT ID: 4824CF8B-2986-11EC-80F0-84A93851B964" I can ...
HC DARK BOT's user avatar
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Get/Read email message and output plain text

On Windows OS using Python 2.7 and Gmail - trying to fetch and read email's body. # Parse the email message msg = email.message_from_string(msg_data[0][1].decode('UTF-8')) # Extract the "FROM&...'s user avatar
0 votes
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Dispose and Flush method in MsftFileSystemImage (Powershell script)

I found a Powershell Script that burn the Zip File from one location $Path = "C:\temp\" to CD ROM. The script program work fine. I try to enchance the program by delete the zip file ...
Easy Money's user avatar
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Java/Com4J/IMAPI2. Unable to subscribe to WriteEngine events (BurnDVD application)

I'm developing an application with burning DVD functionality. The IMAPI2 interfaces stack is provided by a COM object, and I've managed to hook into it using com4j. Now the application is able to burn ...
vzateychuk's user avatar
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Can JNA be used for a complex Windows DLL like IMAPI

I've managed to get COM4J to use some functionality in the windows IMAPI (CD writing). However I've failed to get any of the calls that return SAFEARRAYs working, but this project doesn't appear to be ...
Mark's user avatar
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What is the Windows API to use a disc as a Live File System?

I have developed a CD Burning Application with C++ using Windows IMAPI. However, now I want my disc to be able to function like Live File System (Like USB). Basically, I want to have the ...
Avan CaiJun's user avatar
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How to asynchronously write CD/DVD using IMAPI?

I have been told to write a software to burn a CD synchronously/asynchronously as per user choice. I am using IMAPIv2 with C# for the project, and it does not provide the functionality explicitly to ...
Sherwin's user avatar
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How to explicitly create a directory structure in ISO file created with IMAPI?

I have copied a program that writes an ISO file using the IMAPI. It seems to truncate directory names. For example, if I call this function: image.Root.AddTree("C:\\DIR\\SUBDIR", true); What I get ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Is there a relatively straightforward way to finalize a CD or DVD in C# or PowerShell?

First, some clarification of terms. By finalize, I don't mean closing a session; I mean writing a lead-out to a CD or DVD in such a way that information can no longer be added to it via the usual ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
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UWP and IMAPI or addressing CD-ROM Drive

I'm pretty certain that IMAPI isn't duplicated in the Universal Windows Platform (which seems like a bit of an oversight) but I need to write audio files to a CD-ROM drive. Is this even possible? ...
Rich Bryant's user avatar
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IMAPI: What is the difference between get_MediaPhysicallyBlank and get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank?

From the MSDN documentation of get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank and get_MediaPhysicallyBlank, it is not clear what is the exact difference between these two. Can anyone please explain how both of these are ...
BiJ's user avatar
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IMAPI: How to get image size without throwing exception if image size exceeds free space?

I am writing a code to write a media (CD/DVD) using IMAPI (C#.NET). The writing works all fine. In case when I try to add file which exceeds the free space on media, it throws exception. I can catch ...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
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IMAPI: COMException Internal file system error occurred [-1062555360 ]

I am writing CD/DVD using IMAPI with C#.NET windows application. The data I write on CD contains one executable file (test.exe) which is also developed with C#.NET and virtualized (sandobx) using ...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
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2 answers

I get 6 as State result for a blank CD

I don't know why I get 6 as a result when I insert a blank media in my burner. To my understanding there is no 6 in the states of the enumeration of IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE. Here is a link ...
habibhassani's user avatar
4 votes
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Adding a stream to an ISO as a File

I am using the IMAPI2FS Image Mastering API in Windows, and I'm trying to figure out how to add a stream as a file to the file system image before I generate the ISO. var fsi = new ...
hatboyzero's user avatar
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finding uuid's/headers for imapi2 com objects or get __uuidof to work on mingw

I am trying to access imapi2 com objects from a mingw project. I was trying to follow a visual studio example. I found the imapi2 header files in Microsoft SDK 7.1, but they do not seem to have the ...
user1404617's user avatar
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errors in imapi2.h when compiling imapi2 app with mingw64 c++ "declaration of '__RPC__range' with no type"

I am trying to use imapi2 to write to cd-rw's with a c++ program that is compiled with mingw on windows. I am looking at a Visual Studio c++ example. I copied imapi2.h to my project from Microsoft SDK ...
user1404617's user avatar
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IMAPI2: adding files and folders fails

I'm trying to create a disc image via IMAPI2. The code is pretty straightforward: #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <...
user2286759's user avatar
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Create a folder in disk and Burn Into it using IMAPI 2

I'm using IMAPI2 in C# to burn a list of files to a multisession disk. But I want To be able to burn those files into a directory in the disk. Right now this is what I have fileSystemImage = new ...
Prince Champappilly's user avatar
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How do I use IFileSystemImage2's put_BootImageOptionsArray from IMAPI2 (getting E_NOINTERFACE)?

I am trying to use the IFileSystemImage2 interface to create an ISO with multiple boot records using Imapi2. To do this, I should be able to use put_BootImageOptionsArray passing in SAFEARRAY* of ...
user avatar
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Available space on blank dvd / blu-ray discs (IMAPI)

Since my original question was a bit too vague, let me clarify. My goals are: to estimate blank disc size after selecting filesystem via IMAPI to estimate space which my file will consume on ...
Nikita B's user avatar
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How to finalize Live File System (LiveUDF) disc with DeviceIoControl and FSCTL_MAKE_MEDIA_COMPATIBLE in C#?

I'm trying to finalize a Live File System (or "Live UDF") optical disc in C#. From what I understand from reading MSDN and TechNet articles along with various forum postings, the Image Mastering API (...
kokoabim's user avatar
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IMAPI2 How to burn an already created iso

I have read hackchina and codeproject examples but it seems I can not figure out how to burn an existing .iso file. The examples above show ways of making an .iso from a folder and then burning it. I ...
sparky's user avatar
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IMAPI2 How to to associate the UniqueID with the drive letter

I have the following code: foreach (string uniqueRecorderID in discMaster) { MsftDiscRecorder2 discRecorder2 = new MsftDiscRecorder2(); discRecorder2....
sparky's user avatar
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Create ISO image using PowerShell: how to save IStream to file?

I want to create an ISO image, so a .iso file, on Windows. This is possible to do using COM component IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage, and I found instructions on how to do this using PowerShell in an ...
MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica's user avatar
5 votes
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IMAPI2 MsftFileSystemImage in .NET not releasing files when creating ISO

I succesfully create the ISO image, but I get 'file in use' IO errors trying to delete files in the rootFolderPath after returning from calling this Create method. Am I missing a Marshal....
cwchilders's user avatar
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Detect emptiness of DVD-RAM media on Windows 7 x64

I'm trying to detect if a DVD-RAM media is empty or not, with C++ on Windows. The simplest choice is to use IMAPI (version 2) - boilerplate code omitted: IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE state; HRESULT ...
Itaypk's user avatar
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IMAPI2 Error on Windows XP

We have developed application for CD/DVD burning. The Application uses microsoft IMAPI2. It works without any problem on Windows 7. On XP, We rebuilt the application on Windows XP and we received ...
Harsha's user avatar
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How to retrieve and set burn speed using IMAPI2?

Does anyone know how to set CD/DVD burn speed (e.g. 4x, 10x) using IMAPI2? Also, I first need to get the speeds supported by the media. How can I retrieve them?
Shivkumar Deshmukh's user avatar
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Is it possible to choose cd-writing mode in IMAPI interface?

I am using IMAPIv2 to burn CD/DVDs in my C# project. I realized that the interface burns in XA-format (Mode 2). I believe XA-format is mainly used for ISOs. A lot of examples about IMAPIv2 on the web ...
Mert Sevinc's user avatar
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MsftDiscFormat2Data Event Handler

I have successfully integrated IMAPI2 using Interop.cs into my application. I can burn CD/DVDs without any problem. However, the event handler for MsftDiscFormat2Data update does not work, so I can't ...
Mert Sevinc's user avatar
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IMAPI2 in VB 2008 progress bar

I start making program that will burn CD/DVDs, and everything is okay. I found way to burn with IMAPI2 API, but now I have problem: I can't get progress bar of that burning. Here is code: Dim CDD1 As ...
SharkTheDark's user avatar
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CD Burning within an XBAP

I have an XBAP that needs to be able to burn cd's. When running from inside Visual Studio, everything works okay. However when running from a browser, the IMAPI dll reports that the environment is not ...
Smully's user avatar
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Can IMAPI2 burn files with the size > 4Gb?

IMAPI2 interface IFileSystem uses COM IStream interfaces to represent file data. There is AddTree method that adds specified directory contents to IFileSystem. So AddTree must create IStream's in the ...
Sergey Skoblikov's user avatar