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3 answers

How would I intercept the 413 error thrown by Express when the body of a request is too large?

If a user makes a request to my API with a payload that is too large, I would like to intercept the error thrown by the server and handle it myself in order to send a more detailed JSON response to ...
Arcanist's user avatar
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413 error when I add image to post request

want to add a user to MongoDB with a profile picture as base64, username, and password but when I send the request with username and password it works because I don't require a profile picture but ...
Ibrahim Yahyaoui's user avatar
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Getting PayloadTooLargeError and Cors error simultaneously while sending a large file data through post request from client to server

I am working on a project which has an upload file feature. The text data from this file is to be send to the backend Node js server through axios post request and then uploaded to the database. While ...
Saksham Arya's user avatar
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2 answers

request entity too large error when using oas3-tools package,openapi 3.0 in node.js

index.js file 'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var http = require('http'); var cors = require('cors'); var oas3Tools = require('oas3-tools'); require("dotenv")....
susindhiran's user avatar
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2 answers

CORS ERROR in React js axios when its working in postman

In my Mern Stack Project I am facing a problem when I am creating a Lesson from postman its created successfully but when I am trying from my browser its given me 500 error in network tab. But in ...
md abrar's user avatar
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1 answer

413 entity too large, nginx nodejs on elastic beanstalk

Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, node: 12.13.1. I am making put/post requests with images bigger than 1mb, and edited config files different ways to accept 10m files. No matter the solution I tried, the ...
pfx's user avatar
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Nodejs showing 413 Payload Too Large on nginx server

I'm running this code on my Amazon AWS server without load balancer. It's a simple server I setup. I'm trying to run a code that crawls for data, written in nodejs. Currently, it's showing the error ...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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3 answers

Error 413 payload too large when upload image

I'm trying to upload an image from local by using base64 to do image detection. And everything works fine in localhost and postman. But after deploying, I got CROS error. I've already got cors ...
user13145792's user avatar
5 votes
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error 413 request entity too large docker node

I'm getting an 413 request entity too large when I make a request from my nodejs application inside Docker to an outside REST API. When I make this request outside Docker, it goes normally. I was ...
Alan Marcell's user avatar
3 votes
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Elasticbeanstalk - NGINX - 413 Request entity too large

I know this might be considered a duplicate of: Customizing Nginx Configuration in AWS Elastic Beanstalk (and other questions), but I was unable to make my code work with any of the proposed solutions....
Jan Runo's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

I get 413 Request Entity Too Large when uploading video file to Amazon S3

While uploading a video file to Amazon S3, the file hits 100% in uploading, then i get the response 413 Request Entity Too Large. How do i fix this so that i can upload video files to Amazon S3? Im ...
Jan Egil's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

NodeJS Http status code 413: Increasing body parser limit

I am sending an image file from an android client along with some other data. The image is sent as a Base64 string. I am trying to store the image in the server but it returns a 413 http status code. ...
ashwin mahajan's user avatar
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1 answer

Dropbox Core API 413 error on creating a share link

Im currently trying to create a share links for a pdf file that was just uploaded through my App while using the Dropbox Core API. The code is below:'
Skywalker's user avatar
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Mailgun Error: 413 Request Entity Too Large

I am making this request with the Mailgun API: var filepath = path.join(__dirname, "/output/" + job.jobId + ".zip"); var data = { from: 'Name <[email protected]>', to: email, subject: '...
carte's user avatar
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2 answers

Change http request limit in Sailsjs

I'm having a 413 Request Entity Too Large in a request, because I send several URI Image base64 encoded, and that's a lot of characters. Anyway, I can't find a way to extend this limit in SailJS. ...
Najie's user avatar
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Node/Nginx, 413 request entity too large, client_max_body_size set

Pretty similar to I've got a Node server (using Loopback) running on top of nginx (to be specific, ...
dchang's user avatar
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