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NextJS throwing 413 Payload Too Large

There's an API route that processed a CSV file, I have a file of size 12MB. When I upload it, it throws this error: 413 Payload Too Large Request is too large for the server to process. According to ...
BRS's user avatar
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Openresty throwing error 413: Request Entity Too Large

I am using ingress-nginx helmchart(version: 4.10.1) on kubernetes cluster(v1.29) Deployed in OKE. When I try to perform one migration activity I am getting error thrown as below: 413 Request Entity ...
Rohit Bagade's user avatar
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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 ()

I tried to do any kind of authorization, both on the server side and on the client side... Everything is unsuccessful. I made a minimal config, but I get this error, as in the screenshot auth.ts ...
Игорь Соколов's user avatar
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413 request entity too large - when i upload something using mobile device (on systems its working)

enter image description here413 Request entity too large - only when I upload using mobile device when we use system/mac, it's working without any issues till 1gb of files. same node express server. (...
sampath's user avatar
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HttpClient.GetAsync Throws 413 Request Entity Too Large

I have a .NET 8 C# Azure Functions app. It calls a third party vendor API, which returns a very large JSON. Most of the times the following code works, but only sometimes it throws 413 Request Entity ...
Mani Mukhtar's user avatar
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Rails: ArgumentError: Unrecognized status code :request_entity_too_large

In my Rails controller, in a method that handles an HTTP POST, I'm trying to write code that'll return an HTTP 413 response to the client if the value of the data param in the request payload is too ...
Jon Schneider's user avatar
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How to change a request body size limit in Next JS app router_

I created an API endpoint in Next JS app, using app router. It is a POST request that works as expected until the bigger body is sent. The request is such that on different occasions it receives a ...
nedzad's user avatar
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dotnet6 on Azure WebApp - http error 413 request entity too large

I'm getting the following error while uploading large (38 MB) file using file upload on .NET 6 application deployed on Azure using Chrome browser: I googled and found 2 solutions. It works fine in my ...
Ronak's user avatar
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Wiremock - 413 REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE when passing a very long token header

I am using Wiremock standalone 2.26.3 and when I do a request to it, I always receive a http status code 413 Request Entity Too Large error. The request uses an Authorization: Bearer xxx header and it'...
WesternGun's user avatar
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413-Request Entity too large occur when uploading files

Recently, I am building a website, and one of its functions is that users can upload a directory from the HTML page to the back-end server (python + Flask + Nginx). There is a problem when I upload ...
irving210063's user avatar
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How to increase aws ec2 load balancer size limit, my post request return 413

I am calling a POST method at an EC2 instance from a Lambda function with a big size json payload, the size of this payload is around 1.6MB. The response returned 413(payload too large). The response ...
AKALawrence's user avatar
3 votes
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Docker compose not letting access to services

I have a microservice based project designed using Springboot, Maven, and the Netflix eureka server. I want to deploy them using Docker Compose. However, when I deployed them, all the services got ...
Rashmika Silva's user avatar
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How to resize or compress the image to the minimum before posting by form-data body in react native to avoid error 413?

I use 'expo-image-picker' library to get image. let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({ mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images, aspect: [3, 3],...
Mai Đức Thắng's user avatar
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How can I compress a b64 file in Python?

I am using the DALLE API to generate images, and taking that file and uploading it to spotify as a playlist cover. However I receive a 413 error when I run the following line: sp....
Joe Posthauer's user avatar
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receiving 413 and 400 errors for WCF service

I am coding a WCF service using json that is currently executing in a console app for debugging/testing. Once completed this WCF service will be executing as a Windows Service. The WCF service ...
Steve's user avatar
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NGINX max upload has no effect

I'm using nginx proxy docker for my django project but I'm getting 413 Request Entity Too Large when uploading images more than about 3MB. I put client_max_body_size 1024M; in htttp, server and ...
Nozhan's user avatar
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413 Request Entity Too Large -Gravitee

Registered a Java Rest api with gravitee. This api is for uploading the images to a minio bucket. I am getting the error: 413 Request Entity Too Large I have already tried: Add "Request Content ...
Sudheendra Deshpande's user avatar
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Spring Boot 413 Request Entity Too Large

How can I resolve the 413 Request Entity Too Large error in a Spring Boot? I am developing a Spring Boot application that uses a Tomcat Embedded server. I have a REST endpoint that accepts a request ...
Ciro Dolce's user avatar
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Nginx Error 413 Entity too large on AWS ELB

So,I am using Django for my backend application deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EC2 t2.micro, Amazon Linux 2). When I am trying to submit files (.mp4, pdf) that are obviously larger than 1MB, I get ...
RasimMehdiyev's user avatar
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Uvicorn + Quart yielding error 413 on post request

I'm trying to setup a simple http server to receive ( potentially large ) JSON objects. from quart import Quart, request import uvicorn app = Quart(__name__) @app.route( '/' , methods=[ 'POST' ] ) ...
Sam Coutteau's user avatar
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AWS Elasticbean stalk deployment file upload fails with “413 request entity too large”

I tried multiple solutions I tried to add a .conf file with client_max_body_size 100M; to my root application .ebextensions/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf but when deploying this to live it give me error ...
muh.rafay's user avatar
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Getting Error 413 on HttpWebRequest for Microsoft GRAPH API

Using C# WPF to send pre-generated emails w/attachments via the GRAPH API. We've been successful when sending emails before with an attachment that is about 100kb, but upon expanding our capabilities ...
cWilson's user avatar
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How would I intercept the 413 error thrown by Express when the body of a request is too large?

If a user makes a request to my API with a payload that is too large, I would like to intercept the error thrown by the server and handle it myself in order to send a more detailed JSON response to ...
Arcanist's user avatar
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413 error when I add image to post request

want to add a user to MongoDB with a profile picture as base64, username, and password but when I send the request with username and password it works because I don't require a profile picture but ...
Ibrahim Yahyaoui's user avatar
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Google Gen2 cloud function throws 413 Request Entity Too Large error

I'm trying to upload a file to GCS using cloud function. Api gateway is used to invoke it (POST). The file size may vary but they are less than 32MB. When I try to upload a file with size 10MB or ...
Jithin Joseph's user avatar
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"An error occurred whilst communicating with the server" or "Error connecting to the server" Moodle 3.7

I am getting "An error occurred whilst communicating with the server" or "Error connecting to the server" on a Moodle 3.7 site when I try to upload audio or video files. May be ...
guitarlass's user avatar
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IIS Server : Received error code 413 when posting large data in the request

I hosted WebAPI on the IIS which is written in laravel. I have one request size of 60 MB. I am trying to send this data to the server but receiving 413 errors - "Request Entity Too Large". ...
kreya's user avatar
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Quarkus - 413 Request Entity Too Large

I am developing a Quarkus application and using RESTEasy Reactive. One of the endpoints receives a multipart/form-data mime type object but when I try to use it sometimes the "413 - Request ...
Hugo Vinhal's user avatar
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Changing default value of client_max_body_size in dockerized nginx container is not reflected while uploading file > 1MB with 413 Entity Too Large err

Hope someone can help me with the error I could not resolve. Scenario: Changing default upload limit 1MB by using client_max_body_size 10m; works without any problem while uploading file without ...
Anil-shrestha's user avatar
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Generic Flask Error Handler for HTTP Status Code 413

I'm writing an error handler for the RequestEntityTooLarge exception in Flask such that the exception can be caught when it's raised in any views. I'd like to handle the exception by flashing a ...
liyche's user avatar
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Getting PayloadTooLargeError and Cors error simultaneously while sending a large file data through post request from client to server

I am working on a project which has an upload file feature. The text data from this file is to be send to the backend Node js server through axios post request and then uploaded to the database. While ...
Saksham Arya's user avatar
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request entity too large error when using oas3-tools package,openapi 3.0 in node.js

index.js file 'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var http = require('http'); var cors = require('cors'); var oas3Tools = require('oas3-tools'); require("dotenv")....
susindhiran's user avatar
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.Net Core 2.1 Error 413 on multipart/form-data POST only on IIS not IIS Express

I'm hitting a problem with multipart/form-data POST uploads on IIS. My client is an Angular SPA and my backend is on .Net Core 2.1 (I know it's old). The backend project is published as Self-Contained ...
GeofoxCoding's user avatar
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Getting HTTP 413 error specifically when git pushing to Microsoft Azure

I asked this on a Microsoft forum, and the answer said I should ask it on this other Microsoft forum. That forum said I should ask the automated MS thing or come here. In short, I don't expect MS to ...
Luke in IT's user avatar
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Getting 413 Payload too large then 500 System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException when i increase maxReceivedMessage in my WCF sharepoint app

I developed a wcf webservice in a sharepoint 2016 on premise environment. When I try to upload a long body I used to get a 413 payload too large error so I changed my app.config to this: <?xml ...
Ali Haddani's user avatar
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Change file upload limits for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 App using Azure App Service

I have a solution built using ASP.NET Core 3.1. The pipeline is built to publish to an App Service in Azure. The trouble is, we are unable to upload a file size larger than 28MB. We get a 413 error -...
jimd12's user avatar
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CORS ERROR in React js axios when its working in postman

In my Mern Stack Project I am facing a problem when I am creating a Lesson from postman its created successfully but when I am trying from my browser its given me 500 error in network tab. But in ...
md abrar's user avatar
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How to minimize size of file sent to AWS Lambda

CURRENTLY I have a 3MB image file that I would like to send to AWS Lambda (via API gateway) from Google Apps Script so the file can be processed. My Lambda API Gateway Request: let bytes = file....
Wronski's user avatar
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When I use the delete protocol of HTTP to pass parameters in the body (the parameters are very small), nginx returns 413, why?

Like this : [root@localhost orz]# [root@localhost orz]# [root@localhost orz]# curl -X 'DELETE' '' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: ...
sx Luo's user avatar
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Azure App Service Returning 413 Payload Too Large on Long POST Request

Locally this works, but when hitting our Azure App Service API with a POST request which has a long (seemingly anything over somewhere around 100,000 characters) request body, we get a "413 ...
Chris's user avatar
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Nginx giving out a 413 Request entity too large

I have a Django app serving React static files powered by Nginx running in Docker containers. As I'm trying to upload some larger files via my web app I keep receiving 413 Request entity too large ...
Mislav's user avatar
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413 error in creating feature-group in AWS Feature Store

This page says the number of feature_definitions can be 2500 per feature group. Also I followed all the constraints including feature_definition constraint of length of names less than 64. When ...
redb17's user avatar
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What is a upper limit of the HTTP request in Cloud Function

I have read in GCP Cloud Function documentation that, max uncompressed HTTP request size should not be more than 10MB to HTTP Cloud Functions. But, when we are passing merely 200 KB JSON as an input ...
Bhumil Depani's user avatar
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413 Error: Payload Too Large - IIS - Windows Server 2016

I'm getting the http response code 413 when I try to upload a large file (>30mb) with an Asp.Net core mvc controller deployen on a windows server 2016. The web service is running on IIS ("In ...
Jows's user avatar
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413 Error on PHP Video Upload on Windows Server with IIS

The video upload works fine with a 23 MB file, for example, but when I try a 38 MB file (or anything larger than that), after about 10 or 15 seconds, it fails with a 413 error. I've modified my php....
Vincent's user avatar
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413 entity too large, nginx nodejs on elastic beanstalk

Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, node: 12.13.1. I am making put/post requests with images bigger than 1mb, and edited config files different ways to accept 10m files. No matter the solution I tried, the ...
pfx's user avatar
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C# HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large - unable to gracefully handle this error

HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large This is a webforms app, and I have these set in web.config: <security> <...
Kershaw's user avatar
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Why am I getting Request Entity Too Large WITHOUT file?

I am making a GET request and I am appending 40 strings to a query parameter. And each string is 100 chars long. Why would I be Request Entity Too Large error even though there is no file involved? ...
Faraz's user avatar
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Django nginx 413 Request Entity Too Large

After logining the admin page it is returning 413 error (Request Entity Too Large). Than I added client_max_body_size to my /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and restarted nginx, but it didnt helped :( I know ...
BareTalk's user avatar
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Hotjar returns 413 Request Entity Too Large

I'm using react-use-hotjar and I can see from adding logging call backs that hotjar is successfully initialising with the correct site id and identifyHotjar calls are working also. However, no ...
sauntimo's user avatar
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