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13 votes
1 answer

How To Stream Chunked Response With Spring Boot @RestController

I have spent like a day on this and I am unable to find a solution that works. In our application we have a couple of endpoints that can return large responses. I have been trying to find a ...
sceaj's user avatar
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using chunked encoding request with variable chunk size in Java (HttpUrlConnection)

I'm searching for weeks now to find a solution how to use chunked transfer encoding in a Java client without coding my own myHttpURLConnection. The HttpUrlConnection of Java expects a fixed chunk ...
Synopsis's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Java HTTP server sending chunked response

I am working on a Java application which has a built in HTTP server, at the moment the server is implemented using ServerSocketChannel, it listens on port 1694 for requests: msvrCh = ...
SPlatten's user avatar
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Using HttpClient 4.1 to decode chunked data

I am using HttpClient to send a request a server which is supposed to return xml data. This data is returned as chunked data. I am then trying to write the received xml data to a file. The code I use ...
kushaldsouza's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Reading file chunk by chunk

I want to read a file piece by piece. The file is split up into several pieces which are stored on different types of media. What I currently do is call each seperate piece of the file and then merge ...
david's user avatar
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Http Response Entity on upload to S3 is not empty but is acting like it

I'm trying to upload a file to my Amazon S3 bucket with authorization. I know that my signature works: using the same url, headers, and signature with leads to a successful upload. I also ...
Koof's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can HTTP multipart and chunking coexist?

I'm using apache HttpClient to post several files to server. Here's the code: public static HttpResponse stringResponsePost(String urlString, String content, byte[] image, HttpContext ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Java: How to download chunked content correctly?

I have to download file which HTTP response is "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked", because of what I can't to «getContentLength» to allocate new bytes buffer for DataInputStream. Can you advice me how to do ...
Clark's user avatar
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21 votes
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HttpURLConnection buffering rather than streaming, despite setting chunked streaming mode? [closed]

I am using HttpURLConnection to write files, some of which are quite large, to a server. final HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); A while back I had issues writing ...
WindowsWeenie's user avatar