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A hash function that maintains mathematical equality (especially for sets)

I'm working on a little math-based programming language (written in Rust) that uses sets instead of types. In it, a variable or value belongs to a set of values (eg. x : {1, 2, 3} or msg : Str). The ...
Apuji's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is a private variable of type HashSet is being shared among object instances of the class? [closed]

I recently stumbled upon this weird behaviour of Java where a variable of type Hashset, which is declared private in the parent class, is not unique for each instance of the child. Instead, all the ...
ACP's user avatar
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1 answer

Cleanest Way to Get a Set in Redis where Individual Elements Expire in 30 Days?

I need a data structure similar to a Python set in redis, with the additional capability of individual elements automatically expiring (getting popped) from the set 30 days after insertion. Basically, ...
Della's user avatar
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Is a ISet<T> sort of "guaranteed" to have O(1) lookup speed?

Sometimes I have a method that I want to accept a broad IEnumerable<T> as input, but I'm doing an operation that might have O(2^n) impact if it's not a HashSet<T>. Even worse when it's a ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
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How set (hashset) in python works, especially in comparison? [duplicate]

I am learning hash table and BST. I got confused when I compared (True) with True I have got True as an answer. But if I compare (True, True) == True, True I,m getting set: (False, True). Why it is ...
oneku's user avatar
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Quiz Application returning duplicates

I'm relatively new to programming , and I'm creating a quiz application. The problem is it keeps on repeating questions Random random = new Random(); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); ...
TeeDeey M's user avatar
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cast set to linkedhashset

following is the scenario that I am encountering I have this set of string here Set<String> attributes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); yet I have another function with a signature LinkedHashSet ...
czheng15's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to check if a set of object contains object with a particular attribute [closed]

Please look at the do while loop, I think the comment is self explanatory. I want to check if the set contains all the cards having symbol a,b,c,d (implementing it with help of array or anything else)....
Kumar Aniket's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why writing map entries to a HashSet is slower than to a CopyOnWriteArraySet in Java

I think writing to a HashSet will be faster than to a CopyOnWriteArraySet; I'm not doing multi threading here. However I surpisingly got benchmark results indicate writing map entries to a ...
Korn Pisey's user avatar
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Adding Int array values in the set of type short

public class Solution { public Set<Short> setx = new HashSet<>(); public void AddAll(int[] numbers) { for (int number : numbers) { setx.addAll((short) number); ...
Rahela Sadaf's user avatar
2 votes
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remove duplicates in Set [duplicate]

How can I avoid inserting duplicate elements in a Set? If I have: Set<User> user=new HashSet<>(); User user1=new User("11","Mark",null,&...
Elly's user avatar
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4 answers

print all repeated items in array object using java

I would like to know how to print all repeated items in an array of objects. For ex: [ { "key": "KEY1", "value": "123", }, { "...
Srinivas's user avatar
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Can't add an object to a Set

Hi I have a little problem in java, I do not have an error but I do not get what I want. Here I create 3 Pizza with and I want to put them in a set, the problem is that when I print my set I only have ...
Steewzz's user avatar
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Most performant way to verify an element exists in a given set in C++

I've been trying to write a code that finds all the numbers which summed to its inverted counterpart would result in an odd number, as for "12 + 21 = 33", "605839 + 938506 = 1544345&...
Leonardo Felipe Silva's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to find a key in a multiple-value HashMap?

my task is to make a synonym dictionary using HashMaps and Sets. I have the following code in my main method: public static void main(String[] args) { addSynonym("casa", "...
Székely Réka's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Set.of(E... elements) - which Set implementation is it using? and what is its relation to new HashSet<>()?

I wanted to ask - what is the difference between Set<CurrencyType> set1 = new HashSet<>() {{ add("a"); add("b"); add("c"); }} and Set<...
hc0re's user avatar
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3 answers

Java HashSet does not call overriden equals but it should [duplicate]

In main method I create two different equal objects. private static Set<Cards> allCombs = new HashSet<>(); cards = new Cards(); cards.add(new Card(1, 10)); cards.add(new Card(1, 12)); ...
Tomasz Ekner's user avatar
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HashSet adds two objects which returns true for equals() and has same hashcode in Java

The frequencySet() is calculating frequency of each character of a String in an Integer[] wrapped into Counter class which has overriden equals and hashcode. This method is supposed to return only ...
nanosoft's user avatar
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Convert Set of Set to List of List in Java

List<List<Integer>> lst = new ArrayList<List<>>(); Suppose I have list of list declared above with name as lst and I have a set of set elements variable declared below. How ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Why does javascript return Set elements in not in sorted order?

I wanted to use a set in javascript and I found in docs we have Set in js. But when I tried to use it, it doesn't returns the elements in sorted order. let mySet1 = new Set() mySet1.add(1) /...
Kaneki's user avatar
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Finding the first unique integer in int[]

Given an integer array, I want to return the first unique element in the array. I used A List .contains() method to check if Integer array contains the element, the method is correct but not efficient(...
Ťëå Bäğ's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Why are the items in the HashSet always displayed in the same order?

I've created two sets: HashSet and unmodifiable set. Both types of sets do not guarantee the order of the elements. But I have noticed that in case of hashset the result is always the same: @Test ...
Monoxyd's user avatar
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Java HashSet remove item by using its hash code [closed]

I have a class with its own hashCode() method. I am adding this class to a HashSet. How can I remove an item by its hashCode, without knowing the object itself? For example, if I have the following ...
Will Kanga's user avatar
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Java HashSet remove item by its hash code [duplicate]

I have a class with its own hashCode() method. I am adding this class to a HashSet. How can I remove an item by its hashCode, without knowing the object itself? For example, if I have the following ...
Will Kanga's user avatar
-1 votes
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how do java set judge the similar ListNode

when I'm solving the problem Intersection of Two Linked Lists from Leetcode, I found that the HashSet solution doesn't work on my computer. The return result is always null, but it works well on ...
Zmore's user avatar
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Converting a Set<String> to List<Set<String>> with specific conditions using stream()

I have a set let's suppose with 10 unique elements Set<String> myset =new HashSet<String>(); [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j] I wish to construct a List<Set<String>> such that each ...
Shambhavi Rai's user avatar
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HashSet not returning expected output

I want to store unique lists, so I am using HashSet. But, I am not getting desired output. Here is my code, Could you tell me what is going wrong? public List<List<Integer>> threeSum(int[]...
Richa Bhuwania's user avatar
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Iterating HashSet of size 10 takes 7-8 seconds

I have an JPA entity A which has a many to one relation with JPA entity B. In the class I have a @OneToMany mapping to B and a private HashSet data member. When I fetch all entities A from the ...
arielBodyLotion's user avatar
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1 answer

Merge two arrays in java without using extra space

I have used Set to merge the array as it doesn't contain the duplicate value. I have tried it but after printing the hash set it must be in increasing order but it's not. please help me out public ...
Avinash Kumar's user avatar
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How this test can be fixed?

I am beginner to java and testing. I am getting error with the test @shouldAddOrderToTheList() : Expected :5 Actual :1. Could you please point to me what is wrong and how it can be fixed? class ...
Veronique's user avatar
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What is the difference between type casting a set to HashSet and initializing a HashSet with a set?

I am looking to convert a set values (from Collectors.toSet()) into a HashSet, what is the difference between these two and which is generally preferred? HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<...
Reid Moffat's user avatar
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Iterating over a Hashset of custom objects throws ClassCastException

This is my abstract class which contains the keysAsSet() method implemented from the interface Readablemap public abstract class AbstractReadableMap<K, V> implements ReadableMap { protected ...
user8925787's user avatar
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Java Set - remove element after updating

I have following code: Set<A> aSet = new HashSet<>(); A a1 = new A(); //{1,"1"} a1.x = 1; a1.y = "1"; A a2 = new A(); //{1,"2"} a2.x = 1; a2.y = "2";...
Bojan Vukasovic's user avatar
4 votes
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Equals method is not working for two same object

I have written a code to find unique Images. Two images are equal if they have the same name (even if the extension is different) and the size is equal (width * length). But It's failing to find ...
vikash srivastava's user avatar
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Java map Set to another Set (Using Model Mapper or Any other way)

In the project currently I'm working on, has a Project class, public class project { private Integer projectId; private String projectName; //getters & Setters } This project is using as a ...
koko's user avatar
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Question about set in java, how does Set works to distinct the duplicate elements?

Can anyone please explain to me how Set works in java? Code as following: List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(1); list.add(2); ...
Avenger_Shadow's user avatar
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What does this line mean ? Set<ListNode> nodesSeen = new HashSet<>(); in Java [duplicate]

I am trying to understand what's this line doing: Set<ListNode> nodesSeen = new HashSet<>(); This is from a solution to check if we have a cyclic linkedList or not. Could someone help me ...
Michal Moryosef's user avatar
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Ambiguity in a CodeForces Problem - usage of HashSet Vs LinkedHashSet

I was solving a Codeforces problem yesterday. The problem's URL is this I will just explain the question in short below. Given a binary string, divide it into a minimum number of subsequences in such ...
Phenomenal One's user avatar
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Kotlin: Iterator in custom order

I need to iterate through a list of sets in a custom order, namely with ascending cardinality. Can a iterator with custom order be created in Kotlin?
Moritz Groß's user avatar
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Why does HashSet<Integer> store the integer value itself, but HashSet<Demo> stores the reference of the Demo object?

Hi All, class Demo{ private int a; Demo(int a){ this.a = a; } } public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ Demo d1 = new Demo(10); ...
Suthan S M's user avatar
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What is the return type of toSet in Scala

Suppose I have a Scala array arr of Int. Consider arr.toSet. I know that toSet returns a Set object. Is this Set a HashSet, or TreeSet in default?
ribot's user avatar
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How can you correctly create and modify a hashset of tuples in powershell?

I'm trying to make a hashset of 2-element (pair) tuples in PowerShell thus: $MySet = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[System.Tuple] Which seems to work: $MySet.GetType() IsPublic ...
stripedneck's user avatar
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How to get a random element from an implemented set?

I am implementing my own Set called RandomizedSet using a technique called open hashing. I have to create a function that returns me a random element in my set, with the condition that all elements ...
Samuel Mariña's user avatar
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Removing an element while using multiple iterators on a Java HashSet

I am trying to update a set of Sets based on sharing one or more common elements, when two elements have a (or more) common element, they will be combined to a single element and so on. For example: ...
User_67128's user avatar
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What does Set<Integer>[] sets = new Set[]{setW, setX, setY, setZ}; in Java mean?

I believe this is a set of integer hashsets, but I'm confused about why [] are used before and after the equals sign.
Katie Melosto's user avatar
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HashSet contains not working for Set of Long in Java only for some specific values?

I am trying to execute the below code : for (Map.Entry<Long, List<FieldBO>> sectionField : sectionFieldMap.entrySet()) { if (secIds.contains(Long.valueOf(sectionField.getKey()))) { /////...
Alex's user avatar
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Why is set.contains not using overriden equals() method?

I have a class like this: class Vertex { char v; char w; int cost; public Vertex(char v, char w, int cost){ this.v = v; this.w = w; this.cost = cost; } ...
Panda's user avatar
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How to get the last element of a HashSet? [duplicate]

I want to get last element of HashSet. So there is a last() method in TreeSet so, I thought to convert set to TreeSet and apply last() method on it so that I will get last element. I tried below code :...
bharath varma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why i can't get an elements from Set by using For Loop? [duplicate]

I have a problem in my mind, why i can't get an element from Set by using normal For Loop, but when i use Enhanced For Loop all things work normal. Example : private static Set<HeavenlyBody> ...
Abdelillah's user avatar
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Distinct items List, Set, HashSet, Lambda, Java 8

I have three alternatives in order to obtain Distinct items in a List return new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(someTypeList)); return new HashSet<>(someTypeList).stream().collect(...
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