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HABTM relationship / validates associated: valid? is true even though I don't think it is

I made the following join table to be used in a HABTM relationship between tasks and itself: create_table :tasks_tasks, id: false do |t| t.belongs_to( :dropoff_task, null: false, ...
rwg05's user avatar
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How can I query to get results with belongsToMany in Laravel

UPDATE I could solve the problem. Posting the update. First of all, thank you for taking your time answering this threat and helping me. I'm creating a courses website with Laravel 10, and I'm trying ...
Juan Rincón's user avatar
1 vote
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Laravel Eloquent: belongsToMany to return an array of strings instead of array of objects

I have two tables that are connected with a pivot table. shows: +----+--------+ | id | show | +----+--------+ | 1 | show1 | | 2 | show2 | | 3 | show3 | +----+--------+ draft_types: +----+-----...
pbrune's user avatar
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Validate BelongsToMany attached keys exists

How to validate foreign keys (as UUID) in attached elements like below: $user->languages()->attach([ '9a347a21-b6db-42ae-85a5-24a270946eec' => [ // UUID of language '...
kicaj's user avatar
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Inject/merge medialibrary items into belongtomany relation in laravel

I have json like this: "member_skills": [ { "id": 69, "skill_type_id": 6, "title": "Piano", "created_at":...
saber tabatabaee yazdi's user avatar
-1 votes
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for has_and_belongs_to_many table name should be in singular or plural

for has_many we will use plural definitely for belongs_to we will use singular for ex: has_many :users belongs_to: user But for has_and_belongs_to_many has_and_belongs_to_many :user, join_table: :...
Mooventhan's user avatar
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Laravel/Eloquent BelongsToMany and globalScopes

In short - I would like to define global scope that would filter related instances by the value of the field in pivot table. I have defined the next relationship: class Client extends Model { ...
dmikam's user avatar
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Laravel working with belongsToMany and extra fields

I am trying to save a simple belongsToMany relation into my database. First, my table: Schema::create('user_activity_log', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->unsignedBigInteger('...
Hardist's user avatar
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Pivot table pagination doesn't work in laravel 8

I am doing an assignment for my study, here the code Category Models It have books method that pivot table Books and Categories <?php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\...
CastCast's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: Many-to-many relationship on the same table as a one-to-many relationship

I am learning Ruby on Rails and am currently struggling to implement a many-to-many relationship. I have a user and a carpool that can be driven by a user and ridden by multiple users. So, I am trying ...
Michael's user avatar
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how to eager load a has_and_belongs_to_many association in mongoid?

I have a habtm association in a rails app using mongo / mongoid class A has_and_belongs_to_many :bs, inverse_of: :as end class B has_and_belongs_to_many :as, inverse_of: :bs end and i want ...
user1130176's user avatar
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Adding data to jointable in a loop after adding data to one of the joint models Cakephp2

So im making an online shop where i want to make each purchase have multiple products. I have the tables products, purchases and product_purchases. I want this function to add a row to purchases (that ...
Antonio Carreño Arnedo's user avatar
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How to filter common users from multiple belongstomany relationship pivot tables in laravel

There are table diagram Sellers table are main table. Services and Areas tables can contain multiple services and areas for spacific Seller. For this I use seller_services and sellerable Pivot table ...
Moenul Islam's user avatar
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I am trying to render only those items that belong to another controller in React

I am working on a travel planning web app project in Rails and Ract. In my Ruby on Rails backend I have a model Place that belongs to my model Trip. in React.js on the frontend I am trying to render ...
Robyn S's user avatar
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laravel belong to many not working -- "1048 Column 'purchase_id' cannot be null"

I am trying to store multiple purchaseCategory using Laravel and Vue, but after clicking submit I am getting this error. How do I solve it? 1048 Column 'purchase_id' cannot be null In my Vue file I ...
16_018_RHR's user avatar
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Relationship between pivot tables - return resource do not found using pivot or belongsToMany

good afternoon! I would like some help from them regarding the scenario below: I have 3 tables, 1 is the Moviment which is the main one, the 2 is the cart_moviments which is the secondary one which ...
jean.silva's user avatar
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How to implement a belongstTo with cakePhp 4 with conditions and different data types

My design has two models ModelOne and ModelTwo. In ModelOne there is an integer field which passes as a foreign key to ModelTwo as a varchar. The original implementation from a previous version (...
Juan I. Morales Pestana's user avatar
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Laravel 9.* belongsToMany with belongsToMany

I have DB structure: user user_id office office_id project project_id role role_id permission permission_id role_permission role_id permission_id ...
Валерий Новожилов's user avatar
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Multiple hasMany or belongsToMany relationships

I have two models Category and Object and relationship table object_has_categories. Category: public function objects() { return $this->belongsToMany(Object::class,Object::TABLE_CATEGORIES,...
badluck's user avatar
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How to deal with 2 different type of associations with same table in rails?

I am creating my first rails application and stuck at this point for a long time. So I have two models in my project. Users (created through devise gem) Projects There are two associations of these ...
Aitzaz's user avatar
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How to compare Query conditions from a BelongsToMany association in CakePHP 4.x?

I have a working Posts, Categories and Tags relationship. (Posts BelongsTo Categories and BelongsToMany Tags.) They work just fine at my view and index actions with no issue. Now, for a simple "...
Damian Fraustro's user avatar
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Laravel : retrieve other relationship from relationship called

So, i have this collection that i've been convert toArray , this is my collection : array:1 [▼ 0 => array:14 [▼ "id" => 1 "timeout" => "2022-05-29 15:15:34&...
Daffa Raka Mahendra's user avatar
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Additional conditions on a belongsToMany relation on the intermediate table

When using the belongsToMany relation in Laravel Eloquent, is it possible to add additional conditions for the intermediate table? Currently, the inserts are duplicating and I am just trying to ...
Abishek's user avatar
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Error "Array to string conversion" in relationship belogsToMany in laravel 8

I save data reqNumber in master table in model product public function orders(){ return $this->belongsToMany(Order::class); } in model order public function products(){ return $this->...
morteza kia's user avatar
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BelongsToMany independent child's relations - Laravel/Eloquent

Model structure: FoodCategory - hasMany: Food Food - belongsToMany: AccessoryGroup | belongsTo: FoodCategory AccessoryGroup - hasMany: Accessory | belongsToMany: Food Accessory - belongsTo: ...
Jan Grb's user avatar
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Deep relations, *child* relation depends on *great-grandparent* id - with | load - Laravel/Eloquent

I have this DB/Model structure (example): *Food Category ------------ (id, name) - *irrelevant Foods ---------------------- (id, food_category_id, name, ...) Accessory Groups --------- (id, name, ...) ...
Jan Grb's user avatar
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Get items with Rails relations

I have two models with a relation like this: class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :groups has_many :tickets, as: :...
cris's user avatar
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Rails model custom validation having one type of association

I have a model User which have has_and_belongs_to_many associations. app/models/user.rb has_and_belongs_to_many :advisors, dependent: :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :teams, dependent: :destroy I ...
Haseeb Ahmad's user avatar
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Elixir Ecto: Casting multiple belongs_to relationship in a schema goes wrong

First of all: I have a schema players and a schema matches and I want to establish belong_to, has_many relationship between them in phoenix 1.6. What I have tried: defmodule TennisPhx.Matches.Match do ...
John Sheppard's user avatar
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How to share a Rails model with other Devise users in read-only mode?

In a Rails 5 application, I have a shortlist model in a HABTM relationship with a user model, with the users controlled by Devise. This is all working as expected, where each User can see their own ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Rails migrations: many-to-many relationship between the same class | Interpersonal Relationships

I want to connect two People with the help of Relationship. Person: * id * name Relationship: * person_a_id * person_b_id * connection # an enum with values like "colleagues", "friends&...
Bexultan Myrzatay's user avatar
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Laravel - Eager Loading BelongsToMany Relationship

I have one to many relationship between two entities/tables. /** * Get all of the products. */ public function products() { return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class)...
Saad Bhutto's user avatar
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Laravel Eloquent find posts that has all the given tags

Consider 3 tables as below class Post extends Model { public function tags() { return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class, 'post_tags', 'post_id', 'tag_id'); } } posts table |id | ...
Hadi Sharghi's user avatar
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How to make belongsToMany relation respect global scopes defined inside pivot model

Lets say I have a User, Roles and User_Role table. I have a custom pivot model for my User_Role table. In a User model I have a relation like this public function roles() { return $this->...
Osta's user avatar
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Laravel 8 Nova: Customize Reationship BelongsToMany options, displayUsing and resolveUsing don't work

In a Nova resource, I show a BelongsToMany Nova Field. I would want to simply concatenate (prepending) a "check pictogram" before options values of this field, if they are already attached ...
JarsOfJam-Scheduler's user avatar
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Laravel BelongsToMany with array of ids as an attribute instead of individual id

Given: "users" table: [{ id: 1, school_ids: [1, 2, 3] // text type cast as array }] Then: "schools" table: [{ id: 1, name: 'school 1", }, { id: 2, name: 'school 2&...
I am L's user avatar
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Laravel belongsToMany with multiple tables

I have a table called creative and two another tables called title_set and image_set. They relative with each other by the creative_set table. So basically, I have: creative: id title ...
Son Le's user avatar
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How to eager_load attachments: 1+N problem not working with ActiveStorage attachments

I have a product list which gets serialized for an JSON API response For that I need also imageUrl which come from ActiveStorage attachments. I stumbled over the 1+N problem. As you can see, I already ...
Jan's user avatar
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Laravel - Add additional where constraints from Eloquent Model belongsToMany relationship

I am new to Laravel (using v7) so I apologise if I am doing this incorrectly. I have a custom subscription setup for my users. I have my users table id first_name last_name 1 John Doe 2 Jane Doe I ...
odd_duck's user avatar
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how to get hasmany relation inside another relation in Laravel

how to get hasmany relation inside another relation in Laravel i want to get product optionGroup with product options i made this $try1 = Product::with(["optionGroups.options"])->find(...
yemenpoint's user avatar
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How to get posts by current tag and category simultaneously in Laravel?

I have Post, Tag and Category models. I know how to get posts by tag or posts by category. But I need to get posts by chosen tag and category simultaneously (at one time). Can somebody help? I use ...
SlimBoy Fat's user avatar
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laravel belongstomany with pivot table doesn't get data

I have 3 tables :legalpursuit , guarantors, guarantors_legalpursuit. and I have Many To Many Relationships in my project. I save legalpursuit_id in legalpursuit / guarantors_id in guarantors / and ...
KemalToygun's user avatar
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How to do a query on has_and_belongs_to in Rails with AND across the join instead of OR?

This may be a simple issue but I'm struggling. Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a class, let's call it Car that HABTM Features. So: class Car < ApplicationRecord has_and_belongs_to_many :...
Dan Sharp's user avatar
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CakePHP 4.x : How to create a set of form controls that list all of the values in a HABTM (through) association?

I'm trying to create single edit form based on contacts that allows me to update/add skill levels for all the skills even if the contact doesn't already have a rating. Something like: Edit Contact ...
Michael Coury's user avatar
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hasManyThrough relations ships with join?

I have 4 tables (Cars, Vignettes, Inspections and Insurances). Vignettes, Inspections and Insurances are "belongsTo" to Cars. I need to combine results of these three tables into one query ...
KJELYAZKOV's user avatar
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Laravel Jensseger Mongodb belongsToMany additional fields

the documentation says "The belongsToMany relation will not use a pivot "table", but will push id's to a related_ids attribute instead. This makes the second parameter for the ...
Luigi De Francisci's user avatar
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Has_and_belong_to_many association

I have two models with no associations between them. So, I generated a migration and added an association. class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :workspaces end class Workspace ...
cris's user avatar
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Hibernate error deleting child record Grails 4

I am having difficulty removing a child from an association. I'm using Grails 4.0.3. The two classes in question are the following: ShoppingCart: class ShoppingCart implements Serializable { ...
chravis's user avatar
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Cakephp 4 Linking 2 existing entities with belongstomany association

First of all, thank you for your patience. I am getting to grips with PHP coding after a long while. I have finished the famous Cake tutorial and am now continuing with what I know and creating new ...
Philip Lafeber's user avatar
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Ruby HABTM association loop

i want to achieve a nested loop without duplicates in a have and belongs to many relationship i have a model 'campaign' and for each campaign i also have campaign data. i want to display each campaign ...
protongul's user avatar

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