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Using Vue JS 3, vitest and happy-dom, how do I mount a component that requires an HTMLElement's clientWidth?

We have a component that does the following: Inside the template, has a div referred to as workspace when the component is mounted, inside the onMounted() it calls a method to calculate size the ...
Wimateeka's user avatar
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Dealing with the deprecated `document.queryCommandSupported`

I have trouble running vitest (in the "happy-dom" environment) for UI code that uses the deprecated document.queryCommandSupported function. This deprecated function is being used by the ...
Lemour's user avatar
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How can I fix my configuration so Vitest + Happy-Dom + RTL renders class names

I'm in the process of migrating our test runner from jest to vitest, and am having a bit of an issue related to the output of class names during tests. Currently, the class names are not being ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to use a global variable in Vitest

I am writing a unit test in Vue, Vitest. Now I have a config object in a file in my public folder. This is being used as env variables. Not ideal, but it's a legacy project we're migrating. One step ...
Ricardo de Vries's user avatar
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`useResizeContainer` throwing errors when using `happy-dom` as test environment

When mounting a DataGrid in a test suite using happy-dom, it throws the error: MUI: useResizeContainer - The parent DOM element of the data grid has an empty height.Please make sure that this element ...
Henrique Ramos's user avatar
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Vitest - FormData is not a constructor problem with test unit

I'm using Vistest for the test unit in a proyect with Vue + Vite. I have a helper for upload images to Cloudinary, the problem is when run the test, Vitest return this error in console Ocurrio un ...
Christian Osorio's user avatar