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Oozie not starting with Mysql in AWS EC2 instance

We are installing an Hadoop cluster on AWS Ec2 instance(5 nodes) for POC purpose. Software Stack - Hadoop, HDFS, Oozie and MongoDB. We are able to successfully install Hadoop, HDFS and MongoDB. But ...
Shashwath's user avatar
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Sqoop export is not honoring the --columns argument

I have a sqoop job where I only want to export 3 columns from a HIVE table into mysql table that has only these 3 fields. export --connect <table> --username <U> --password <p> --...
rnmalone's user avatar
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sqoop job export data into mysql,stuck at map 100% with status running

So I was trying to export data from impala into mysql with sqoop,which is scheduled by oozie job.But when the first sqoop action start,it stuck at map 100% and reduce 0%.and all other action stuffed. ...
john's user avatar
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How to pass shell script arguments to a oozie

I have a shell script to import data from MySQL to hdfs i.e sqoop shell script. I want to use oozie to schedule the sqoop import jobs. The script has the following sqoop query sqoop import --...
User12345's user avatar
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How to write hive script for return result in shell variable in an Oozie coordinator?

Then i coordinate my in an Oozie there is nothing in a variables S. Here is shell script S=$(hive -S -hiveconf MY_VAR1=$DB -hiveconf MY_VAR2=$avgpay -hiveconf MY_VAR3=$Date_LastDay -...
TwDme's user avatar
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How to import a csv file resides on hdfs to mysql database using python scripts

I have a use cases where after aggregation(using map-reduce), a csv file is generated. Now, i want to import this csv file which is resides on hdfs to directly to mysql database. I have written this ...
user2449613's user avatar
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Sqoop job running forever using Oozie

We have two node hadoop yarn cluster, it is hadoop 2.2, on which We have scheduled two actions in a single workflow using oozie, the first action is a python map-reduce streaming action, and the ...
Maverick's user avatar
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Oozie - Got exception running sqoop: Could not load db driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

I am trying to perform an sqoop export on HDP sandbox 2.1 via Oozie. When I run the Oozie job I get the following java runtime exception. '>>> Invoking Sqoop command line now >>> 7598 [main] ...
Tech Guy's user avatar
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4 answers

Loading data to MySQL table from Hive using Sqoop/Oozie

I am facing some grave issue (tried unsuccessful 196 times) while loading data using Sqoop (sqoop command inside Oozie) to MySQL table. If there is only one column of data in HDFS (here foo) then ...
Rio's user avatar
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Partition Oozie table for Faster Purge

We run oozie and the jobs are scheduled too frequently that causes the database to grow really fast which in turn leads to slowness of the db. So we started to purge records frequently and with time ...
Jabir Ahmed's user avatar