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How to avoid prompting password with API AuthOozieClient - AuthType.KERBEROS

I have code as below to get the jobs status of current running Co-ordinators using OozieClient API from the different box which is not part of the cluster. Using AuthType as KERBEROS. When ever I am ...
naveen p's user avatar
3 votes
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Oozie spark action with kerberos

Unable to schedule oozie spark action with Kerberos cluster. <workflow-app name="Spark Test" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5"> <credentials> <credential name="hiveCredentials" type=...
Madhu's user avatar
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oozie shell script to execute beeline in kerberos cluster

I have been trying to execute a shell script that consists of beeline to execute hive queries. The cluster is a Kerberos enabled cluster. I am able to execute if script has kinit with keytab and ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Oozie credentials kerberos

Oozie credentials for Kerberos cluster are working well with hive and hbase Suppose consider an example where I have an oozie shell action that reads hdfs files. Oozie credentials are not coming to ...
Madhu's user avatar
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java action to access kerberos Hive(SSL enabled)

I have been trying to access Hive(Kerberos and SSL enabled) server from java action. I need to perform some Hive actions like accessing Hive database and tables, working with hive partitions etc. ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Delegation Token can be issued only with kerberos or web authentication Spark action Oozie

I have a cluster with (hadoop-2.7.3), hbase (1.2), zookeeper (zookeeper-3.4.8), phoenix (apache-phoenix-4.10.0), spark (2.2.0) and oozie (4.3.0). All components ara config with kerberos (less spark). ...
Pundush's user avatar
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Spark Launcher Jobs not starting because of token cant be found in cache after 24 hours

I have a Java Application, which runs continuously and checks a table in database for new records. When a New record is added in the table, the Java application do a unzip file and puts into HDFS ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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HTTP Status 403 - GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Specified version of key is not available (44))

Im getting this error when I open oozie link.can someone help ? HTTP Status 403 - GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Specified version of key is not available (44)) ...
dileepvarma's user avatar
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Submit Oozie Job from another job's java action with Kerberos

I am trying to submit an Oozie job using Java Client API from another Job's java action. The cluster is using Kerberos. Here is my code: // get a OozieClient for local Oozie String oozieUrl = "...
Gadam's user avatar
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why oozie hive2 actions are failing?

We are migrating existing (production CDH 5.8 cluster) oozie + hive2 jobs to new CDH 5.8 cluster. Unfortunately the hive2 actions are failing with the below error after migration. Error: Could not ...
William R's user avatar
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Access to HDFS Oozie java action with Kerberos

I have developed Java application to connect to Ldap server and get the details in csv format based on user arguments. The result csv file will be saved in HDFS (Hadoop File system). In order to ...
Padmanabhan Vijendran's user avatar
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Hive action fails in Oozie executed from Hue UI

I am executing oozie hive action and it fails in Hue UI with the following exception in Hive logs: 2016-07-15 15:27:58,430 ERROR org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer: Error occurred during ...
priyanka's user avatar
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kerberos ticket and delegation token usage in Hadoop Oozie shell action

I am new to hadoop and trying to understand why my oozie shell action is not taking the new ticket even after doing kinit. here is my scenario. I login using my ID "A", and have a kerberos ticket for ...
Aandal's user avatar
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4 votes
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Connecting to HIVE in Mapper with Kerberos security

My goal is to run MapReduce with connection to Hive in Oozie workflow scheduler on secured cluster(kerberos) HDP2.3. I'm able to connect to hive in beeline or when I run it as java app(yarn jar) ...
Anatoly Deyneka's user avatar
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Oozie doesn't take care of acl

On my hadoop cluser, I have designed an oozie workflow with the following property. <global> <configuration> <property> <name>mapred.job....
BelgarionCrezo's user avatar
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Passing HBase credentials in oozie Java Action

I need to schedule an oozie Java action which interacts with secured hbase, so I need to provide hbase credentials to the Java action. I am using a secured hortonworks 2.2 environment, my workflow XML ...
Pravin yadav's user avatar
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Not able to submit oozie job on kerberized cluster

I am trying to submit a oozie job on to a kerberized cluster. Below is the command: oozie job -run -DjobTracker=jobtracker-host:8032 -DnameNode=hdfs://namenode-host:8020 -DexamplesRoot=oozie....
Srinivas Kolla's user avatar
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Oozie invalid user in secure mode

Configured oozie to work with hadoop-2.6.0 and enabled kerberos security. I didn't get ticket using kinit command but when i submit job using below command, oozie job -oozie http://hostname:11000/...
Kumar's user avatar
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Submitting oozie jobs using keytab

I am using a keytab file to bypass kerberos to run a shell script through oozie. Shell script includes hbase shell commands so I nee to do a kinit before running hbase shell commands.This works fine ...
darkknight444's user avatar
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Kerberos login context gets reset for TableMapReduceUtil while using Ooize

I try to run a mapreduce job on a Kerberos protected CDH cluster..The job reads a file from hdfs(mapper) and writes to the hbase table (reducer/TableMapReduceUtil) class. The job configuration that I ...
suresiva's user avatar
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oozie hive action using hive metastore server with kerberos

I'm using CDH5. I have set up a Hive Metastore to use kerberos. i.e. the hive-site.xml has the following properties <property> <name>hive.metastore.sasl.enabled</name> <value&...
Terance Dias's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Oozie Java API Kerberos Authentication

I am trying to get an oozie job status using oozie java API. Currently it is failing with the message Exception in thread "main" HTTP error code: 401 : Unauthorized We are using a kerberos ...
user avatar
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Secure Oozie Web Console not working from my Windows machine

I have setup a secure(Kerberos) Oozie environment in CentOS 6.3 using CDH 4.1.2. I am able to view the Oozie web console from CentOS machine which is hosted in server. But is there a way to view the ...
vishnu's user avatar
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