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Need help in fixing/debugging wordpress to know why my block is not visible in my theme's block editor

I am new to WordPress development but have decent experience with Javascript. So I've tried out this tutorial on Udemy ( and ...
Aly Sunshyn's user avatar
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How to add multiple custom blocks in custom Wordpress theme using create-block?

I want to add multiple custom blocks to my custom wordpress theme using create-block package. In my root folder I initiated package.json by running npm init -y and added wp-scripts as a dev dependency....
chupapimuyanya's user avatar
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How do you change a wordpress theme body colour in the theme.json file?

From what I've understood, Wordpress is encouraging using the theme.json file to style up a theme rather than using css files to target specific classes. I've figured out how to style buttons and ...
Wakana's user avatar
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Support for gradient colors in Gutenberg richText inline highlight option

I want to add the support for the gradient colors in highlight option against any selected text. For reference please see this comment. I have seen this stackOverflow thread as well. It provides ...
Hunia.F's user avatar
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Cannot use saved attribute to the core/template-part block in Gutenberg in front end ( WP 6.2)

I'm building a block theme in Wordpress. I'm trying to use a saved custom attribute to modify an existing core block using the blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps hook. Specifically, I'm trying to apply ...
bjoernbear's user avatar
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Gutenberg block CSS does not apply to preview in template parts editor

I'm trying to add support for template parts to my WordPress theme. I have a block with a stylesheet and a script and everything works fine. However, in the template part editor (Design -> Template ...
EinLinuus's user avatar
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Enqueue styles and scripts for WordPress Gutenberg block

what are the best or the recommended way to Enqueue styles and scripts for WordPress Gutenberg block ? i see some developers recommend enqueue_block_assets hook and others recommend init hook with ...
osama B.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to concatenate css classes using WordPress Gutenberg's block editor?

I have registered some new core/image block styles in my theme's editor.js file: wp.blocks.registerBlockStyle('core/image', [ { name: 'default', label: 'Default', isDefault: true,...
Joe Shockey's user avatar
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Add custom block in a Wordpress block theme(Not with the plugin)

Basically I want to develop a wordpress block theme.For easy to customize I want to add some custom block in my theme.But I don't want to create a plugin for this.Custom block will be inside my theme....
Mijanur Rahman's user avatar
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Use Gutenberg block in template with 'template_include'

I needed to override one of the theme TwentyTwentyTwo template from a custom plugin, and I wanted to use one of Gutenberg's blocks. I see that in the templates files blocks are used by just writing ...
Tend's user avatar
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Rich Texts Not saved the Data

i got issues in Saving Data in Rich Texts .. I already make the setAttributes for each attribute and have no changes too ! it is my code attributes attributes :{ titleONEHOMEPorT: { type: ...
Yusuf ElNu'man's user avatar
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Blank WP starter theme compatible with Blocks and Bootstrap

I want to refine my wordpress theme development process which is: To make a unique-creative design with Adobe XD or Figma. To convert it to static HTML using VS Code with Bootstrap. In wordpress, ...
Federico González Brizzio's user avatar
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How to disable “Transform to” option in Gutenberg custom blocks

I prepared some non-standard Gutenberg blocks. They have a very specific purpose. Therefore, I do not want them to have the Transform to option available. What I found is the ability to use support: {}...
kanlukasz's user avatar
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How to remove unwanted panels inside InspectorControls from core blocks in Gutenberg

If I want to extend the core block I can use Block Filters where I found a filter like editor.BlockEdit. Example from doc: const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wp.compose; const { Fragment } = wp....
kanlukasz's user avatar
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How to find Gutenberg block code and call it from template parts

I am trying to include a Gutenberg block - the Search widget - within a template part, so I thought looking at the code within the post_content field of the wp_posts table might help: <!-- wp:...
Rickmakeitquick's user avatar
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How to enable block editor in "Traveler" wordpress theme?

I want to enable the " Gutenberg" editor. Currently, the theme is using " classic editor". I have installed the "Gutenbergenter image description here" plugin but it is ...
Qadir Hassan's user avatar
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Wordpress Gutenberg custom columns block

I'm trying to create a custom "columns" block for Gutenberg with ACF & Wordpress, so what I want is a easy to manage columns block, where user can input some number representating the ...
RBFraphael's user avatar
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How to change the default HTML output of a Gutenberg block in WordPress?

I'm trying to change the default HTML output of a Gutenberg block in WordPress 5.7. For example, the default output of a core/Group block with a paragraph inside is: <div class="wp-block-group&...
HTeuMeuLeu's user avatar
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How to get a unique id with a simple custom gutenberg block in WordPress?

I'm trying get a unique id for each custom gutenberg block. I'm found useInstanceId. Is that possible to use with this syntax? registerBlockType('custom/block', { title: 'Custom', edit() {...
Lars Flieger's user avatar
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Why might Gutenberg Block Manager be empty

I am trying hide Gutenberg blocks that are not currently needed. It seems the block manager is the right way to do that, but when I open it from the settings menu on my page, it is empty. I don't ...
Finglish's user avatar
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WordPress: Get Block ID in JavaScript

I created a custom Gutenberg block to display a slider. I'm using the example from ACF: Everything ...
Cray's user avatar
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Edit srcset and sizes attributes in Gutenberg image, cover and gallery - blocks

I am looking for a way to adress the responsive srcset and sizes attributes on Gutenberg image blocks - like image, cover and gallery. Usually one would do this with the '...
Playnary's user avatar
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Add Color Settings To Wordpress Gutenberg Headers

How do I add color settings to the Gutenberg Header block? I've added theme support for paragraphs with this... function apache_theme_supported_features() { add_theme_support( 'editor-color-...
Troy Riemer's user avatar
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Gutenberg Templates: Core Block Attributes

The Gutenberg Handbook currently has a short entry for creating whole templates of blocks used e.g. for Custom Post Types or the like. It seems ...
Playnary's user avatar
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