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Set gulp-usemin task to build the content of src folder, but not create another src folder into dist

So, I have the follow project structure ├── gulpfile.js ├── output.txt ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json └── src ├── assets | ├── css | ├── img | ├── js | └── pages └── ...
Ítalo Rissardi's user avatar
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Combine js files into one and make it inline script

How can i combine multiple JavaScript files into one and make it inline script. Currently I can combine into one file using gulp usemin but i can't do it as inline script . I want to solve render ...
user7393570's user avatar
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make index.html to each single folder with using gulp-usemin

I'm Front-end Newbi and This is my First Question I'm now try to Using gulp-usemin. I have no idea how to make index.html to each directory. This is my current directory : | +- CLM | +- ...
John Kim's user avatar
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production folder build issue with gulp

I'm trying to figure out why my animation-name style I added in my css is not copying over from my development environment to my production environment. This is the code that is in my production ...
demond611's user avatar
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error when running "gulp "

when I tried to run gulp in my webapp folder an error occured: " [14:16:06] Finished 'jshint' after 813 ms [14:16:06] Starting 'usemin'... Unhandled rejection Error: ϵͳ�Ҳ���ָ����·���� at ...
Clark.Xu's user avatar
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How could i code this more efficiently? - a gulp task

Maybe someone with a bit more java script experience than myself can answer this. So far I've made a copy & paste from the 'usemin' block as shown in a course. Here's the code: gulp.task('...
georg's user avatar
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Gulp Usemin not copying files or concatenating?

The goal is for "usemin" to copy and concatenate the files referenced in my index.html into the build2 folder. Neither concatenation or copying of assets(CSS, js) is occurring when the Gulp task is ...
Coded Container's user avatar
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gulp-usemin not outputting js files

I am trying to use gulp-usemin to bundle my CSS and javascript files for production. gulp-usemin is working fine on my CSS files, but is not outputting anything in relation to my javascript files. Can ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Gulp Usemin not doing anything

I have multiple apps in one project, so I have this task: gulp.task('usemin', function() { return gulp.src('/app1/index.html') .pipe(usemin({ js: [ uglify(), rev() ] })) .pipe(...
ilyo's user avatar
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Gulp usemin exclude files

Let's have index.html <!-- build:js js/lib.js --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- endbuild --&...
kxyz's user avatar
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How to stop sourcemaps/usemin from appending css .map <link> tag to output?

gulp-usemin is generating and appending css sourcemap link tag to output html, but not doing for js. How do I stop it from appending the sourcemap tag? Gulp task: gulp.task('build', function () { ...
codneto's user avatar
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how to use gulp-usemin in twig

I'm trying to use gulp-usemin to do asset management for my twig files in order to replace assetic. Can I do so while still maintaining the asset() methods advantages to find the relative path of my ...
jjscloud's user avatar
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Revision Hashing WebWorker Script

I'm using rev-hash to prevent issues with the browser loading outdated files from its cache. It does this by appending a hash of the file's contents to the filename. I use gulp-usemin to update my ...
Ilia Choly's user avatar
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My gulp usemin task missing a js file

I am using gulp usemin task to combine and minimize/uglify the css and js files in my HTML. gulp.task('usemin',['jshint'], function () { return gulp.src('./app/**/*.html') .pipe(usemin({ ...
Kevin Li's user avatar
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gulp-usemin TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined

I'm using gulp-usemin for minify the javascript files I use in my app, for some reason gulp is not seeing one of my files. I have this in my index.html: <body ng-app="App"> <!--[if lte ...
Yumarx Polanco's user avatar
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Gulp cryptic build error on /dist assembly

Has anyone receive this kind of error or can tell me what is going on here? [11:11:44] Finished 'build-css-no-source' after 531 ms [11:11:44] Starting 'move-to-dist'... /Users/username/Sites/my_site/...
Aaron Irons's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Usemin and multiple build configurations

Following is the sample usemin build configuration in my index.html file <!-- build:js js/one.js --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""s-post-summary--meta">
user700284's user avatar
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How to normalize html before usemin

Some of our devs have mac and some have PC - and there seems to be an issue with usemin when trying to run it - as whitespaces (CRLF and LF) are interchanging and messing it up. Is there some kind of ...
itamar's user avatar
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Making gulp-usemin uglify only non-minified files

I'd like to have all the Javascript in a single scripts.js files. Here is a portion of my index.html: <!-- build:inlinejs js/scripts.js --> <script src=""s-post-summary--meta">
rubik's user avatar
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How do you use gulp-angular-templatecache with gulp-usemin

I want to add the templates as a JS cache in the same way you add your js using use-min. The problem is that use-min doesn't allow to add arbitrary content in the use-min steps out of the box.
Pylinux's user avatar
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How to add "gulp-uncss" to "gulp-usemin"

Actually I have this, but I want to add uncss plugin. Or how I can add dynamically references. var usemin = require('gulp-usemin'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var uncss = require('gulp-...
Mr SC's user avatar
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Output JS and HTML to different locations using Gulp Usemin

I'm using gulp-usemin to combine my JS files (with uglify) I have a folder structure as follows: Top |- Web |- Scripts |- App |- script1.js |- script2.js ...
vernak2539's user avatar
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rewriting/reving relative paths in concatenated css files within gulp-usemin

I have these requirements: Concatenate css files. Rev the concatenated css file. Rev resource files referenced by css files (images, fonts, etc...). File references are relative and come from third ...
Jeremy Bell's user avatar
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