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Why won't node gRPC server side streaming end after cancelling from grpc-web client?

I am trying to stream data to browser client using gRPC Node library. I am using grpc-js for server and grpc-web for browser client using vue-2. I am using @grpc-web/proxy as a middleware. I could ...
Hi-tech's user avatar
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NestJS gRPC is not parsing full response

I am new to gRPC and trying to learn by creating something in NestJs. but I am stuck on a weird problem where I am trying to send some data by postman but only getting partial data in return. I am ...
Ashu Sahu's user avatar
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How can I receive "any" in NestJS with grpc/proto-loader?

I am using NestJS and have the following message in my protobuf file: message MyMessage { string test = 1; google.protobuf.Any payload = 2; } I am then using NestJS with the following ...
jelly5798's user avatar
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Facing DEADLINE_EXCEEDED error with the @google-cloud/pubsub package

We are listening for messages from a subscription using the @google-cloud/pubsub package. Everything seems to be working fine, except we are seeing an error frequently pop up in our DataDog console: ...
Snehanshu Phukon's user avatar
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How to Resolve `net::ERR_INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE` Error When Sending Data to gRPC Server from Browser?

I'm attempting to send data to http://localhost:50051/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello, but I'm encountering the following error in the browser console: POST http://localhost:50051/helloworld.Greeter/...
Jon You's user avatar
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How can I fix the decoding error in my gRPC Node.js application?

I'm new to gRPC with Node.js, and I'm trying to create a simple request to understand how it works. I asked ChatGPT for a simple application where the client sends data to the server, and the server ...
Jon You's user avatar
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3 answers

proto generated files not being compiled into dist Nestjs

I'm implementing gRPC between 2 servers. the files are being generated perfectly, here is the generate-proto.ps1 file # Ensure the script stops on the first error $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop&...
Joseph Nohra's user avatar
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error TS2345: Argument of type `'ISchoolService' `is not assignable to parameter of type `'ServiceDefinition<UntypedServiceImplementation>'`

I generate grpc Typescript code with: "proto": "npx grpc_tools_node_protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./grpc/client --grpc_out=./grpc/client --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which ...
khteh's user avatar
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Hit `<foo>_pb.js` does not provide an export named `'<foo>'` syntax error

I generate proto js files with: npx grpc_tools_node_protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./grpc/client --grpc_out=grpc_js:./grpc/client --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which ...
khteh's user avatar
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GRPC io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: Keepalive failed. The connection is likely gone

I am new to grpc and java and trying to make use of grpc bidi streaming. I have a grpc server in javascript and client in java running android 7.1.1 version. I am trying to use bidi stream to ...
Roshan's user avatar
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`grpc_tools_node_protoc` generated code does not build for `--moduleResolution=nodenext`

My Node.JS project uses --moduleResolution=nodenext. Code generation script: "proto": "npx grpc_tools_node_protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./grpc/client --grpc_out=grpc_js:....
khteh's user avatar
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why do I get error using Grpc when I import proto path to my PackageDefinition?

hello I have this problem within the file path and I checked the path it's 100% correct and the file is within the same directory that I'm importing: import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; import ...
Hiwa Sedradin's user avatar
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Cryptic gRPC error: Received RST_STREAM with code 5

Setup @grpc/grpc-js based client GRPC C++ based server What is happening? An exception is thrown by GRPC stating: Error 13: INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 5 The error is very ambiguios and ...
Nikolay Babanov's user avatar
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GRPC Node client retry interceptor

I'm have implemented node grpc client retry using interceptor but it is only retrying once and not upto maxRetries which is specified. Also, the error is not propagating to the caller. Can you please ...
Sagar Sharma's user avatar
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Firebase Functions All Throwing INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 2 Error

I have firebase app with over a hundred Google Cloud functions that were working without issue. After some development and testing using the Firebase emulator, I deployed the changes to production. ...
Devon Allary's user avatar
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infinite sending request POSTMAN(POST method)

I was already finishing my application when out of nowhere my order simply didn't load, I couldn't even post it, this stayed in this infinite loop saying it was sending but it never sent. my service: *...
user avatar
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Error 12 UNIMPLEMENTED: The server does not implement the method FindAllComprador

Well, I'm trying to resolve this error in my gRPC method, I've been looking at my code for hours but I can't find the error, I need get one array of elements when I use Get on Postman, but I get this ...
user avatar
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Implementing gRPC with Nginx in a React.js and Node.js Application

I am currently facing challenges in establishing communication between the gRPC client, implemented in React.js, and the gRPC server, implemented in Node.js. On the client side, I have successfully ...
Fitsum Getu's user avatar
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How to compile gRPC Proto files?

How to use the protoc command line program to compile a *.proto file to a certain language for all languages except for Node.
Mohammad Imani's user avatar
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nodejs grpc-js reconnection after server restart

I am experiencing some strange behavior with @grpc/grpc-js client reconnection Once the client connected successfully and the server restart, the client keep looping in connecting state How should I ...
TomLaflamme's user avatar
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Error in generate protocol buffers in grpc node

I wanna build a microservice with gRPC in Nodejs, but I got an error. I installed [email protected] and [email protected], but when I enter this command: grpc_tools_node_protoc --js_out=...
techno's user avatar
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Issue when migrating to @grpc/grpc-js from grpc

Im trying to migrate an older Node app that is using grpc to @grpc/grpc-js. But facing issue when trying to get In the (old) grpc package the messages definitions are returning functions and there are ...
Stefan Stoychev's user avatar
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AWS X-RAY + Opentelemetry gRPC instrumentation not working well

I have this code that initializes a tracer. The context of it is that is being used inside a monorepo with multiple services that are deployed into aws. The traces go from the api-gw to the service ...
David's user avatar
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How to solve the error: "Error: Cannot find module" when building NestJs?

I have a NestJs application in which I want to use the GRPC. To generate my typescript files from my `.proto` file I used the npm module "grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts" who generated me 2 files, ...
Nejom 1er's user avatar
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ClientWritableStream implementation in grpc-js node library is different from whats mentioned in grpc/node API reference

grpc-js reference Where write method has encoding as second argument _write(chunk: RequestType, encoding: string, cb: WriteCallback) { const context: MessageContext = { callback: cb, }; ...
Rahul solanki's user avatar
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Should we use bidirectional streaming vs unidirectional grpc requests in a chat app

I have a simple chat app with an api-gateway responsible for and chat-microservice responsible for storing chats and messages. //api-gateway/chat.gateway.ts //receive web-socket messages ...
Баранівський Вадим's user avatar
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Will 2 unidirectional identical gRPC calls open 2 HTTP/2 connections or will they reuse a single connection?

In my chat app (Nest.js + gRPC microservices) I need to send requests (to create messages) as fast as possible and I worry that reopening the connection (if it is the case) can take too much time and ...
Баранівський Вадим's user avatar
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does @grpc/grpc-js reuse the http2 connection or does it create new connection for each call/request

I have a nestjs + grpc-js service and a client. And this rpc is called very frequently. The question is: does it reuse the connection or starts a new one every time rpc is called? Or should I use ...
Баранівський Вадим's user avatar
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I am getting Error: 13 INTERNAL: No message received when replacing grpc with @grpc/grpc-js

When i am trying to switch to new grpc package (@grpc/grpc-js)from existing package(grpc) in my existing code i am getting the error code const grpc = require("@grpc/grpc-js"); const ...
Vaibhav Verma's user avatar
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nodejs grpc-tools generate js code protobuf package import path is error

this is my project: /nodejs /out /protos project.proto package.json project.proto syntax = "proto3"; package com.test; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto&...
consoles's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

gRPC Health Checks on AWS ALB

No matter which health check path I provide, even if it's completely arbitrary text, the health check will only pass as long if the matcher code is set to 0. I have one service that's just using the ...
Jailbot's user avatar
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How to add request timeout in GRPC Server in Nestjs

We have created a GRPC server microservice in nestjs which fetches data from the Database and share the result with the client. but need to add some timeout in the GRPC server so if the request is not ...
Suraj Dalvi's user avatar
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gRPC module throwing error with Electron.js

I am trying to work with gRPC in my electron application but grpc module is not working after building the electron application. Initially I tried with grpc node module but it is deprecated recently. ...
Neha's user avatar
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How can i setup client-side load balancing without using any external service like haproxy?

Haproxy configuration for multiple gprc server is awful and we want to use client-side load balancing but don't know how to do it. I found some files in grpc-node library (like this) related to load ...
lalalananana's user avatar
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Server side gRPC service not getting recognised on client Side

I have been learning about gRPC, and I was trying to implement a gRPC API to create, get and list to-dos. Here is the server side code of the API:
Girik Garg's user avatar
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How to properly re-map types from .proto files to Typescript and vice versa?

Let's imagine I have 2 Nest.js services: Service A and Service B, which communicate using gRPC. I am trying to pass an object of type UserSettings from Service A to Service B via Remote Procedure Call ...
Amel Amcë Muminovic's user avatar
5 votes
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Node.js GRPC call to another microservice throwing "CANCELLED: Call cancelled" error

We are using Node.js, Docker Swarm, and GRPC to deploy multiple microservices. One of our microservices is a GRPC service that handles websockets for our frontend. However, when we make a GRPC call to ...
Nishantc7's user avatar
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fabric-gateway on node.js takes 4 minutes to complete fail or success

I'm trying to migrate from fabric-network to fabric-gateway, in largely due to experiencing an issue with fabric-network where hundreds of connections are left open and eventually clog the server. I'...
Matias Salimbene's user avatar
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gRPC (node) Server waits for all RPCs to be handled before sending back responses

The following link contains a detailed description of the issue: When a server receives multiple RPCs from a client, instead of sending back responses as ...
Ayush Goel's user avatar
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Compiled Typescript files from gRPC proto files mark every property as optional

I have a bunch of proto files that I compiled to Typescript with the following script: yarn proto-loader-gen-types \ --grpcLib=@grpc/grpc-js \ --outDir=${OUT_DIR} \ ${IN_DIR}/*.proto One ...
dokgu's user avatar
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Can @grpc/grpc-js dynamically unpack google.protobuf.Any type?

I work on a gRPC client using @grpc/grpc-js, and I have to handle application-specific errors by reading the details array of the google.rpc.Status object. Is it possible to dynamically unpack the ...
kittaakos's user avatar
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How to generate the Typescript files from proto files?

I'm attempting to generate some Typescript files for a React project that would utilize gRPC through proto files. I ran a script: #!/bin/bash IN_DIR="./protos" OUT_DIR="./dist" # ...
dokgu's user avatar
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Can't resolve module clarifai-nodejs-grpc in React JS

Error Module not found Can't resolve 'clarifai-nodejs-grpc' node module grps-js and proto-loader I tried config-overrides.js with react-app-rewired: module.exports = function override(config, env) { ...
NePa's user avatar
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How can I save the grpc reponse in NodeJS?

I create both grpc server and client. But I'm new to Node/TS and don't know how to save the respone in the callback function. function read(path:string): string {`reading ${path}`); ...
缙云烧饼's user avatar
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gRPC nodejs client can't send request to server because of serialization failure

I'm currently working on implementing a gRPC nodejs client that should communicate with a java/kotlin gRPC server to test out the cross language codegen. However when I try to make a call from my ...
J.Pip's user avatar
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What is the recommended way to do a grpc call from inside a Typescript Vue.Js component?

After reading the documentation of grpc I see proto files can generate Node (Javascript), Typescript with plugin grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts and grpc-web. Since performance is not critical in my case I ...
barrelful's user avatar
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GRPC server streaming, how to increase server ping time

Am working on a project using GRPC which has a node js server and client is Android written in Kotlin. We are able to setup the connection and the server streaming works as expected. The problem we ...
user's user avatar
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Is there any way to use Pipes with Grpc in Nestjs?

So I'm building an httpgateway which sends messages to a microservice made with nestjs/grpc. Problem is that, once I decorate my controller with @UsePipes(....) it throws an error for the gateway. I ...
Rafael's user avatar
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GRPC with JavaScript Client?

Hello I m trying to find ref for GRPC with JavaScript Client. I checked tried to search but is generally refer Node Library. In my implementation I have .NET GRPC server and have react UI app so just ...
Maulik Dave's user avatar
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Yarn install is failing

I know i shouldn't just throw a question like this and wish i can provide more information, but i am really no idea what it is and it also my first time encounter such issue (after change to new ...
Vishal Kumar's user avatar

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