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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getBoolean(Ljava/lang/Object;J)Z in class Lsun/misc/Unsafe

I'm working in an Android Project that is targeting towards a device that runs on Android 5.1. We recently started to migrate from build.gradle to Kotlin DSL. The project has several submodules that ...
compZ's user avatar
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PathNotFoundException: Cannot open file 'assets/certs/ca_bundle.crt' in Flutter on Android

I'm trying to build flutter application, and I'm encountering an error when running the app on Android. The same code works perfectly fine on iOS. The error message is: [ERROR:flutter/runtime/...
Адильжан Омаркан's user avatar
0 votes
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How to create a gRCP Client using C#/.net6/MAUI on Android based on Grpc.Net.Client

I'd like to create a gRCP client on Android using C#/.net6/MAUI. My code looks like this var handler = new SocketsHttpHandler(); var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler); AppContext.SetSwitch("...
geri-m's user avatar
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(] Uncaught exception in the SynchronizationContext. Panic

How to solve the uncaught exception in the synchronizationContext error while trying to add data to firestore val user:MutableMap<String,Any> = HashMap() user["name&...
Muthuram A's user avatar
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Blazor Hybrid .apk application works with gRPC in Debug mode but gives error in Release mode

My Blazor Hybrid application has a login screen. When user enters his data and taps a button, the data is sent to the server via gRPC service. When the application runs in Debug mode I see no errors ...
user23146361's user avatar
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how can i use googlemap gRPC in android?

I would like to use routeAPI - gRPC on Android. But in none of the documents, I can't find how to define the message in the proto file. What I looked for as much as I could is this document. https://...
Hihellooo's user avatar
-1 votes
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In Android Studio, how to use Google Maps route API as a gRPC?

In this page ( ), describes the gRPC communication method. But I can't apply this to Android. Is this a ...
Hihellooo's user avatar
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How to maintain persistent GRPC/HTTP2 connection over hours?

Let's say I have an android mobile application, opening a GRPC/HTTP2 stream to a server, and willing to keep this stream open all over the day (assuming the mobile device is kept on). This connection ...
xtruder99's user avatar
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Why no NetworkOnMainThreadException when using GRPC on android?

I have the below code inside my activity's onCreate() fun onCreate() { val channel = AndroidChannelBuilder.forAddress(someEndPoint, port) .context(applicationContext) ....
Saran Sankaran's user avatar
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gRPC.core runtime for Android x86_64

Is there an official way on how to build "gRPC.core runtime for Android x86_64"? for grpc_csharp_plugin i don't know how to build it for this arch
طه غرايبه's user avatar
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gRPC Connection Issue in Android Emulator: "Error connecting: Connection shutting down."

When attempting to establish a gRPC connection from the Android emulator, the error "Error connecting: Connection shutting down." occurs. Problematic code: import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart'; ...
sthm's user avatar
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Issues loading TLS from a string instead of a file

The error I get: io.grpc.ManagedChannelRegistry$ProviderNotFoundException: io.grpc.okhttp.OkHttpChannelProvider: Unable to load private key: Neither RSA nor EC worked I am trying to load pass the ...
Nikk's user avatar
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Comunication between server GRPC, NODE.JS with MYSQL and client Android

I'm trying to send and receive data like this: Server node.js: find: ({request: {id}}, callback) => { cn.executeQuery(`SELECT id, name FROM tb WHERE id=${id}`, (res) => callback(null, {result: ...
Luciano Coelho's user avatar
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How to use proguard with android kotlin protobuff

Currently my apps builds ok, but any generated method by proto is not onfuscated, so I keep getting errors like java.lang.RuntimeException: Generated message class "cp.j" missing method &...
Dwane13's user avatar
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8 votes
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Gradle Managed Devices Could Not Receive Test Results From the Test Executor

Using gradle version 8.0.2 I am using gradle managed devices to run my Android Espresso tests in parallel on 2 emulators. I am running this by using the following command: ./gradlew ...
reutsey's user avatar
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446 views io.grpc.ManagedChannelProvider$ProviderNotFoundException: No functional channel service provider found

I am trying to access Cloud Firestore from my android project. I am just following the guide provided by Google -> val ...
sethconarrodev's user avatar
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Clarifai gRPC Java client throwing RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground()

I am building an Android app to predict objects in an image. I am using the Clarifai gRPC Java client for the purpose. However, I am getting a RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing ...
Dinux's user avatar
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ClarifaiChannel.INSTANCE.getGrpcChannel() throwing IllegalStateException: Could not find TLS ALPN provider

I am trying to use Clarifai to predict images in an Android app. I am using the Clarifai gRPC Java client. However, I am getting an IllegalStateException saying 'Could not find TLS ALPN provider; no ...
Dinux's user avatar
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2 answers

Do gRPC clients have any caching functionality?

Do gRPC clients have any caching functionality, e.g. like GraphQL clients have? Without having tried gRPC yet, that's currently the only thing that would keep me from doing tihs.'s user avatar
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Download a large file >100MB from a gRPC server in chunks using gRPC streaming? How can I track which chunk to send next on the server?

I am trying to download a large file >100MB from a gRPC server using gRPC bidirectional streaming. I need to break the file into chunks on the server and stream the bytes. I am not sure how to ...
aytida's user avatar
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How can I call a gRPC server running on a local network PC from a client Android app?

On my laptop, I have a gRPC server running in a .NET 6 application, using Grpc.AspNetCore 2.40.0. On my phone, I have an .NET 6 Android app built using the Uno UI framework, using the gRPC client GRPC....
Sophie's user avatar
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Android gRPC request throwing UNAVAILABLE exception

I am attempting to send a request from an android application to my laptop. This is currently resulting in the following exception being thrown. Status{code=UNAVAILABLE, description=null, cause=java....
Jacob's user avatar
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How to connect postman gRPC mock server by Android app?

I'm struggling to access postman gRPC mock server by Android/kotlin app for several days. I created the mock server after reading official document. I got the URL for mock server and I could get a ...
Aniokrait's user avatar
2 votes
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grpc-kotlin: Unresolved reference

I try to compile proto definitions into kotlin stubs, but get import issues. My gradle is protobuf { protoc { artifact = "" } plugins { ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Unable to proxy gRPC calls using Charles on android

While trying sniffing gRPC traffic I stuck into problem, i see error IO: Stream cancelled by CLIENT after Receiving response body in Charles interface, but I see logs of request/response data in ...
Alexander Borodin's user avatar
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GRPC android chat Cancelled before half close

I've developed and android chatting app, through the gRPC protocol, problem is, after I send the first message to the server, the server propagates the message to the available clients but then it ...
Davidflow's user avatar
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Connecting gRPC Client on Xamarin

I tried to make gRPC Client work in a standard Xamarin Forms C# (for android) application. First I created a simple server to test it using Visual Studio standard services. It worked on localhost:5001....
Lroofer's user avatar
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All GRPC calls failed with DEADLINE_EXCEEDED

I have an android app which calls a GRPC service. Sometimes for some clients the GRPC calls starts failing with DEADLINE_EXCEEDED. The request doesn't reach the server. It seems like a DNS resolution ...
Rubeena Shirin's user avatar
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How to connect Android GRPC client to azure app service, I am doing such work but its not wroking

Basically, this code sign in the user with API, using GRPC but I could not connect the android app. Every time it returns another error but not the response after searching on too many links it gives ...
Deepak Kumar's user avatar
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Grpc protoc configuration cannot upgrade to latest version with gradle 7.0 but possible in gradle 4.2

This is my protoc setup in build.gradle which works in gradle 4.2 protobuf { protoc { artifact = '' } plugins { javalite { artifact = "
hjk's user avatar
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".Net maui" + "Blazor" + "gRPC service" Android WebException

I started to explore the new release of Net.Maui combined with Blazor and gRPC Service using the "Net Maui Blazor App Template" as Client and "gRPC Service AspNetCore template" as ...
Piercarlo's user avatar
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Netty gRPC server on Android - channel not registered to an event loop

When running Netty gRPC server on Android I am getting the following exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: channel not registered to an event loop Dependencies that I use: implementation 'io....
Dmitry Zaytsev's user avatar
9 votes
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GRPC in Kotlin Multiplatform (Android, Desktop)

I am creating a Jetbrains Compose Multiplatform project. But I will only need Desktop (JVM) and Android, so two JVM targets. I want to factor out the logic which needs grpc, so both Android and ...
Intektor's user avatar
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How to make GrpcChannel use HTTP/2 on MonoAndroid?

I am trying to make request to my server by MagicOnion protocol (it uses transport from gRPC, but deffrent serialization protocol, message pack instead of protobuf). An simple test client app, working ...
bearpro's user avatar
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Xamarin Android Binding Library NoClassDefFoundError google/protobuf/GeneratedMessageLite

we're making an Android Binding Library for the Polar SDK. Everything works well except for one method call (setLocalTime() - all other methods work) that fails with the following error: Java.Lang....
Simon Corcos's user avatar
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Assemble error while using latest gRPC plugin on Android -> Input is shadowed in the --proto_path (Gradle 7.0.1)

I am trying to update an Android project to use the latest gradle plugin (7.0.1), from the current 3.6.4 that it is using. In order to do this, considering the project is using protobuf, I need to ...
Phantom's user avatar
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Duplicate class error in gRPC dependencies when running the app

I was beginning to try gRPC on android and added all the dependencies. When I want to run the project I get the following error. It's my first time implementing gRPC in android and it's starting to ...
saman's user avatar
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Why is my secure client connection working on android but not on ios?

I am currently working on a secure client connection in flutter by using grpc and a pinned self-signed certificate. When I build and deploy the app to android, it works fine. I can make a secure ...
mgoksun's user avatar
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Android Java: Geocoder grpc falied exception

I'll walk you through the key points, bear with me for a while. What I'm Doing I'm getting the location from location manager and using Geocoder to get city name. How I'm Doing it In on location ...
Shahzaib's user avatar
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How do you add gRPC to Android Studio with Kotlin?

Task I need to connect an Android client with a python server using gRPC. Making the server and generating the protos was easy in Python, but the lack of tutorials and confusing documentation for the ...
Adi Călăvie's user avatar
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GPRC Android genearted code has unresolved references

I'm using GPRC and Protobuf to generate code. They do generate but I get these errors: > Task :app:compileDebugKotlin FAILED e:/path/to/generated/code/MyGrpcKt.kt: (16, 16): Unresolved reference: ...
MSpeed's user avatar
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Android adding authorization header to grpc Stub, Error:"onError: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE"

I am unable to add the header successfully using // create a custom header val header: io.grpc.Metadata = io.grpc.Metadata() val auth: io.grpc.Metadata.Key<String> = io.grpc.Metadata.Key....
Mohammed Aljammali's user avatar
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INTERNAL: error in frame handler in Android

I'm getting FRAME_SIZE_ERROR: 4740180 error from following code ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(GRPC_MAIN, PORT_MAIN) .usePlaintext() ...
Papan's user avatar
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Conflict between Firebase in app messaging ( implementation '') and gRPC in Android

I was going to implement Firebase in-app messaging functionality in my Android application that uses gRPC server. However when I put a dependency for Firebase in-app messaging (implementation 'com....
Ilyos Ibrokhimov's user avatar
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gRPC code not being generated from proto file

I followed this guide to add gRPC to my Android project, but the proto file does not seem to generate code. I placed book.proto under app\src\main\java\com\example\android together with my Kotlin code....
Tar's user avatar
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Android OkHttp TLS Mutual Auth - Client doesn't send Certificate to Server

I need some help with Android OkHttp client/server application. The problem is the following: it seems like my Android client doesn't send any certificate to the server after receiving a Certificate ...
Mario Dello Vicario's user avatar
4 votes
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Android GRPC client http call error io.grpc.StatusException: UNAVAILABLE: End of stream or IOException

Grettings, I like to know about how to ressolve the following exception when calling a GRPC service built with NodeJS in the backend side, and deployed to internet using The following is the ...
Marlon López's user avatar
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How increase max message size for OkHttpChannelBuilder?

I'm catch RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error and I don't find information about increasing size in OkHttpBuilder. How increase it?
Anton Pankratov's user avatar
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Protobuf gRPC - google protobuf package does not exist

I am trying to implement gRPC and now I'm having all sorts of issues, but I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. I am following this doc: And ...
joe's user avatar
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gRPC Quick start for Android/Kotlin tutorial - UNAVAILABLE in Server response

Following gRPC Quick start for Android/Kotlin, I managed to build and run the server successfully on my PC and also to install the Android app (Connected with adb over TCP in local network, same ...
Tar's user avatar
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