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neo4j how to get all the nodes eventually connected to a give node?

I am not trying to get all the connected nodes, when I run MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n LIMIT 200 I can see all my nodes and relationships are separated to three groups, I am trying to find all the ...
echo's user avatar
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Error setting properties on a gremlin vertex with UUIDs

I'm trying to setup a local gremlin server to use UUIDs (to mimic neptune), but I'm getting an error when I try to set any property on a vertex: It happily creates a vertex with a UUID: gremlin> g....
aquavitae's user avatar
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Unexpected Filter behavior of the attributes present on relations in AnzoGraph

I am developing an application where I want to fetch some relations present in the AnzoGraph. These relations have some attributes and I want to fetch data by applying filter the attribute present on ...
Arpit Dongaonkar's user avatar
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Find the Nearest Connected Component of Interest in GraphDB

I'm working with a GraphDB repository that models components and their connections in an HVAC system. The graph includes many components that are irrelevant to my analysis (like ducts and bends). My ...
Esben F.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Most basic "bring your own data" query in GQL

In SQL, I can write a query that already includes the data such as the following: SELECT 1 Or, with a slightly less trivial example: WITH users as ( SELECT 1 id, "tom" name UNION ALL ...
David542's user avatar
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"Node_Label" in the Neo4jVector couldn't be modified

I am trying to initialize the vector store from the existing graph to perform for vector similarity search. But whatever the value assigned for the "node_label" property wasn't considered. ...
Ramkumar's user avatar
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How to Interrupt a Query Chain at a Specific Node in Nebula Graph Database?

Nebula version 3.8.0 operating system Linux Describe the Question I am using Nebula Graph database and trying to write a query that stops the chain when encountering a specific node and ignores any ...
Moon soon's user avatar
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Neo4j Relationship Existence Query Have too Many DB Hits

I have a query that retrieves 1,500 customers and a promotion with a specific ID. The query then checks if those customers do not have this promotion. My problem is that the query results in too many ...
Mostafa Hassan's user avatar
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Prevent self-referencing relation in SurrealDB

I am trying to apply the table permissions system SurrealDB offers to enable row-level security in its tables, but am seeming to fail with a simple example: DEFINE TABLE node SCHEMAFULL TYPE NORMAL; ...
Athan Clark's user avatar
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Why does the Cora dataset split doesn't contain the whole dataset?

I was following this article In the Train Test Split section they used the following lines to check ...
Eyalnir7's user avatar
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Download link for Anzo SDK zip file is not available

In Anzo graph documentation, Anzo SDK zip file is mentioned. Please provide link for the download. In the doc only steps are mentioned to deploy the SDK, but download link is not provided. Ref link -...
dishabehrani77's user avatar
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Unable to get labels for nodes to render using Neo4j visualization library

Following the documentation of the Neo4j Visualization library, I was able to get the graph visualization working easily: . However, I am unable to get the labels/captions to display in the nodes. I ...
Cal El's user avatar
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Gremlin query, get all the nodes 2 - 4 steps from the selected nodes

I would like to retrieve all the nodes that are 2 to 4 steps away from a selected node. My thought was that I could separate the query into two repeat().times(2) step so that I can call them later: ...
Herman Yuen's user avatar
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NEO4J DESKTOP: "There is no procedure with the name `apoc.custom.declareFunction`..."

Thanks in advance. As the question says, I cannot use this package in Neo4J desktop version. APOC FULL is intalled, but in the list of available procedures it seems that there is no "custom" ...
Ron.Arela's user avatar
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How to Load Data from Apache Iceberg to AWS Neptune Using Apache Spark Without AWS Services? Is It Scalable?

I am currently working on a project where I need to load data from an Apache Iceberg table into an AWS Neptune graph database. I want to perform this task using an Apache Spark, but I prefer not to ...
John Thomas's user avatar
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Neo4j shortest path with node properties

I am trying to perform shortest path on neo4j. However, my edges do have costs, as well as the nodes. I want the shortest path in terms of minimizing (node costs + edge costs). Is there a way of doing ...
thomaswiiswitch's user avatar
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Gremlin Console - Connecting to Amazon Neptune with Sig4 signing

I need to connect to Amazon Neptune using Gremlim console. Tried all steps for setup and signing configuration but following error occurs when connecting to Neptune. Steps performed: Install JDK ...
the-petrolhead's user avatar
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Retrieve paths of arbitrary length, exluding sub-paths

I'm working with a graph database where I store lines and their endpoints. The endpoints are contained by the lines, and since lines can share endpoints, they form chains of arbitrary length. Here's a ...
justanyphil's user avatar
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Is there a way of optimising following query for better edge case respose times?

Problem specification: I have been working on pretty large dataset of friends_with graph (3.5m users, 234m friend_with edges). User collection consist of: _key,_id,name friend_with edge collection: ...
Bezruc's user avatar
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Is there a way of ingesting data into Workiva from a graph database?

Is there a simple way of ingesting data into Workiva straight from a graph database? This could be from a platform like Stardog or similar. A workaround I've found is using HTTP requests to query data ...
Miguens's user avatar
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How to use `project` step with `tree` step in Gremlin query

I would like to be able to fetch my categories in my graph database in a way that the children of the categories will be inside children property. I know this is possible with project step, but how do ...
ephraim lambarte's user avatar
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openCypher complex path pattern support

I wonder if there is regex-like path pattern support for more complex path queries in openCypher. Here are some examples: A path with alternative relationships, like Follows-Likes-Follows-Likes-... ...
Ohrwurm's user avatar
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How to use previous step values to filter the next step [GREMLIN]

I am fetching my vertices recursively using repeat. now i want to be able to use the values of a previous step inside repeat and compare it as a reference to make my search for vertices more accurate. ...
ephraim lambarte's user avatar
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How to return nodes and relationships only if a certain condition is true in cypher

In my database, I want certain nodes and relationships returned if items in 2 aggregated lists do not match. To be specific, a user has certain accesses and role. I want to pinpoint those users whose ...
Megatron's user avatar
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Neo4J Subgraph Labelling and accessing it back

I am considering a pattern matching activity using Neo4J Graph DB. There are n number of patterns I want to match in a database, but each node will be matched only to one pattern. The nodes that are ...
spd's user avatar
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Neoj4 NeoDash Natural Language Query Generation - TypeError: v.setDriver is not a function

In Neo4j's NeoDash, I'm trying to setup natural language querying. Both Neo4j and NeoDash are installed locally on my desktop and I've registered APOC on my database. I enter a test query in English ...
holegar's user avatar
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Using multiple variables for single neo4j node

I have a cypher query that returns some results MATCH (nodeFrom0:Z{})-[r1:FLOWS_TO]->(nodeTo1:A{}) MATCH (nodeTo1:A{})-[r2:FLOWS_TO]->(nodeTo2:A{}) MATCH (nodeTo2:A{})-[r3:FLOWS_TO]->(nodeTo3:...
spd's user avatar
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Gremlin dynamic update

I have graph I want to calculating and updating degrees using gremlin on a big graph db with 10M nodes, what is the best way to do it I wasn't able to this in one query
NoamiA's user avatar
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Show Graph results using Neo4j Python driver

I'm currently working with knowledge graphs with Neo4j using Python Driver. I'm already connected to localhost URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687" AUTH = ("neo4j", "neo4j") ...
biowhat's user avatar
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SQL Server 2022 graph database pseudo column in triggers

I have a SQL Server 2022 database where I am defining the following trigger: CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER After_Assignment_Delete ON dbo.[Assigned_To] AFTER DELETE AS BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.[...
Chris Gonzales's user avatar
-1 votes
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LangChain's Neo4jVector.from_documents doesn't set index_name if mentioned

This code: index_suffix = "data" index_name = f"vector_{index_suffix}" keyword_index_name = f"keyword_{index_suffix}" print(f"Setup with indices: {index_name} and {...
devio's user avatar
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Gremlin Customized Output using project

gremlinify: pls execute Query 2 and 2.1 to see the difference. I have an acyclic uni-directional graph in Cosmos Graph Db. My graph has 2 types of vertices: item(Label:...
thakshak gudimetla's user avatar
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Creating Relationships in Neo4j Without Recreating Nodes

I'm currently working on a project using Neo4j, and I'm facing a challenge related to creating relationships without recreating nodes. Here's a brief overview of the scenario: want to establish ...
B A.J Amar 's user avatar
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Neo4j cypher query Double(NaN) issue

I have a query like I wrote below. I couldn't solve the error I gave below even after a lot of effort. I encounter this error when I do any sorting operation. But not always, in specific cases. I ...
Alp Buğra Aker's user avatar
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I am creating client application in java using tinkerpop for gremlin but i am unable to query through my application. JanusGraph and Gremlin server

I am trying to build client application in java for gremlin. My janusgraph server is running on one more virtual machine in the same network. Through my gremlin client code i am able to establish ...
Prajwal Patil's user avatar
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Neo4j - Range index vs Text index when checking membership in list of only strings

Example query: WITH ["sword", "Sword", "blade", "Blade", "katana", "Katana"] AS weapons MATCH (s:Set) WHERE IN weapons RETURN s ...
Arkadiusz Górecki's user avatar
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NeoVis.js not displaying all relationships when connecting to AuraDB Neo4j instance

I am using NeoVis.js to visualize Neo4j graph databases. The visualization works fine when connecting to a local Neo4j instance, but I encounter issues when trying to connect to a Neo4j AuraDB ...
Peter Plevko's user avatar
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Gremlin query optimization to remove redundant data from "path" step

I have person vertex and book vertex connected by owns edge (i.e. person => owns => book). One person can own multiple books. Let's say I have following vertices & edges which indicates that ...
coderz's user avatar
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How to find all nodes which linked by edge with exact property in OrientDB?

I have several services and would like to see how they linked via requests So I created edges as class "Http" and added property "request" All services I have 4 services Gateway ...
Oleg's user avatar
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How to setup Ruby on Rails with Neo4j database on Macbook M1? Ruby 2.7.7 and Rails

I've been trying to setup Neo4j in my existing Rails project which has Rails version and Ruby 2.7.7 I've gone through almost every documentation i could find and had long chats with ChatGPT ...
Vishnu Narang's user avatar
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Neo4j Browser blank screen with error when loading json using apoc.load.json

I am using neo4j to load a json file which is 103 MB worth. It has only 6500 records though. I created a apoc.config in the right Configuration location and added the property: apoc.import.file....
Mahesh's user avatar
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In Arcadedb how do I get a list of vertex types that are subtypes to a supertype?

I need to get a list of vertex types from the database that are subtypes to a supertype. I.e. If I have a vertex structure that goes: View -> Type1 -> Custom_Type_1 View -> Type1 -> ...
Rob's user avatar
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Viewing edge property data issue in ArcadeDB

I recently migrated over to Arcadedb from Orientdb. I'm having some issues viewing the values of edge properties. Having typed in these commands (#632:2 is a correct rid for a ViewIncludes edge): ...
Rob's user avatar
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Creating knowledge graph index out of a XML (DEXPI) file

Context: I have a XML file (DEXPI) and I want to use it as a data source to implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system using llama-index to fetch the correct context against any natural ...
Deepak Tatyaji Ahire's user avatar
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Shortest path of weighted and directed graph in Neo4j

I created a map of city in Neo4j using OpenStreetMap and OpenAddresses data. I want to find the shortest path from one address to another. The problem is that, when I'm using function apoc.algo....
strzelaczbramek9's user avatar
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Is semantic search the same as querying a vector database?

RAG (Retrieval augmented generation) is a technique to search for relevant documents before asking the LLM to generate a natural answer. For what I understand: load the documents (from files, ...
Giovanne Afonso's user avatar
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Node Traversal to Java String Set?

So I am having trouble how I would convert a nodeTraversal into Hashset. GraphTraversal<vertex, vertex>nodeTraversal = this.central.V().has(nodeid).in("node").values(nodeId); So far I ...
e_wards's user avatar
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AWS Neptune Query is blocking all other queries

We are using AWS Neptune Graph database and need to query a subgraph. We have about 300-400 independent graphs on our database and only need to query one of them at a time. Our model is mainly this: ...
WobiHH's user avatar
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Can I calculate the distance between nodes that have longitude and latitude?

I will expand the dataset of capital cities that I have with longitude and latitude for each city. After that I would like to calculate the distance in kilometers between cities, or to calculate the ...
NoLANman's user avatar
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Efficient way for filtering related nodes connected to a supernode

I am trying to filter connected nodes to a super node in Janus Graph where millions of vertices can be connected to a super node directly at level =1, suppose there is a parent node, it could have ...
A R K's user avatar
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