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grafana table to show counter division aggregation values in selected time range

I'm new to prometheus and grafana and stuck with such query and dashboard. In prometheus there are 2 counters with shared labels. for example: upload_file_size_total{filetype="jpg", version=&...
Lei Yang's user avatar
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Using Metric Labels as Dynamic Limits in Grafana Expressions

I have an application where I want to export metrics with expected limits. The goal is to automate the creation of alerts and set triggered limits. Ideally, I’d like to add an additional tag with the ...
Sergei Kurenchuk's user avatar
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Why is Prometheus returning "HTTP status 503 Service Unavailable" when scraping my .NET Core microservice `/health_metrics` endpoint?

I'm facing an issue with Prometheus while trying to scrape metrics from my .NET Core microservice. I’ve got my service running in Docker, and I can access the /health_metrics endpoint just fine ...
saber tabatabaee yazdi's user avatar
1 vote
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how to create error rate table in grafana using http_server_requests_seconds_count

I have metrics which is giving count for all incoming request http_server_requests_seconds_count. My requirement is to create table in grafana dashboard with 4 columns 1st column to show uri, 2nd col ...
ricks's user avatar
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Can I get timedelta between first and last metric from prometheus?

For example I have Gauge my_metric. my_metric{job="1"} 1.0 - at 13:00 - first my_metric{job="1"} 1.0 - at 13:10 my_metric{job="1"} 1.0 - at 13:20 - last How can I get ...
user25663127's user avatar
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Custom TimeSeries in Grafana

My goal is to make timeseries chart in Grafana, that shows a line from SQL Agent Job starting point to the point of time job start + duration (e.g. line from 10:00 till 10:30 with value 1). There are ...
Alexey's user avatar
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How draw grafana graph with metric by prefix?

Consider metrics: airflow_scheduler_operator_failures_mysensor airflow_scheduler_operator_failures_othersensor airflow_scheduler_operator_failures_somesensor ... So how to create graph with all ...
Cherry's user avatar
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How can i get a quantity distribution by hour from a counter metric in Grafana?

For example, I have a http_server_requests_seconds_count{} counter metric. I have some issues with writing a query in PromQL to get a quantity distribution by hour in Grafana. What operators i should ...
Kekestan's user avatar
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Concurrent Request to Single Prometheus Server

I have 2 software components A and B which send their time series metrics to the same prometheus database. I want to have 2 clients A and B which will talk to the same prometheus server for request ...
Shreyank Saparia's user avatar
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How to get the label of "boolean" metrics from PromQL to Grafana Vizualization

Background The main problem is working with these style of metrics: some_state_metric{name="something", state="active"} = 1 some_state_metric{name="something", state=&...
WesAtWork's user avatar
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Configure grafana cloudwatch datasource with STS Temporary credentials

Is there a way to configure Grafana Cloudwatch datasource using AWS STS Temporary credentials? I am trying to configure a cloudwatch datasource in grafana by assuming a role. I have created a role ...
Sonali's user avatar
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springboot actuator "disk_free" metrics

What I am trying to achieve: With the metric "disk_free" from springboot pet clinic application, I would like to create a visual where the unit is more representative of a disk, such as in ...
PatPanda's user avatar
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Springboot metric "process_files_open" shows large numbers for both "open" and "max"

What I am trying to achieve: Already published the metrics "process_files_open", and I want to create the correct visuals from it. What did I try: I see the metric "...
PatPanda's user avatar
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Fill Missing Values in Time Series in Prometheus

I have a metric that has multiple time series in Prometheus. I want to fill in the gaps in this metric with a default value (say 0). What's the best way to do this? ORing with vector(0) doesn't work ...
Prashant Pandey's user avatar
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How to plot max latency in grafana

I'm using Quarkus framework with Micrometer as the metrics library. I have configured reporting timers with percentiles histogram for certain endpoints. In Grafana, I've created a dashboard to monitor ...
Urb's user avatar
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PromQL: Detect when one metric changes while another does not

I have two metrics: my_bytes_in and my_bytes_out. I want to detect when my_bytes_in changed while my_bytes_out did not for a couple of minutes. As pseudo code you could say: IF my_bytes_in changed ...
elbino's user avatar
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PromQL increase function is not producing what I expect

I want to create a query that generates the amount of network traffic out(bytes) over the last 24 hours. The metrics are being collected and exported with the help of open-telemetry, to Mimir, which ...
Birkeburk's user avatar
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How to apply increase function after label_replace?

We have this counter metric: http_server_requests_seconds_count http_server_requests_seconds_count{instance="localhost:8080", method="GET", outcome="SUCCESS", status=&...
SoT's user avatar
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How to disable (i dont want it to be shown) a transformation but take its value in grafana

I'm using Grafana to create a panel which shows some basic values. I have here "success rate", which is calculated as "success jobs" / "total jobs". Using "success ...
Sanjay Suresh's user avatar
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Collect metrics about request duration with App.Metrics and Prometheus

I need to collect correlating metrics of Request duration and Amount of returning items. We use App.Metrics library. And the best way I currently found is use regular Gauge for each one. The problem ...
Andrey Glomozda's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Detecting Only Increasing Prometheus Metrics Over A Given Interval

Recently, I've experienced quite a few false positives in an existing Prometheus-based alert that has been difficult to nail down (that seemingly should be simple), so I thought I'd inquire to see if ...
Rion Williams's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I monitor the resource consumption of a specific service for an entire month in Prometheus

Currently, I am monitoring the service in Prometheus based on pods, which causes the data to be separated if a pod restarts or if the deployment configuration is updated. Is there a way to treat the ...
Rainbird's user avatar
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Trouble with Dividing Series in Grafana: Blank Screen Issue

I'm currently facing an issue in Grafana (datasource: Metrictank) that I'm hoping to get some guidance on. The problem occurs when I'm attempting to divide two series - 'Series B' (Total number of ...
StackNavigator's user avatar
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Looking for a PromQL expression for BHTA in the last 24 hours

Basically, show the max number of transactions reached in any particular hour during the last 24 hours. I think some folks call this the "Peak BHTA" (Busy Hour Transaction Attempt). I came ...
Alex Pi's user avatar
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Prometheus metrics getting reset after each server restart or application redeploy : Java Spring Boot Application

I am new to prometheus metrics. I am exposing my application's all endpoints (application Rest endpoint as well as the 3rd party APIs endpoints which my application is using). As expected, I am ...
Sachin Mankotia's user avatar
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Apply prometheus metric for specific deployment

This metrics return the runnig time of specific pod sum by(namespace, pod) ( (last_over_time(kube_pod_completion_time[1d]) - last_over_time(kube_pod_created{pod="consumer-deployment-...
trey's user avatar
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Mimir github actions metrics collection

What is currently the best way to collect metrics from GitHub about actions, such as duration, workflow status, error rate, etc? I found a few actions in marketplace, but they seem to be outdated. We ...
warhir's user avatar
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Is there a way to monitor some max value of summary metric in prometheus when application is real-time and messages frequency can change

Problem in getting Nan values when monitoring summary metric of java application via prometheus and grafana when handling maxAgeSeconds Hello everyone, I am using prometheus and grafana for monitoring ...
Gal Brilovich's user avatar
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counter metrics representation in grafana

I want to know the number of requests in a given time. I'm using Grafana to show data and now I have this simple table for example, this table represents the number of requests to a specific API. but ...
lornejad's user avatar
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How do I group and sum grafana metric values after i use regex to transfrom labelnames

In grafana I have used this query to sum and group a query by path: sum by(path) (increase(http_request_duration_seconds_count{applikasjon="kundebetjening-web", path=~"/api-gateway/([^/]...
Tofik Sahraoui's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there any way to add http endpoint as data-source in Grafana?

I want to add a http endpoint, say http://localhost:8080 as a data-source in grafana dashboard for getting some data from the endpoint. I couldn't found nay data-source for http endpoint. Is this ...
Palash Gupta's user avatar
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Prometheus metrics are overwritten

I have a deployment on openshift - host status monitor app. I also have a deployment for prometheus instance and operator. This is a golang application which performs some operations and publish the ...
SRM KTR's user avatar
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the values on the graph in Grafana differ from the real ones

I want to plot the signal to noise ratio (SNR). My C++ application measures the signal/noise values and passes these values to Grafana 8.5 using the prometheus-spp library. The values on the graph in ...
joe_dowson's user avatar
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How to show only the pod name when hovering Grafana chart from Kubernetes "container_memory_usage_bytes" metric?

I created this chart using Grafana and the query rate(container_memory_usage_bytes{ image!="", container_name!="POD"}[5m]) /1024 / 1024. When highlighting the data points I receive ...
hamilton.lima's user avatar
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Prometheus exceeded maximum resolution of 11,000 points or empty result

I'm currently struggling with getting empty results from requests to my Prometheus endpoint. { "status": "success", "data": { "resultType": &...
blake's user avatar
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Is AWS Managed Prometheus + Grafana a good replacement for in-cluster solution?

I have an EKS cluster that has a slightly modified kube-prometheus running on it for metrics monitoring(includes alertmanager, node exporters, prometheus-operator etc). I am thinking of replacing this ...
rahkarp_layinu's user avatar
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Spark monitoring metrics, which one regards RAM utilization

I was wondering if there's a more detailed version of such spark webpage Monitoring metrics Actually I'm using grafana and this is my dashboard, I'm not totally sure if we can assume the Heap usage as ...
callme_fantastique's user avatar
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Grafana: Gauge metric changes with the width of the panel

we're trying to visualize some basic metrics like number of API calls via Grafana using prometheus metrics. I've configured a gauge metric for one of the APIs. The problem I'm facing here is that the ...
pkgajulapalli's user avatar
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PromQL change label value (not name) into a specific metric in all TSDB

I would like to change the value (not the label name) of label instance in the Prometheus DB using a PromQL from metric rundeck_system_stats_uptime_since. I managed to do this before ingestion using ...
ady8531's user avatar
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Calculation of process execution time in grafana based on start/end time and current time

I need to show the running time of a process in grafana. I get the process start time as timestamp from prometheus and subtract it from the current timestamp: time() - start_time_gauge. Then I format ...
WindBridges's user avatar
-1 votes
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prometheus remote_write metric_relabel_configs does not drop targeted metric

I'm monitoring kube-state-metrics pod metrics. I want to filter some of them and not upload to my Grafana as they are overwhelming. My remote_write configuration (following several guides such as this)...
Avishay Cohen's user avatar
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Can Prometheus Queries be stored and the results be sent further to Grafana?

I am working with creating metrics using Pushgateway+Prometheus. Question is that prometheus received metrics along with labels, In Prometheus query language we make use of many operators or inbuilt ...
userdr725's user avatar
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How can I get Grafana to read a custom metric?

Currently my Grafana Dashboard reads system info from the Grafana agent that runs on my machine. I have a script that executes hourly to do some action. If the script executes successfully then it can ...
threaderwharf's user avatar
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PromQL: reuse group label in another metric

I have multiple pods controlled by a workflow. To retrieve the controlling workflow name I have the following query: group by(owner_name)(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="Workflow"}). Now I want ...
c0deltin's user avatar
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How can I take all targets' metrics in one page at Prometheus

I have Prometheus setup on AWS EC2. I have 11 targets configured which have 2+ endpoints. I would like to setup a endpoint/query etc to gather all the metrics in one page. I am pretty stuck right now. ...
Meriç Özkayagan's user avatar
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Grafana instant query option is returning empty results

From last few days we are seeing Instant query in Grafana is not working and returning empty results. This used to work fine earlier. We enabled Instant query to have accurate results in Stat ...
manjunath kallannavar's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to collect statistics from CI over time?

CI environments like GitLab (self-hostet and Cloud), GitHub, CodeCov, Codacy, ... collect statistics over time, so a developer or team lead can see the evolution of the project over time: number of ...
Paebbels's user avatar
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How can I connect to influxdb v2.4 on .net api with using app metrics library?

Does app metrics .net library support influxdb latest version ? I read documentation of App.Metrics.InfluxDB, but I didn't find nothing. I want to connect influxdb on .net web api with token, but ...
Muhammet Yasin ARLI's user avatar
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Combining multiple Prometheus queries in a Grafana dashboard

I have metrics that represent k8s cluster versions based on semver and generate the following: cluster_major_version{Name="cluster-1"} 1 cluster_major_version{Name="cluster-2"} 1 ...
DiscoDave's user avatar
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What are the metrics sent to Prometheus + Grafana in a generated jhipster project?

I running a gateway and a microservice using jhipster docker compose and i have chosen to generate metrics with prometheus but i couldn't visualize what's in the grafana because the gateway failed to ...
Khadija's user avatar
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