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Grafana and Azure Elasticsearch service data source: open port 9200

I am setting up Elasticsearch data source in Grafana. I am following the instructions The Elasticsearch is running in Azure as Service (Elastic Observability (Elasticsearch) - An Azure Native ISV ...
Moral's user avatar
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Discrepancy between bar chart and pie chart values in Grafana using Elasticsearch data

I'm new to working with data and am currently building a Grafana dashboard using data from Elasticsearch. I have a field called "Letters" that contains values like a, aa, ab, ac, b, ba, bb, ...
Jana's user avatar
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Setting timeFrom equal to a specific time of the current day in Grafana

I would like my panel to be able to grab data from 6am to now each day. Using Grafana with Elasticsearch... still very new to it too. I currently have "timeFrom": "now/d", which ...
Jack's user avatar
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Is it possible to delete data in elastic from grafana with a specific index?

I have a data source with several indexes, but one of my indexes has an elastic column (called "NbCnx") and normally I only have integers, but I don't know why I have also had strings for 2-...
DevopsCryptoast's user avatar
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How to link data in Grafana from Elasticsearch to Postgresql

I'm collecting log files and indexing them in Elasticsearch with Apache NIFI { "took" : 340, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "...
Fedi Mannoubi's user avatar
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Grafana elasticsearch lucene query to limit columns

In grafana I'm using elasticsearch data source with the query type of Logs. All the colums are displayed but I just want to see 2 of 3 of them , source_timestamp , access_Type and active_event_count. ...
chowpay's user avatar
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grafana connecting datasource elasticsearch with index pattern

When trying to connect to elasticsearch 8.x from grafana 10.4.2 it works with indexes that do not have patterns.. For example index_1 = success But index_1.2024.05.11 fails , even when I select "...
chowpay's user avatar
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Grafana/Elastic - Filter certain fields alone from the document and draw graph

Problem Statement: Out of multiple fields from the elastic document, draw graph considering certain fields alone from the elastic document There are documents in the elastic database in the below ...
Ramdinesh J P's user avatar
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How to extract specific text/string from a field in ELK logs?

In my ELK, a single document has multiple fields (k8s.pod,k8s.ns,timestamp,logtag,steream and message). In the message field, I am getting the logs like below [36m15:25:47.583[0;39m [1;30m[default-...
Sats's user avatar
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How to use "Relative time" and "Time shift" in Grafana "Query options" so it will query future data [duplicate]

I am using Grafana 10. I have a simple panel using Elasticsearch as a data source. I'd like to specify a custom time range for this particular panel, independent from the Dashboard time picker, so I'm ...
Marius Ionescu's user avatar
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How to account one record in kibana in several aggregation items

We're running reports over our application(s) log files, which are collected in an elastic search storage. The logs have among others following fields @timestamp: Oct 24, 2023 @ 20:15:52.043 ...
alko's user avatar
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How to flatten aggregations returned by elastic search query

We're running reports over our application(s) log files, which are collected in an elastic search storage. Due to limitations in the stack, and the need to do some ETL-like transform (convert system ...
alko's user avatar
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How to use variable in a panel with time series format in Grafana (elasticsearch data source)

I used ElasticSearch as a data source in Grafana 9 and set the metric to “Raw Data” mode, then selected some fields using “Organize Fields Transform” and hid the rest. I also placed the visualization ...
Hasti's user avatar
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How to put the Grafana time range into an ElasticSearch log link?

I'm adding a Data Link or Panel Link to my Grafana panel or data. I want the link to go to ElasticSearch logs... but I want to include the current time range of my Grafana dashboard. Here's a portion ...
Jake Toronto's user avatar
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Sum of groupby timestamp with grafana/elasticsearch : value always 0

I have data that looks like: datetime resolution_code area_code area_type_code area_name map_code total_load_value update_time "2014-12-31 23:15:00" "PT15M" "...
Cyril's user avatar
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Group Grafana chart by presence of a datetime field with Elasticsearch datasource

I have an Elasticsearch datasource with a field called aborted_at. It’s an ISO-8601 timestamp, and it is only present for some records. I want to create a bar chart, stacked to 100%, that shows the ...
slhck's user avatar
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Using dashboard variable in JSON query with Elastic Search on Grafana

I work with an ElasticSearch data source on Grafana 7.15. The data source has a field 'id' of which the type is 'keyword'. I'm trying to use a dynamic variable called 'site' in the JSON query meant to ...
Daniel 's user avatar
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Grafana - Combine Results after some Regex operations

We have a table in Grafana with an elastic search data source. I try to combine all the results by the part of the string which I call "Name". Here are the results of our query: Results ...
Sekonder SS's user avatar
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Grafana / Elasticsearch datasource / Count values with no group by clause

With elasticsearch datasource, I would like to populate a stats widget with the count of records corresponding to a query. It seems it's mandatory to provide a group by field with the count option and ...
EricRV's user avatar
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2 answers

How to configure OpenSearch/ElasticSearch SQL plug-in as a datasource in Grafana?

OpenSearch (or ElasticSearch) has a SQL plug-in that is accessible via /_plugins/_sql URL. I can run a SQL Query on the ES Dashboard using a query like this: POST /_plugins/_sql { "query": ...
rrlamichhane's user avatar
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how to correctly use kql operators ( =, >, >= ) in Grafana

Right now I'm trying to transfer some old dashboards from kibana to Grafana 8.5+ Dashboards in kibana use filters for some mappings. For example we have some event: "JOB_STARTED" and this ...
Danila's user avatar
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Grafana Variables Query using ElasticSearch - Filter doesn't work

I am currently using Grafana v9.1.7 and ElasticSearch 8.4.2 What I'm trying to achieve is to create a dashboard that can filter the data by country. I have a keyword field named honeypot_country (it's ...
Kevin Hobert's user avatar
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Grafana Alert Value String Templating

I'm creating a Grafana alert with the Elastic datasource. The condition operator is grouping all meaningful labels from my alert. [ var='A0' metric='' labels={ value=1496 ], [ ...
Brandon Kauffman's user avatar
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Why Grafana Variables query from data source ElasticSearch returned None?

In elastic exist index gitlab-ci-store create POST PUT gitlab-ci-store { "mappings": { "properties": { "gitlab-ci-store": { "properties": { ...
Nikolay Baranenko's user avatar
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Grafana query filter by key and value

In my Grafana ElasticSearch Datasource, I have an attribute like this: === object_attributes.variables ==== [ { "key": "fruit", "value": "apple" }, { &...
Prabhu Vignesh Rajagopal's user avatar
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Get data from only the latest Elastic index in Grafana

I have a series of indexes in Elastic, myindex-YYYY.MM.DD. In a Grafana panel, I want to read data only from the latest such index each time. I have created a datasource [myindex-]YYYY.MM.DD with ...
Antonis Christofides's user avatar
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Metricbeat not show volume mount under dev filesystem

Let me explain the problem and context. This is a server for a database solution. The database was created with docker, and added a volume to the server. Then all docker installation path was moved to ...
Felipe Illanes's user avatar
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How to stringify object which returned from elastic search DB to display in grafana table?

I'm using grafana dashboard to display elastic search (jeager logs data) json data as table format. But some columns showing [object object] rows. I could resolve this by change cell display mode to ...
Vignesh's user avatar
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How to avoid escaping custom Grafana variable?

My Grafana dashboard shows statistics for some Elastic documents. Some of these documents have the attribute important_details, some don't. I want to create a "Has important details: Yes/No/All&...
Antonis Christofides's user avatar
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Grafana variable: Return all Elastic documents when selecting "All" and the attribute might be an empty list

Take the following Lucene query: provision_org.keyword:$provision_org If $provision_org has the value "hello", the query returns all documents where provision_org (a list) contains the item ...
Antonis Christofides's user avatar
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How to label the names on x-axis and also change names accordingly in ad-hoc filters in grafana elasticsearch?

Here if i want to change the name of others to something else. how must I do in grafana. my datasource is elasticsearc
Prayrie Sinha's user avatar
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Remove stopwords from Grafana user searches panel (elastic)

I have the following user searches panel in Grafana, and I want to remove stopwords like "and". While I've been able to do it using a Ruby filter in Logstash, I think I'd prefer to store the ...
Antonis Christofides's user avatar
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Set Interval in Time series to 1 second

I am trying to display logs from elastic search in grafana using the lucene query. It works overall but I will like to set the interval in the time series as 1 second but from the grafana ui it seems ...
Hakeem Baba's user avatar
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Grafana custom editor for every query/series

I was wondering if it is possible to write a custom editor (StandardEditorProps) that displays multiple input fields dynamically for every query (every series in the dataFrame). I would need the same ...
MetalHead's user avatar
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Grafana Elastic Histogram

I am making a graph in Grafana using Elasticsearch as datasource. I am using time series graph. Vertical Axis: count of documents Horizontal Axis: Latency in milliseconds Sample Graph: Graph As ...
Nobody's user avatar
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Grafana alerts - Error:failed to query data: context deadline exceeded

I am fairly new to grafana. I am currently running a dockerized version of Grafana v8.3.1. I have set up three alerts, all pointing to the same Elasticsearch data source. When I navigate to the “Alert ...
Pierre van der Westhuizen's user avatar
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How to create a Grafana dashboard from ElasticSearch logs

I have connected grafana to an elasticsearch data source. The goal is to create metric dashboards out of elastic search logs. I have two lucene queries in grafana. The first query retrieves all logs ...
Hakeem Baba's user avatar
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Properly plotting on Grafana from Elasticsearch data

I wan to plot a time series on Grafana from some documents stored in ElasticSearch. The documents are structured as follows: { "timestamp": date, "name1": str, "...
Simone Bolognini's user avatar
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Grafana with Elastic - Show requests count toguether with average response time

I'm new at Grafana and I'm trying to create a graph that shows the requests count together with the average response time for the requests, I was able to create my requests count but now I'm ...
Arthur Utiyama's user avatar
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Grafana Elasticsearch - Query condition that references field value

Given the following Elasticsearch document structure { "mappings": { "doc": { "properties": { "projectKey": { "type": &...
brunobastosg's user avatar
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Is there a way to transform a full path name to just a class name for labels in a bar chart

I am using ElasticSearch and Grafana to create a aggregated logging solution. The exceptions are being pushed to ElasticSearch no problem. But the library that I am using pushes the full name, for ...
uriDium's user avatar
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Is it possible to aggregate Loki logs by day on Grafana?

I have a set of logs like this: {"action": "action_a", "username": "user_1", "ts": "2021-09-10T02:18:14.103Z"} {"action": "...
zpr's user avatar
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Grafana - How can we join data from TimescaleDB and ElasticSearch?

Populate data from TimescaleDB and ElasticSearch based on a field which is present in both data sources.
Vanathi's user avatar
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Grafana Value Mapping an Array

So I'm using grafana to display some data in a table. So in my grafana table I have a column named 'request_types'. Its value is represented by an array such as ["all"], ["Music", &...
The Coder's user avatar
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Is there a way to parse messages in Grafana with elasticsearch as the source?

I am using Grafana v7.2.0 with Elasticsearch as a data source. My logs look like { "message": "Counter: 10", "id": "Rd57OnsBW_gLMXbXxjMh", "level&...
Karan Bhomia's user avatar
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How to create TPS dashboard in grafana with elasticsearch as the source

In graphana, i am not sure how to add queries for obtaining the TPS graph, and this is first time am using grafanaThis the Tps graph in jmeter In the image i get few fields, using that i need to ...
prabhu s's user avatar
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Update Grafana panel plugin on data received using React&TypeScript

I'm trying to make a custom panel plugin for Grafana 7.5.2 using TypeScript and React. At the moment I'm traying to understand the mechanics of updating the front-end (React) when new data is ...
MetalHead's user avatar
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How to groupby unique values from elasticsearch with grafana

Info: Grafana 7.5.7 Elastic 7.11 Linux OS I would like to know how can I get unique values from elasticsearch with Grafana’s query editor. My Query's Data is the following: Query: $snort Metric: ...
javi-ur96's user avatar
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Regex Query -- Grafana

Hi everyone I have Grafana v 7.5.7 and I'm trying to extract some content from my data. In this case, my goal is to take the message from snort alert. I created an event. original as my own variable ...
javi-ur96's user avatar

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